Current Cycle Log with PSL gear


New member
Hello Dear iron buddies,
Starting my new cycle with PSL gear. The plan was to start it at the beginning of this month but unfortunately due to some personal reasons and issues, had to postpone it till the mid of month. I will be regularly updating with my diet, pinning, workout and progress. My previous cycle was a good one and did a successful PCT with suitable time off.

Here is the summary of my plan for current cycle:
Total cycle length 16 weeks
Current weight 82 kg, BF 11-13%
Goals: lean gains. Increase in lean muscle mass with a dorp in BF%

Cycle plan:
Test prop 250mg/week as a kick start (week 1-3)
Sustanon 750mg/week split M-W-F
Boldenone 750mg/week M-W-F
Arimidex 1mg e3d
proviron 50mg ed
Tren ace 300-600mg/week (will start with 300mg and go all the way to 600mg maximum) week8-16

Most of the gear has already landed. Pictures attached. Oils look smooth and clear. The new labels of Euro pharmacies look cool. I have some AP gear from PSL left from previous cycle which I will use in this cycle as well.


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​Looks great bro! Nice touch with the proviron too. It's certainly a great cycle enhancer :)
Week 1 day 1:
Pinned 1cc sust, 1cc bold and 1cc prop. All loaded in one syringe. PIP was quite much. Can understand when doing 3cc at a site lol. took 50 mg proviron as well.
workout: Chest day
3 sets of incline Db presses
3sets of DB presses
2 sets of cable extensions
2 sets of incline fly
3 sets of pec machine
Diet was pretty good. Took a total of 500g of chicken fillets, white rice, eggs, veggies and fruits, 1.5 litres of milk,
here is a pic of my Monday breakfast.


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I will be following you closely bro.
About to start a cycle/log with PSL stuff very soon.
Been a customer for a couple of years now and always very happy with them!!
Hello Dear iron buddies,
Starting my new cycle with PSL gear. The plan was to start it at the beginning of this month but unfortunately due to some personal reasons and issues, had to postpone it till the mid of month. I will be regularly updating with my diet, pinning, workout and progress. My previous cycle was a good one and did a successful PCT with suitable time off.

Here is the summary of my plan for current cycle:
Total cycle length 16 weeks
Current weight 82 kg, BF 11-13%
Goals: lean gains. Increase in lean muscle mass with a dorp in BF%

Cycle plan:
Test prop 250mg/week as a kick start (week 1-3)
Sustanon 750mg/week split M-W-F
Boldenone 750mg/week M-W-F
Arimidex 1mg e3d
proviron 50mg ed
Tren ace 300-600mg/week (will start with 300mg and go all the way to 600mg maximum) week8-16

Most of the gear has already landed. Pictures attached. Oils look smooth and clear. The new labels of Euro pharmacies look cool. I have some AP gear from PSL left from previous cycle which I will use in this cycle as well.

Are you starting the prop and sus 250 at 250mg/week and 750mg/week from week 1 bro? Are you staying on the sus250 for 16 weeks and adding the Tren on week 8 or dropping the test on week 8 and switching to tren?
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Are you starting the prop and sus 250 at 250mg/week and 750mg/week from week 1 bro? Are you staying on the sus250 for 16 weeks and adding the Tren on week 8 or dropping the test on week 8 and switching to tren?
hi bro. i am doing yes i will do sust @ 750mg/week for 16 weeks but prop 100 mg eod 3x a week (300mg/week) to kick start for initial 3 weeks. Yes i will add tren on week 8. no i will not drop sust, i will continue sust @ 750mg/week throughout the cycle i.e 16 weeks. i usually like to run test higher than tren. in past have tried low test high tren but the sides were horrible and more prominent.
Week 1:
So far going great with diet and training.
Dosages: Last wendednesday-- 250mg susta, 100mg prop,250mg bold
Today (Friday): 250mg susta, 100mg prop,250mg bold
Taking 50mg proviron daily. did not arimidex yet. will start with by week 3 or 4.
Seems like prop has kicked in. Sex drive is going high. A slight increase in strength at gym as well

Workout has been great so far. doing one muscle group a day. Today was rest day. will do back tomorrow.
Here are some of the pics of my diet. I am very happy with my diet as I am more organized and disciplined than ever in diet. Much more importance to diet on this cycle.
my typical breakfast contains peanut butter, egg sandwiches with cheese, milk with cacao, fruits like banana or apple. Sometimes oatmeal, porridge in addition to normal breakfast
typical meal of the day is rice and chicken, veggies like carrot, cucumber, broccoli etc. taking protein shakes 2x a day plus bcaa, l glutamine, multivitamin, zinc and omegas
In addition to that I am taking egg whites all day long around 10 egg whites a day.


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I like that you are showing pics of your meals - removes the questions about your diet. Great log, I will be following!
Week 2 Friday (Black friday):

The progress has been going very well. I am very happy and satisfied so far. The prop has kicked in. Libido is super high. Its sky rocket and my gf in my head all the time :D

Training has been awesome so far we well. I am consuming around 4000 cals a day. Sometimes have to push really hard consuming that amount. Here are some of the pics taken recently to track progress.

I might look bloated but I am pretty happy the way I am lifting and gaining weight. Around 2.5 kg up in almost two weeks.


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Week 4 Thursday:
Mid of week 4 and things are turning. I am noticing great sense of well being, mood stability and super high libido. Once again here are my weekly dosages.
Proviron: 50mg/ED
Sustanon: 750mg
Boldenone: 750mg
Test P: 300mg
Seems like Prop and Sust are doing its job very nicely. Considerable strength gains and stamina. Will drop test P end of week 4 as it was meant to kick start which has been accomplished. I love the feelings of better mood and lifestyle. Being more confident in and out of gym. 15% increase in lifts. Had a minor issue while squatting went my all time best on squats but then decided to give my legs break for a week. Diet is perfectly spot on. Eating 4-5 times a day consuming as much calories as I can. Last week had a buffet with my GF. Had 10 egg whites, 1 and half pizzas, drinks, 2 bowls of salad, 8-10 chicken wings and plenty of dessert. Love these cheat days : )
damn :D winter is always to bulk for me and the place i am its freaking cold in winter lols so i prefer to eat lots lots to keep the machine going :D
​I'm with you there. I won't be taking my shirt off for a good sever months so I'm bulking HARD at the moment.