I bet you can do it man! I just started taking 200mgs of enhanced athletes dnp, only on day 4 but I can already see my abs getting more defined, I wish dnp didn't have such a bad rep

im using same brand DNP and its legit.. however i think their T3 might be bunk.. i have to be at 100mcg to notice something. I Did 200mcg since i woke up late and had to get to work. im really feeling it now but its not as bad as people say.. it was more nervousness thinking i had overdosed but im fine if i don't think about it.. no blurry vision not symptoms of over dossing.. mostly just hungry as fuck
I was honestly thinking about trying out their ment but id rather find a more trustworthy source cause I don't wanna spend $119 on some bunk gear
Have to be careful with the T3. It will eat anything, and it won't spare the muscle. If anything, I highly suggest you use some IGF to help keep the muscle around while shifting to fat burning.
Well I'm on 500 a week of test also so I'm hoping that will spare some muscle

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Ok guys sorry I haven't reported in a couple days, I had 3 teeth pulled friday and have been living life on loritabs for 2 days, been kinda in my own world is day 17 and my weight is 226 this morning so we are at 17 lbs in 17 days, since I had alot of body fat starting I don't see a whole lot of difference other than my arm size shrinking which I hate...all the girls love my arms now I'm just normal size 17 bicep...I'm gonna try to get down to 200, that would put me at around 11 percent bf if I keep the muscle I have now....I haven't been below 200 since the 9th grade 18 years ago lol...but I'm very happy with 250 mg dnp and 75 mcg of t3

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Damn nice.. you'll lose some more weight 5 to 10 days after dnp and you I'll regain some size on your arms.
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I know I should also lose some weights when I quit taking the loritabs they hold water plus, constipation is a side effect, haven't been to the bathroom since thursday, so I'm sure I got a pundits or 2 that will empty out when I quit taking them....have taken 4 stool softeners so now it's a waiting game lol

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I know I should also lose some weights when I quit taking the loritabs they hold water plus, constipation is a side effect, haven't been to the bathroom since thursday, so I'm sure I got a pundits or 2 that will empty out when I quit taking them....have taken 4 stool softeners so now it's a waiting game lol

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I started taking PB Assist+ from DoTerra - it is a special probiotic (and prebiotic) and it changed me from only pooping every 2 to 3 days to pooping every single day. Just one capsule each morning with breakfast and I am good. Took a few days to kick in. I have a friend who sells DoTerra and he recommended it, and I am happy he did! If you want more info, PM me.
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Well today I am weighing 225.2 so that's 18 lbs, seem to be losing muscle as well as fat, I blame the t3 but without it the loss would be slower so I'm gonna keep using it.

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I started taking PB Assist+ from DoTerra - it is a special probiotic (and prebiotic) and it changed me from only pooping every 2 to 3 days to pooping every single day. Just one capsule each morning with breakfast and I am good. Took a few days to kick in. I have a friend who sells DoTerra and he recommended it, and I am happy he did! If you want more info, PM me.
Well my poop I sure is irregular because of all the pain pills from having the teeth pulled, it's been 5 days and my mouth is still throbbing if I don't take one every e to 4 hours....has absolutely killed my appetite

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Well end of 3 weeks and a total of 20lbs lost, have not worked out in a week due to having 3 teeth pulled getting dry socket, anytime I strain it throbs in my mouth hopefully soon I can get back to the gym I've decided since I'm doing so good on 250mg to go ahead and run for 30 days which will be next Saturday as my last day

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I know everyones body is different, but I think 250mg is the sweet spot. Fat lose is slow and steady and the sides are very tolerable.
This is also with being on 500 aweek of test enanthate also so I'm sure when I quit dnp and test some more pound will fall off, at this point I feel I'm losing muscle as well but my body fat was out of control so my plan is to cut down to under 200 lbs giving me a better base to get bigger again

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Today is the end of the 4th week and I only lost 1 pound this week, so that let's me know that anything more than 3 weeks is really a waste. I am finished with this cycle gonna take a few weeks off while continuing to run the t3 and test...I will run another 3 week cycle again before it starts to warm loss was 21 lbs in 4 weeks, but to be honest I think I lost alot of muscle in the process everything but my belly shrank, gonna keep losing for another 20 lbs and start building again.

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you are retaining lots of water.. your muscle will go back to normal in a week and the belly will go away.. that's how DNP works

im half way into week 3.. my first cycle I lost another 5 lbs within a week of stopping DNP