Well that's good to know,,,my arms lost almost 2 inches in size in a month, I have a powerlifter look, well now I just look like a normal sized guy with a bit of a gut lol

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on my first cycle my face was bloated.. made me look fatter but weight kept going down.. this time around my face is slimmer but my arms don't get the pump.. in a 4 week period I have had a major transformation. you can actually take a diuretic to flush the water out but you have to quit DNP.. you will be at risk of dehydrating if you dont.

to knock off the last of the body fat you have I would do a small cycle of Cardarine and ostarine and leave DNP alone.. if I was only to lose 20 lbs that's what id do and not mess with DNP at all... I still need to lose 130 lbs of fat and want to get it done by next summer. that will put me at 195 lbs.. I will be bulking in the process using ostarine and igf for 8 weeks. then 2 months later do a 12 week cycle with igf.

I have 5 month supply of a sarm stack that I got from EA
Well I've got about 6 weeks of t3 left, along with 45 250mg dnp caps left. After I finish I'm staying on the test a few weeks while my thyroid restarts, hoping the test and good diet will get the shut down thyroid from putting fat on.

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I am curious how Dnp would work coming off a ketones diet to use for a quick carb up then back into keto? This maybe the best of both worlds.
It makes you sensitive to insulin. You will be in an anobolic mode and the muscle will rebound.. carb up after the cycle
how is the updates coming?

its been 4 days since you quit. have you lost any more weight after discontinuing?
I would take a 30 day break and start next cycle.. im doing really good on my second cycle.. first cycle was 16 lbs in 3 weeks. now since feb 13 I have lost 28 lbs and from the last week of jan im down 41 lbs with the 2 cycles back to back with a 3 week rest.. DNP is no joke when it comes to losing weight. first cycle no T3 or IGF -1 so don't know if its helping any. I have 33 days to go to end this cycle and at the rate im losing now I might be losing 49.5 lbs more but im expecting it to slow down if I don't pick up my cardio
Well I've got about 6 weeks of t3 left, along with 45 250mg dnp caps left. After I finish I'm staying on the test a few weeks while my thyroid restarts, hoping the test and good diet will get the shut down thyroid from putting fat on.

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Any updates?
Today is one complete week off of dnp...I'm still on t3 and test as well...but as of this morning I am weighing 212 which is 10 more pounds lost since I come off of goal was to lose 30 lbs well I have lost 31 and still have no definition...I am weigh exactly what I did when I started lifting 1 year ago but arms are 2.5 inches bigger and chest is 2 inches bigger,,my belly is the same it was a year ago but 3 inches smaller than when I started the cycle...several of the really big guys at my gym have said I need to get to around 180 before trying to put anything else on...doing the math from what I was before I should be around 10% bf at's 32 more lbs so I'm gonna give it a go....after 1 more week I'm gonna get back on dnp because it's gonna start warming up soon and I have an outdoor job so I don't wanna wait 30 days to start again and be falling out in 80 degree weather...

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Brother you have come a long way, don't sell yourself short. Watch your diet and let you body reset. Don't depend on the gear to get you where you want to be.
I agree with drtbear.. you didn't get fat overnight so why try and get skinny over night.. you lost 30lbs good for you.. take a month or 2 of rest. stop the T3 as well but taper off it.. last thing you want is your body to depend on it the rest of your life. get on DNP in May and if it gets too hot just lower the dose till youre comfortable. don't be another statistic for DNP.. keep it safe.. im going to be on it 2 more weeks and will stay off it till fall.. no rush in getting skinny.. heck, maybe with a clean diet and daily cardio I will get to my goal weight by fall and might not even need to do another DNP cycle..
since youre running test why not add avar or winny to your stack? Avar will help make muscles harder and help burn some fat.. its not a miracle but they help burn fat.. maybe do 2 cycles from now till end of winter.. let your body rest from the cycles so you wont mess your system.. don't use avar more than 6 weeks. I will use that the last 6 weeks of my cycle hardened me up and help with fat loss. it might not help much but if it does help with 10lb then 10lb is 10lbs