ECA about that time..


New member
so it seems no mater what i do, i cant shift the middle age spread..38 years young..:D
so im gona have to go the ECA route i guess..never used them before used caffeine pills alot as a little booost..but REALLY need to shift this keg i got going on.
off to brazil in 4 weeks so just ordered in ephdrine 30mg caffiene 200mg and need to go buy some asprin about 100mg(right????)

my Q is should i tapper up the stack say 15/200/100.for a few days..or just go with 30/200/100..
also do i just take on training or cardio days or 7 days a week and for how long im thinking 2 weeks on 1 week off. or just blast the whole 4 weeks on and drop that bad boy right out the ball park..
can i run this while on AAS is there a draw back to running it on cycle....cheers..:thumbsup:
First, I think you're going to like it especially while dieting. I've always used 24/200/81 (most aspirin comes in 81mg tabs) ratio but I don't think another 6mg's of E is going to have a negative effect. I wouldn't taper up I think you'll be fine to start at the normal dose/ratio. Taking it while on AAS is a good thing. I'd take it everyday and two weeks in a row is about the max I'd run it. Some take benadryl to prevent the beta receptors from downregulating after two weeks and continue to run EAC longer. I have no personal experience with the benadryl so hopefully some else will chime in. You could switch to clen but I think it works on the same beat 2 and 3 receptors but just a little differently that might not be worth it either. Hope this helps!
yep thanks for not realy dieting as such i just try to eat clean..i dont like to use the diet word makes me think of fat people and the term its not working ..all i ever here is im on another diet..and i cant loose weight..hence i dont use the word diet
i just eat as clean as i can with out boiling my chicken/fish ect..and up my cardio 2-3 times per week 30-45 mins HIT per week plus im hoping with the ECA that will take me where i need to be fair ive not got much to lose after abbs ive got some nice definition..just cant seem to lose that last few stuborn pounds ..
so it seems no mater what i do, i cant shift the middle age spread..38 years young..:D
so im gona have to go the ECA route i guess..never used them before used caffeine pills alot as a little booost..but REALLY need to shift this keg i got going on.
off to brazil in 4 weeks so just ordered in ephdrine 30mg caffiene 200mg and need to go buy some asprin about 100mg(right????)

my Q is should i tapper up the stack say 15/200/100.for a few days..or just go with 30/200/100..
also do i just take on training or cardio days or 7 days a week and for how long im thinking 2 weeks on 1 week off. or just blast the whole 4 weeks on and drop that bad boy right out the ball park..
can i run this while on AAS is there a draw back to running it on cycle....cheers..:thumbsup:

Im back on eca stack now and have been for about 7 months, i take it every single day, gym or no gym, i would take it everyday! I would also go right to your max dosage! Also I suggest taking it the full 4 weeks and their is no downside to taking the ca stack with gear! Truth is it will be better yet with gear, your resting heart rate will be higher and you will burn more fat just sitting still, so best of luck with it bro!!
Thanks for the fast reply Presser! I can just walk in rite aid and go to the counter and ask for Bronkaid right (and of course also get the caffeine tabs and aspirin)?
Thanks for the fast reply Presser! I can just walk in rite aid and go to the counter and ask for Bronkaid right (and of course also get the caffeine tabs and aspirin)?

NO you dont want BronkAid as thats Ephedrine Sulfate, you want to get Ephedrine HCL , so you wanna buy Primatine brand, which is HCL! Primatine should be in all the pharmacys, i know i get mine in Walgreens, the Sulfate is a waist bro,
Yeah ECA is awesome!! There is also a product made by ManPower that I am hearing wonderful things about called DNC, though I have never used it, it is supposed to be even stronger...

Bronkaid is ephedrine sulfate
Primatene has ephedrine HCL (that is the preffered version by most)
though both will work.

They both contain guaifenesin which long term is not if you can get Pure Ephedrine HCL then that would be preferential.

It can't be sold as a dietary supplement, though it is sold as a "bronchiodiolator" aka for Asthma purposes

If you buy from the Pharmacy be prepared to present ID and only are allowed to purchase 1-2 boxes at a time, at least in my State.

Also, you are allowed to possess up to 9grams of Ephedrine in the US, though only 7.5 grams can be shipped at any given time to you...

If you possess 8.9 grams you are an Asthma Patient, if you possess 9.1 grams you are a "criminal" and will be charged with a Felony. Another fantastic law that makes oh so much sense **rolling eyes**
Thanks again Presser! And thanks for the clarification Wes! That is very helpful brother. I don't want to keep asking stupid questions, but I really have no experience with fat loss supps just gear LOL. What should my dosage be and how long can I run it safely? Should I take it pre workout or with meals?
Yeah ECA is awesome!! There is also a product made by ManPower that I am hearing wonderful things about called DNC, though I have never used it, it is supposed to be even stronger...

Bronkaid is ephedrine sulfate
Primatene has ephedrine HCL (that is the preffered version by most)
though both will work.

They both contain guaifenesin which long term is not if you can get Pure Ephedrine HCL then that would be preferential.

It can't be sold as a dietary supplement, though it is sold as a "bronchiodiolator" aka for Asthma purposes

If you buy from the Pharmacy be prepared to present ID and only are allowed to purchase 1-2 boxes at a time, at least in my State.

Also, you are allowed to possess up to 9grams of Ephedrine in the US, though only 7.5 grams can be shipped at any given time to you...

If you possess 8.9 grams you are an Asthma Patient, if you possess 9.1 grams you are a "criminal" and will be charged with a Felony. Another fantastic law that makes oh so much sense **rolling eyes**

Yes I forgot to mention you will need ID most likely, I know you need it in New Jersey! And you have to go back to the Pharmacy and ask for the primatine! As its not on the shelves, the pharmacist has to get it with all the controled meds, but its 100% legal and you need ID like Wes said!

Wes when are you getting your Law License cause you would make a killer lawyer! Not kidding either brutha!
Thanks again Presser! And thanks for the clarification Wes! That is very helpful brother. I don't want to keep asking stupid questions, but I really have no experience with fat loss supps just gear LOL. What should my dosage be and how long can I run it safely? Should I take it pre workout or with meals?

Yes take it about 15-30 minutes prior to training and it will hit you like a train! I also like to take my eca stack then eat some oatmeal, then hit the gym, for whatever reason the eca stack hits me alot harder when i eat right after i take it, I always assumed its because when taken alone maybe your stomach acid kills some of the stack, not really sure why but its better with food for me!

and you would be suited well to start with 25mgs ephedrine hcl, 400 mg Caffiene, and 100-150mg Asperin

I take double that sometimes, but thats a great start
And the only stupid questions are the ones you dont ask about, i think that sounded right,lol, basicly theirs no such thing as a dumb question around here
Yes take it about 15-30 minutes prior to training and it will hit you like a train! I also like to take my eca stack then eat some oatmeal, then hit the gym, for whatever reason the eca stack hits me alot harder when i eat right after i take it, I always assumed its because when taken alone maybe your stomach acid kills some of the stack, not really sure why but its better with food for me!

and you would be suited well to start with 25mgs ephedrine hcl, 400 mg Caffiene, and 100-150mg Asperin

I take double that sometimes, but thats a great start

Thanks so much! So 25 - 400 - (100-150) preworkout once per day and that's it?
Yes I forgot to mention you will need ID most likely, I know you need it in New Jersey! And you have to go back to the Pharmacy and ask for the primatine! As its not on the shelves, the pharmacist has to get it with all the controled meds, but its 100% legal and you need ID like Wes said!

Wes when are you getting your Law License cause you would make a killer lawyer! Not kidding either brutha!

Thank you Presser :) I was a Pre-Law Undergrad, that is what my bachelor's is in...

One year interning in the Court System was enough for me to know it is a complete failure and I want nothing to do with it...

But TY for the very nice compliment! I like your dosing schedule, I gotta give that 400mgs a go again, I usually stick with 200- I will be off the wall...Also if you get a chance check out that DNC I am talking about, it may be something you would like!