ECA about that time..

i love this site... i been on a lean bulking diet for 6 weeks... never dieted before feel great.. right now im all natural... just ordered 5 bottles of igf.... was looking for something to stack it with....i live in NY i can walk right into the pharmarcy and ask for primatene ephedrine and then just buy that vivarin caffeine and just use aspirin and thats it?
As Presser said I assume laws are the same acorss the board. The only thing is that you must register with the pharmacy and as long as you dont buy a overabundance of the stuff (as to be used in some meth lab or whattever), they wont say a thing.

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3 more questions:

Is this something that can be used yr round or be cycled?
Can more than one dose be used in a day?
Does anyone have any linkys for ephedra? Dont they sell a lot out of Canada?

As Presser said I assume laws are the same acorss the board. The only thing is that you must register with the pharmacy and as long as you dont buy a overabundance of the stuff (as to be used in some meth lab or whattever), they wont say a thing.

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3 more questions:

Is this something that can be used yr round or be cycled?
Can more than one dose be used in a day?
Does anyone have any linkys for ephedra? Dont they sell a lot out of Canada?


1-ive took 3 a day no problems apart from sweating..
2-ive pm u a link they have a half price sale on right now was $ $49...thats for 600.but they are all half priced.
3-from what ive read yes u can but u lose that hit but the fat burning stays the same so dont over do it.
I take this stuff year round, when I can afford it, it helps me stay lean and tight..It's my favorite and I believe Presser would agree...

Hey alpha, i took it with explosion, but I like it much better with the new ALL-IN...because the ALL IN has no stimulants in it..

Also, for me like Presser said, take this stuff on an empty stomach....I swear to you it makes all the difference in the world. I will take it the second I roll out of bed, and don't eat for a solid 30minutes after you take it...

Once you experience it's true effects, working out without it sucks.
^Yep that's it :)

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I take this stuff year round, when I can afford it, it helps me stay lean and tight..It's my favorite and I believe Presser would agree...

Hey alpha, i took it with explosion, but I like it much better with the new ALL-IN...because the ALL IN has no stimulants in it..

Also, for me like Presser said, take this stuff on an empty stomach....I swear to you it makes all the difference in the world. I will take it the second I roll out of bed, and don't eat for a solid 30minutes after you take it...

Once you experience it's true effects, working out without it sucks.

Thanks for the additional info Wesley!
now presser and wes... i wake up at 7am for work.... but dont hit the gym till 730pm.... i would like to get the energy from it for the gym as well on an empty long after my last meal should i take it? i eat every 3 hours? so if i eat at 3:30 then again at 6:30 and gym at 7:30 when should i take it like right before 6:30?
now presser and wes... i wake up at 7am for work.... but dont hit the gym till 730pm.... i would like to get the energy from it for the gym as well on an empty long after my last meal should i take it? i eat every 3 hours? so if i eat at 3:30 then again at 6:30 and gym at 7:30 when should i take it like right before 6:30?

Sorry Cream, just saw your posts...

This is a tough call, I would not take it that late at night or you will not sleep IMO...

If you take it first thing upon waking up with a cup of coffee and dont eat for another 30mins, you will see what Presser and I mean, it will wake you up and make you nice and alert and tons of energy for your day...

If you had to take it at nighttime Id say take it pre-workout, I notice 30mins before is when it works best. But again you may not sleep, unless of course you want to take a sleeping pill like ambien, then you are good to go.

I like it at 50E/200C/81A..

^^ Lets see what Presser says, he is the one that introduced me to this stuff back in early 2000's..I remember him raving about it when MC first started and I never initially gave it a second look, but now this is what I consider a staple. I could take this and not eat and still hit PR's in the gym.
ive gone to the gym at 9pm the past 2 nights and have been running on 2 hours of sleep the past 2 nights and its almost 2am now even after hard workout i cant sleep so id suggest not taking it after 5pm if you plan on sleeping by midnight

or somehow change your schedule and go to the gym in the morning thats what ive got to start doing
if i get up before work then i would take it right away with 1 cup of coffee and aspirin... and then eat 30 mins long would u wait till hittin the weights
if i get up before work then i would take it right away with 1 cup of coffee and aspirin... and then eat 30 mins long would u wait till hittin the weights

Is that the only way you get your caffiene intake brutha? I try to get mine by pills, and I been using 800mg caffiene (4 tabs) with my stack, and I would make sure i hit the gym atleast within an hour of taking ur stack! I hate it when I peaked from my ECA stack before getting to the gym

I try to take my stack, then eat some oatmeal over it, then hit the gym in 30 minutes
Is that the only way you get your caffiene intake brutha? I try to get mine by pills, and I been using 800mg caffiene (4 tabs) with my stack, and I would make sure i hit the gym atleast within an hour of taking ur stack! I hate it when I peaked from my ECA stack before getting to the gym

I try to take my stack, then eat some oatmeal over it, then hit the gym in 30 minutes

I have been thinking more and more about trying the ECA stack.. Do you take a pre-workout drink with it or not ?
my thoughts on this stuff..
it is a great pre work out in fact amazing on of the best ive used if i dont hit that gym my legs are shaking and im tapping my
i can get 150-160 bpm just on 20-30 mins incline walk..any more than 60mg and i can get abit twitchy i even try'd 90mg big mistake that was..
as for taking it first thing am before breakfast i find i just cant eat and i leave my eggs and also struggle with the next meal at 930am as well.

so ive adjusted my meal plan and have the eca around 1130-12 and have a shake before gym rather than a meal this helps alot i think as im eating my main meal at 10am.
also i would like to point out that i just can not take this if im not working or going the gym if u remember i did say i was senstive to caffiene ect..
i just drives me crazy sitting at home i find my self just tapping my foot and fingers and there is no music even i start to get bored real quick..
defo will keep using it..defo lost some gut but not as much as i would of liked as my hamsting has stopped my from hard cardio..

thanks for all the responses and the heads up as well