ECA about that time..

i was hoping u would chime in presser i know its a fav of yours..ive got 30mg pharm grade hcl coming so u would suggest 400mg of caffeine..MMMmmm ok i will go with 200 for now see how i feel as i dont take any caffeine at all ..hell even cola get me wired dont do coffee any thing like i will see how wired the whole stack makes me fisrt then bump it up later..

its good u say to take with a oatmeal base as im changing my meals around abit and have a main meal at 10:00 1030 then a shake with 2 scoops of oatbran with the ECA. just before gym 12-1230..
just waiting for the post man now..
what i have noticed there is so much crap out there it took me awhile searching to find the good stuff..and the price of a stack all in one pill is just stupid like double that if u just make your own up..wat a joke..and u need to be carefull u are getting hcl as well if it dont say it then i aint buying it.if u dont read the small print u will get some bloody ginsing and paprika powder.called some crap with like 4-5mg of ephdrine or even

thks guys..
GEEEZ, 8% is super lean as it is brutha, you might disapear altogether if u take the eca stack,lol

I try to stay lean year round. I used to have a terrible metabolism. When I was younger, I was around 15% and stayed there even with lots of cardio. When I started the training and diet I got to about 12% and stayed there and gear has allowed me to continually improve my metabolism over the years. It seems like now I can't gain bodyfat (within reason LOL). I don't think I could do the cereal like wes does every night :) and still stay lean on top of what I eat all day, but I do eat a good bit of food out and ice cream.
Awesome I'm excited. I'm around 8% right now so I should be looking pretty lean after the ECA stack! :)

MAN U MUST BE RIPPED...gutted...ok any 1 that is 8% body fat cant post on here any more...pmsl..holds head in play if i could get 10-12 i would be buzzing its been a while
MAN U MUST BE RIPPED...gutted...ok any 1 that is 8% body fat cant post on here any more...pmsl..holds head in play if i could get 10-12 i would be buzzing its been a while

I have decent abs, but I hold bodyfat weird so I don't look as lean as I am. I also get moon face on almost every AAS (which sucks), so that takes away from the lean look. I want to be bigger and stronger though :)

Have you ever tried metformin?
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I have decent abs, but I hold bodyfat weird so I don't look as lean as I am. I also get moon face on almost every AAS (which sucks), so that takes away from the lean look. I want to be bigger and stronger though :)

dont be modest i bet u can strike a match on
never really get moon face even with db..i just get gyno..GREAT..
dont be modest i bet u can strike a match on
never really get moon face even with db..i just get gyno..GREAT..

If the ECA is as great as everyone says, then I prob will be able to strike a match on them when I'm done LOL. I am fortunate to not be gyno prone as well. The only time I ever got gyno was recently actually and it was with an OTC Havoc - which I love btw. But a week of letro and the gyno was gone. But you should look into metformin if you haven't.
i dont want to strangle this thread and maybe we should start a new one..but i was looking at that havoc otc stuff..they are seling this stuff as the new hormone that will keep u lean while pounding on the muscle with little sides...if this raises test u are gona have to do pct right funny it dont say shit about that in the advert..and i think its wrong that companys sell this stuf with no consideration to people who use it..i think 1 month on with out pct even though it aint a AAS u are gona have some issues IE gonad shut down,and at the very least low labido..
dont u think its funny that the only time u get gyno was form some over the counter stuff...i swear its just away to get aroung laws and fuck the jo public in the process..
Wes, have you tried the DNC out? I was curious about it when I saw your thread.

No I have not but as you probably saw on the other thread, the feedback was well in favor of this product being stronger then ECA...

If I were you though in hindsight, I'd start with ECA, and go from there...You don't want to jump up higher then that from the start, ECA makes some people jittery, etc...

For me, I won't train without it... I like the ALL IN preworkout from Prescription Nutrition mixed with ECA, works awesome. YGPM
what did u decide on taking bro? just curious if u took the eca stack, how you liked it?
Any Pharmacy has Ephedrine HCL, you just need ID bro and ask back at Pharmacy area as they keep it back there, and you need to ask for the Primatine brand, then grab ur asperin and caffiene and ur set
Any Pharmacy has Ephedrine HCL, you just need ID bro and ask back at Pharmacy area as they keep it back there, and you need to ask for the Primatine brand, then grab ur asperin and caffiene and ur set

Thanks Boss
well to be honest ive only took it right after food today and it was a big meal 30 mins before training..i was thinking it was bunk gear at first but then i was like who is gona fake ephdrine..RIGHT???
So i was just thinking it was because i had a full work tomorrow so i will have it before my shake/oats..then im gona know for sure..they have got a money back took me ages to find a good source all the rest where 8mg per tab..maybe i was expecting to much from it.. im sure it was because of a full stomach..underdosed i get jiggery on 400mg of caffiene i was expecting a bomb to go off..if any thing i can always up the dose..
your suppose to take the stack first then eat, it hits fast and hard, where as if u take the stack after the meal it takes longer to hit,
well to be honest ive only took it right after food today and it was a big meal 30 mins before training..i was thinking it was bunk gear at first but then i was like who is gona fake ephdrine..RIGHT???
So i was just thinking it was because i had a full work tomorrow so i will have it before my shake/oats..then im gona know for sure..they have got a money back took me ages to find a good source all the rest where 8mg per tab..maybe i was expecting to much from it.. im sure it was because of a full stomach..underdosed i get jiggery on 400mg of caffiene i was expecting a bomb to go off..if any thing i can always up the dose..

bro if this is your first time taking an eca stack then it should be like a bomb going off! NO BS