Just started working with Heinz...

Good idea!!! Wait for the pics and get focus!!! I understand it take about 2 weeks to get use to the program, just do it baby!!!
Yeah, i'll be putting pics up monday. i've stuck to the diet the last two weeks, had my first cheat meal last night and didn't go overboard with it. I was thinking my weight would be up a little this morning from the increased glycogen and water but it is sitting at 181. I got all the cardio in and hit the gym pretty hard. So hopefully come monday the calipers will reflect the work im putting in which im sure it will.
Yeah, i'll be putting pics up monday. i've stuck to the diet the last two weeks, had my first cheat meal last night and didn't go overboard with it. I was thinking my weight would be up a little this morning from the increased glycogen and water but it is sitting at 181. I got all the cardio in and hit the gym pretty hard. So hopefully come monday the calipers will reflect the work im putting in which im sure it will.

sounds good bro, must have been hard not going over board on the cheat meal,lol,