NukNuk's Log to Nationals...

i think nuk's gonna be freaky and do well this year at hoping to help power him to his best
will have new pics these weekend. My weight is going up and down, but staying around 245lbs. Im quessing it is from getting back on and the IGF always keeps my weight up.
Weight is not really moving at all. Was 244lbs today. But I am leaner. Here is a ab shot from today.
Nuk, how is your strength compared to last time at same weight? I know your not looking for strength your building muscle but I'm just interested in the amount of weight your using compared to this stage of your prep to last prep.
You're really gonna kill it bro!!!! Keep your eyes on the prize my friend.
Nuk, how is your strength compared to last time at same weight? I know your not looking for strength your building muscle but I'm just interested in the amount of weight your using compared to this stage of your prep to last prep.

These days I have good days and bad days with strength. Years ago I was way stronger than I am now, but for some reason I do have it like I used to.
That's crazy lean at 244 bro! How's the carb cycling going? How are you running your cycle, low for 3 days then high for 1?
Well I have had a overall rough past 6 days. Took a bad shoot, running fevers, gained weight, couldnt train or do cardio. Been stressed and body took notice. Weight jumped up to 250lbs for like 4 days in a row. Today I was back down to 243, so hopefully things can get going back on track. I took pics but looked like shit, so I will take some more later.
Well I have had a overall rough past 6 days. Took a bad shoot, running fevers, gained weight, couldnt train or do cardio. Been stressed and body took notice. Weight jumped up to 250lbs for like 4 days in a row. Today I was back down to 243, so hopefully things can get going back on track. I took pics but looked like shit, so I will take some more later.

Sorry to hear that brutha! You think u got sick from the stress of dieting or just a run of the mill cold?

And im sure the pictures of you sick are better then most people on their best day,lmao