post cycle pics...

Age 25, 6'2", went from 194 at 9.9% BF to 221 at 12% BF. Currently at 212 (now, 11 weeks since last shot). I added over an inch on my arms, 3 inches on my chest and 2 inches on my thighs, while keeping my waist line the same. Check my other thread "before and afters".

The cycle was:
1-12 enan 500mgs, deca 400mgs/wk
1-4 dbol 30mgs ED
16-19 Clomid 300, 100, 50mgs
1-12 Liquidex 0.5mgs ED
5-12 nolvadex 20 mgs ED

Not to mention hard training and a strict bulking diet of about 3,500 calories ED.
Nice work. You look leaner in your afters than in your befores! Hard to believe your bf% went up. Great job!