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  1. B

    Running before workout

    Walk, eliptical, and biking are all good options and not as hard on the body.
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    What is a good appetite suppressant?

    As other's said drinking water or low cal sports drinks helps temporarily and ECA/ephedrine works well.
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    Been waking up and staying up at 4:30 am every fucking day and it sucks!

    Sounds like a benzo from the name...use sparingly and don't become dependent on it. My doc prescribed me Xanax and Klonopin for years and I feel like in the end my sleep issues worse.
  4. B

    13% off all weekend long in celebration of a NEW you

    damn I didn't see this promo and I just ordered a few more items. oh well maybe next time around.
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    Sublingual test prop

    It seems that test base would be better. Never heard of this though.
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    Traveling with gear

    mail it to yourself.
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    Big gains....

    Agreed...most veterans would be lucky to add 7-10lbs of lean mass in a year
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    Was steroids used when you was in high school?

    I think there was a few guys that were on when I was in high school. One of them was benching over 400 and the other was cleaning 315+ for reps. They were just much bigger and stronger than the rest of us. I didn't even think of it then, but it seems likely. The rest of us just took creatine and...
  9. B

    When do you cut it short or skip?

    There are times I'm just not feeling it and will go about 3/4 weight and speed through my workout so I can get out asap. I hate having to leave my house to even go to the gym so I better at least go through my routine even half assed. lol. I always say it's better than nothing and at the very...
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    Fast Food Menus

    If you get rid of the carbs in many fast food items they become okay. I know Carls Jr advertised burgers without the buns and they even sell Turkey Burgers that were decent in terms of calories/fat.
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    Fast Food Menus

    Presser that is the worst spelling of quesadilla (casadia) ever. lol.
  12. B

    Sleep Issues, Cant Sleep more then 6 hours if that!

    I have this exact same problem. I just gave up on trying to sleep until a certain time anymore. Once I start tossing and turning I normally just get up. Occasionally if its really early like before 2:30am I'll pop a benadryl and try to go back to sleep. Often I just fall asleep and wake up every...
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    Gym machines...

    I need to check but I believe the machines at my gym are star trac. I like most of them, but still prefer free weights for most chest movements.
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    Super DMZ 2.0 DISCOUNT

    Hasn't done anything to my hairline, but I've never really had issues with my hair so I might not be a good indicator.
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    Any GNC shoppers here?

    I typically don't shop there, but needed some protein on the spot one day so went into one. Those guys are trying to sell me all sorts of crap and giving me "information" on the best proteins and other supplements. It all sounded good to the untrained ear, but most of what he said was completely...
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    Only 3 days left

    Shit, the calender I just bought only goes to December 31st, 2013. We are all fucked! Time to build an underground bunker for the apocalypse. :uhoh:
  17. B

    Posing during workout.?

    I agree with Gerry. Flexing muscles worked a bit between sets is one thing, but full on posing routine between sets is a bit goofy. If you are going to do all that go into one of the mirrored rooms and pose.
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    Skin care while on a cycle

    I second this. My girlfriend gets custom soap that contains tea tree oil from a soap maker and it works pretty good for keeping my skin clear and dry. Not that I'm on a ton of stuff, but the super dmz was causing some acne initially and this definitely helped.
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    Pain and Gain movie trailer

    I read an article on yahoo how Mark Wahlberg gained 40lbs in two months for this movie - By just eating a lot and working out a few hours per day. lol.
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    Using Gear whike trying to impregnant the wife

    I've read from various sources that although AAS reduces sperm count and mobility it does not cause any sperm mutations or intracellular damage. You can check out the pubmed website to look at various studies.