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    Back injury, or something else??? Anyone have this happen to them??

    You feed your cats 3x per night? Anyways, Sounds like you twisted something funny...I've somehow caused horrible pains in my neck and back just from turning around. I must be getting old. lol.
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    Cardio- What do you rely on?

    Namely running on the treadmill, but if it wasn't so damn cold I would run outside. Less boring than the treadmill and I can go much farther it seems. The stair stepper and eliptical aren't bad either.
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    In total I probably spend about 750-850 per year. I probably could afford more, but I'm a cheap cheap bastard and seems pointless to blow tons of money on gifts.
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    Trenabolone- effects good and bad

    Almost forgot seems to be hard on the kidneys as well - piss becomes really dark and stinks. Anyone else with that issue?
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    Trenabolone- effects good and bad

    Feels slightly poisonous at times. lol. There are quite a few sides with it namely the night sweats/excessive sweating during the day, sleep issues, aggression, oily skin, acne, sexual problems, hair loss, blood pressure issues, increased levels of progesterone/prolactin - which could lead to...
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    Dmz 2

    nope went away after a few days.
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    Dmz 2

    There seemed to be some water retention early on for me, but not nearly as bad as d-bol and doesn't seem to be caused by estrogen which I should just point out water retention isn't always caused by estrogen. There are many other hormones and bodily functions that can cause a person to hold water.
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    Dmz 2

    It stopped after a couple of weeks, but I noticed it doesn't screw up my sleep as much if I take it in the morning and not later in the day.
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    Prescription Nutrition announces new flavors for proteins, AnaMASS, and other product

    Bro definitely do all of your development ideas. My girlfriend has been looking for a good cake batter everywhere. I would probably get 10-15 lbs off the bat.
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    Trying to gain some weight with a proper diet...

    Eating earlier in the morning has helped quite a bit. Once I eat in the morning I can normally eat more throughout the day. I had a bad habit of not eating breakfast and since starting to eat it regularly I get hungry more often. Maybe not a good thing for me since I've gained 7lbs in the last...
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    Dmz 2

    It's legal and can be ordered in the open market.
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    Dmz 2

    hunger, thirst, slightly oily skin, muscle pumps/slight cramping, and a little water retention have been the main side effects for me. edit: almost forgot sleep issues the first few weeks.
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    off season diet starts next week

    What are you doing for carbs as replacement? More complex carbs - sweet potatoes, whole grains, brown rice?
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    Planet Fitness

    At least all of the free weights are not in use. lol. As a gym I think planet fitness is dumb, but the commercials are comical. I probably wouldn't be laughing if I had to work out there. lol.
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    Planet Fitness

    I haven't seen that one and it is hilarious.
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    What to do??

    I work out really fast most of the time and give my self little time in between sets which helps with the interruptions or giving someone a opportunity to chat with me. I have no desire to be in the gym for more than an hour at a time nor am I looking for friends so it doesn't bother me. Wow...
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    Can you give me some ideas on what to have in my home buffet?

    I'm sure you can throw most of those things in there, but mainly I would be worried about foods drying out after being in it for too long. Ever go to a cheap buffet where the food was sitting in one of those warmers for way too long? lol. Soups, and stews would probably be good in it. Maybe if...
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    What to do??

    Don't make eye contact with anyone at the gym. Keep your head down. Don't give them any chances to talk to you - Keep moving around like you've got somewhere to go. In fact just ignore people or brush them off if they attempt to talk to you. If you feel really bad you can tell them your are...
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    Gym rates...

    I pay 10 bucks a month. I've been thinking about paying 20 to also get tanning, but haven't upgraded my membership yet. The gym isn't huge and only has the basics but it gets the job done.