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  1. T


    There is one, but they don't accept CC. You have to fund your alert pay account first with a transfer from your bank account. Lot of hassle, I just stick to well know sources and WU.
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    IF test is test.....

    Best read ever <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width=610 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Esters: Much more than just half-life… by Anthony Roberts Author of: Beyond Steroids, Anabolic Steroids - Ultimate Research Guide Vol. 1, Co-Author of Dr.Jekyll &...
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    BEST chest exercise

    Decline bench and weighted dips. You can build a complete chest with those two exercises, AND not blow out a rotator cuff or tear a pec. If you look at the intended function of the pecs, it is to bring the arm down and across the body. Decline bench mimics this the best. Hit it hard and hit...
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    T3, not a good fat burner

    wow 100mcgs of T3 should burn lbs off anyone. I guess though, if you already have decreased thyroid function, you may not have been that much higher than "normal". I wouldn't think so, but that is just wierd. You don't NEED clen with T3, it just works better
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    cell phones in gyms are killing me!

    Dude, that's just funny! What a tool. I mean he might as well not even be there...
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    Offseason Log

    2/24/11 Chest/back/calves Had a GREAT workout day. Great pump, felt strong as hell and did a decent amount of weight. Decline Bench Press 315x10 295x9 275x11 255x10 235x9 Did a lot shorter rest intervals today than normal. BB Row 295x7!!! (exciting for me because six months ago I was...
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    Proviron with Nolvadex

    You wouldn't want to suppress it completely. Unless you don't like having a hardon.
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    What would you change about bodybuilding?

    I'd like to see the judging get away from leaning towards conditioning over everything else. Ripped glutes should not be the most important part of a physique. It's ridiculous.
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    Offseason Log

    Still training the same split, same exercises. Did get some new weights up this last week. Got 375 for 7 on squats, did 285 for first time ever on CGBP last nite for 8. Overall pretty boring to most of you, but I'm killing it every day...
  10. T

    You be the of Flex Pro top 2

    I think they got it right. Evan beats him IMO. Evan had both size and conditioning over Dexter. I think he needs to continue to bring his chest up though, but it could just be his genetic shape.
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    Rubbing after pinning?

    I always rub it. It does help with the pain a decent amount, and I'm hoping it will help with scarring.
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    New predictions on the Arnold Classic?

    I don't know that the Flex really changes anything. Evan looked great obviously, but I don't think he is quite there with some of the other guys yet. I think the Euro guys really have a chance to make this thing interesting. I really like Roelly's shape and if he nails it like at the NY Pro...
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    Prediction to win the NCAA tourney...

    Wisconsin. Seriously.
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    Best intra workout product out there

    Prescription Nutritions BCAA N More. Other than that some peptides pro and Swedish oat starch
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    thoughts on running winny and tren ace at same time

    Well then, that makes more sense to my feeble brain, LOL. I thought it was just some guy trying to get buff for some hunnies.
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    Dead lifts

    You know how I know you're gay? You are worried about your hips, LOL! JK man. I agree with everyone above and I would say my waist has tightend up
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    changed my cycle

    Are you only doing tbol? No test base? I would think you would need some form of PCT, especially on an oral only cycle. Nolva and clomid for maybe ten days, drop the clomid, and keep on the nolva for another couple weeks. You could also look into using some DAA.
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    thoughts on running winny and tren ace at same time

    Doesn't sound like he has a lot of AAS experience, or does he? Tren seems a little harsh IMHO for someone not training to compete. I like the winny, but what about 150-200mg prop and 100mg mast EOD instead of tren?
  19. T

    Going crazy from not working!

    That sux bro. I have been kind of keeping an eye on jobs in FL for myself(medical also), and not a lot of full time gigs pop up. Lot's of per diem or part time though. I signed up on this website allhealthcarejobs, and they email me whenever a new posting goes up. Seems like most of the...