changed my cycle


New member
ok ive asked this question a bunch of times so i hope noone gets annoyed but.... ive been doing 40 mcg's daily of IGF for 7 weeks. 5 days a week on workout days... and im stackign TBOLS. 40mg weeks 1 and 2. 50mg weeks 3 4 and 5. week 6 i did 60mg. and weeks 7 8 9 and 10 i plan on doing 70mg.

now am i going to need PCT? if it helps i'll take it. what type shouldi take if so and when should i start? and how much
Have you noticed any beginning signs of gyno or anything yet? I don't think you'd need PCT, but if you're getting any negative sides, then it'll be a good idea
Are you only doing tbol? No test base? I would think you would need some form of PCT, especially on an oral only cycle.
Nolva and clomid for maybe ten days, drop the clomid, and keep on the nolva for another couple weeks. You could also look into using some DAA.