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  1. R

    Reverse grip bench presses.

    it really hits my triceps hard and the inside of my chest. I really like it. Also when pressing I aim for the lower part of my chest when bringing it down then press, similiar to close grip except I feel it does more work on the tricep
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    Reverse grip bench presses.

    I do them on my chest and tri day
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    Couture vs. Lesnar

    Randy "The Natural" Couture vs. Brock Lesnar. How amazing is that? Who's gonna win?
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    Johnnie Jackson 2008 USPF National Powerlifting Championships

    ronnie coleman deadlifted 900lbs, it's in one of his videos
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    Phosphagen HP

    I get great results from it too, I'm on it right now
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    Merry Christmas Everyone
  7. R

    Im starting to not believe in PCT

    I have'nt used gear yet, but I have taken prohormones, not the same ,but my personal experience is pct really does'nt do much for me either, in fact I lose alot of size and strength when I'm off cycle and ponder the same question as spc, like a while back when I asked how much strength and size...
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    Bloodwork Knowledge

    Good stuff
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    Now I've seen everything

    That's funny, but sucks for the hoch
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    Bodybuilder Stops Bank Robber

    That's impressive
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    Time and stregnth loss

    Thanks guys, that helps alot, appreciate it
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    Time and stregnth loss

    what's up guys, i know it's been a while since I've posted, I'm in football camp right now, finished my summer training got my weight up to 255 after cutting to 197 for wrestling, took a while, got sick alot, but I made it, anyway, now that camp is a week and a day under way, I'm trying to...
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    Who does front squats...

    do them every friday, for football of course, don't really like them, but they work extremely well
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    Favorite leg bulker?

    Back Squat, Lunges and Ham/Glute Raises, 3 of my favorites
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    favorite creatine

    phosphagen works very well for me as far as strength and size go, I've tried cell-tech, cell mass, micronized creatine, and size on, none worked well except phosphagen
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    Motivational Stories

    yeah that's great 2fastnova, that pumped me up, for me it's football and wrestling and never wanting to back to my earlier days of being fat and lazy bum
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    back excercises

    Alright so today I was thinking as far as back excercises go, what is the difference between bent over rows and t bar rows as far working what muscles goes? I.E. what muscles do bent over rows work and what muscles do t bar rows work, is there a big difference or are they similiar. And what are...