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  1. S

    Have you ran Aromasin?

    Check this out You can read the full article here.. Hope its okay to post these links.
  2. S

    Have you ran Aromasin?

    Im taking 25mg per day of RS Exemestane.
  3. S

    Do you hit the gym when you feel a sickness coming on?

    I go straight home after work, have some chicken soup and watch movies til' I fall asleep. When Im sick all I need is rest..and im good by the next day.
  4. S

    do you do your glute shots standing up or sitting down?

    and tapping your head and rubbing your stomach?
  5. S

    do you do your glute shots standing up or sitting down?

    Same here. With knee slightly bent
  6. S

    Dosage ?

    Everyone reacts differently, so you will get mixed opinions. Try it for yourself and see what happens. Have some Aromasin on hand just in case.
  7. S

    How much cardio do you do in one session?

    40-45 minutes PWO. Some days ill switch it up a bit.. 10 minutes of rowing, 30 minutes on stair master.
  8. S

    why dont more places carry aromasin?

    Just a heads up.. the Aromasin-Exemestane (liquid) tastes like gasoline..
  9. S

    Does you guys old ladies give you lip?

    Man... I'd rather get lip from her than have her back at the gym. She just joined yesterday, and I already knew there was going to be some kind of B.S. From the moment she spots me doing DB presses, she approaches me and starts "OH HIIIIII BABY, CAN I HAVE SOME OF YOUR WATER?!?!?!?!," while...
  10. S

    The Los Angeles Fitness Expo

    It was $15 for the poster and $5 for the autograph :p
  11. S

    Shaved Heads

    Man, I've shaved my head since I was around 12 years old. I started off buzzing it with clippers, then said screw it and decided to shave it off..smooth as a babys butt. My girl has BEGGED me to let my hair grow out but I just cant do it. The moment I start to see some fuzz I get this itch to...
  12. S

    Ha just did my first unassisted glute shot

    Finally took it on the ass huh? Congrats.. I remember my first time..I couldnt sit for about a week and had to drive with my right glute up in the air. I had it all wrong and was pinning in the wrong spot, I could feel it on my tailbone. Never tried left glute my right hand gets crippled...
  13. S

    The Los Angeles Fitness Expo

    It was okay, a little disorganized.. Met Hidetada Yamagishi and Lou Ferrigno, bought a signed "Hulk" poster for my girl. I heard Ronnie had just left when I got there, and I think Jay was going to be there today, but I pretty much saw everything in one day. Best part was the powerlifting...
  14. S

    The Los Angeles Fitness Expo

    Anyone in the So. Cal area going to The L.A. Fit Expo this weekend? Looks like its going to be bad ass Im taking my girlfriend, she needs the motivation.. See you there!
  15. S

    Jack3d (further info)

    It's just another review on the product... And the only one that matters to me is MY review and the results I get Besides,what NEW information did he share?? Obviously just about ANYTHING will be cheaper if you buy the ingredients seperatley and make it fuckin shit. Just like...
  16. S

    What routine are you currently running?

    Mon-Chest,Hamstrings,Abs (Bench,Incline,Flat Bench Flys,Lying Leg Curl,Standing LC,Stiff Leg DL) Tues-Biceps,Triceps (EZ BB Curls,EZ Bar Preacher,One Arm DB Curls,Pushdown,Kickbacks,SkullCrushers) Wed-Quads,Calves,Abs (Squat,Leg Extentions,Leg Press,Standing Calf Raise,Seated Calf Raise)...
  17. S

    i hate mlk day

    I decided I was going to take care of a traffic ticket today, so I woke up super early and took my ass to court....just to find out it was closed! :curse:
  18. S

    Need some advice

    There was a long discussion about that at professionalmuscle..
  19. S

    Need some advice

    Well read this.. I know alot of the vets prefer to use EQ over Deca. Not just for the problems "down there" but other health issues aswell. I'd take their advice and choose EQ over Deca, or NPP.
  20. S

    Need some advice

    Well youre going to get mixed opinions.. Some might say running a cycles for a couple of months then going on pct, then going back on cycle...then another pct, year round.. will end up screwing with your natural test production the same way as running a cycle without PCT... I'LL SAY if you...