Need some advice


New member
Ok so if you read my post from before you will see i was asking about hcg and clomid on gettin my test levels back and balls back. well i was thinking if running 2 more cycles, if i am going to run these cycles should i go ahead and wait for the pct to get my nuts back???? here are my 2 10wk cycles and can i run them back to back or should i do cycle 1 run my pct and then take off a month and run the 2nd and pct again????

1.Test Cyp 500mg a wk, Deca 400mg a wk for 10 weeks, and then run my pct??? ive got clomid and nolvadex on hand but i dnt know the dosages?

2. Test Prop 300mg a week, Primo 400mg wk, (Tren Ace 400mg wk for
(8wks), and ive got a 20ml x 1000mcg of Clen but dont know how to run that or the dosage with this cycle
personaly i would run them back to back, i believe in pct dont get me wrong, but i cant see anyone realy realy growing by doing little short stints of gear then pct and then going back on, to me its like 2 steps forward one step back all the time , where as i think u would grow more with 4 steps forward one step back,
I maybe mistaken, but i thought I heard something like using deca messes with your dick and balls??.. aka deca dick
Well youre going to get mixed opinions..

Some might say running a cycles for a couple of months then going on pct, then going back on cycle...then another pct, year round.. will end up screwing with your natural test production the same way as running a cycle without PCT...

I'LL SAY if you plan on running cycles year round for a few years, just go on HRT..blast and cruise.
Nandrolone eleven times more damaging to blood vessels than testosterone

Nandrolone kills the blood vessel lining at a concentration eleven times lower than that at which testosterone kills them. Researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Italy discovered this in laboratory tests on human cells.

That came off that site and it is contradictory in the first two statements. Im not agreeing or disagreeing, but I wouldn't put much stock in an article which contradicts itself in the first two statements. Im not trying to be a jerk but research has to be peer reviewed to be accepted usually and that just seems like some kind of sarm commercial or something to me.
Nandrolone eleven times more damaging to blood vessels than testosterone

Nandrolone kills the blood vessel lining at a concentration eleven times lower than that at which testosterone kills them. Researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Italy discovered this in laboratory tests on human cells.

That came off that site and it is contradictory in the first two statements. Im not agreeing or disagreeing, but I wouldn't put much stock in an article which contradicts itself in the first two statements. Im not trying to be a jerk but research has to be peer reviewed to be accepted usually and that just seems like some kind of sarm commercial or something to me.

There was a long discussion about that at professionalmuscle..