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How does everyone cook their eggs? I have eating 3 every day (scarmble) and I have to force them down. Just looking for new way to cook them up!!

I like to take 10 eggs and put them in a pan and fill with water until eggs are submerged. Heat on high till boiling. Adjust heat to medium-high to maintain boil for 10-12 minutes. Turn off heat, and let sit in hot water for another 10-12 minutes. Pour out hot water and fill pan with cold water, let sit for 1 minute and carefully begin peeling. I pitch the yolks.
I used to go to Wal Mart and buy the 5 dozen box and go home and hard boil all of them at once and would eat them whenever I needed them. I will use hot sauce every once in a while just to add something different
I used to go to Wal Mart and buy the 5 dozen box and go home and hard boil all of them at once and would eat them whenever I needed them. I will use hot sauce every once in a while just to add something different

You'd boil 60 eggs at once?
I am going to have to try some hot sauce on scrambled eggs. That might Them taste a bit better.

That does sound tasty, but I usually eat eggs in the morning and I'm not eager to start my day with hot sauce in my belly.
i cook them anyway man

if its that bad for you buy the ones that come in the gallon and just drink them, they are tasteless
dozen egg whites, 2 yolks in a pan with black pepper and ham...let them cook and then flip...

the ham makes them less dry

when me and the girl go out dancing (like 2x a year) she'll have like 5 drinks and be hung over to hell the next I'll cook for her-which I'm not very good at

same as what I just said only no black pepper for her and I'll add cheese and bacon bits-then I proceed to have bloody mary's while I eat mine
Hi ajwestie87,
I also take 3 eggs in my meals and I take boiled eggs most. Once in a week I take scrambled egg with pinch of black pepper and salt.
Just Google eggs recipes and you will get tons of recipes.
Tried something new after I got back from the gym today. 4 eggs in a pan with a peace of ham cheddar cheese and some brown rice. Gotta say it was good.
I never used to eat eggs in the morning because they'd fill me up too much, but my buddy buckns, told me he only eats the egg whites, maybe sometimes with one yolk. I found out that I can handle that and my breakfast now feels more satisfying. I eat 4 egg whites with one yolk now, then a half cup of oatmeal with or without fruit or with yogurt.
I cook 9 every morning 3 whole and 6 whites I use a little olive oil and cook them over medium and season with salt and pepper.