JONFLEX contest log

When Im at 225 I look bloated and Im 6 ft. Back is lookin nice and wide bro. Keep it up and good luck.
so here is the 14 day cycle ill be runnin at 10 weeks out...
i wrote it at 14 days since my test is EOD, and most other shots are 3x times weekly...

1-m Test prop 200mg, primo 100mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
2-t tren act 125mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcgs
3-w Test prop, primo 100mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
4-t Tren act 125mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
5-f Test prop 200mg, primo 100mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
6-s var 50mg, clen 100mcg
7-s Test prop 200mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
8-m Tren act 125mg, primo 100mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
9-t test prop 200mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
10-w Tren act 125mg, primo 100mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
11-t Test prop 200 mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
12-f Primo 100mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
13-s Test prop 200mg, var 50mg, clen 100mcg
14-s Var 50mg, clen 100mcg

arimdex will be taken EOD, and IGF will be at 80 mcgs from now until then (thanks press :-) )

also ive decided to go with black tops for my gh... i will be running them at
5iu's before bedtime everyday as soon as they arrive from santa
jon, how are the 12 eggs working out as your last meal? I cant see eating egg whites at any other time but 10am lol. I guess they dont sit heavy on your stomach at bedtime.

Still snackin on peanut butter and rice cakes or has that been put on hold? Do you snack, if so, what?
i dnt snack at all!!

i stick to the diet 100%

the only thing i MIGHT do is replace the mct oil at night with a serving of chedder cheese
and a 2 sugar free jellos

besides that NO cheating. the amount of $$$$ i spent to prepare for this year i WILL NOT miss a beat
good job bro! I know youre missing the pb, im about 4 days without it and im going crazy. If your shows are reasonably local, im def there
diet is going well, muscles are looking fuller, strength is still up

ill have pics up this sunday night
here are pics from this morning, as you can see the other picsd were taken at night under heavy bright lights in a small room, these were taken in normal light, so you can see more of what i really look like.

i am very happy with my progress , i think i look pretty good at 12 weeks out
here are pics from this morning, as you can see the other picsd were taken at night under heavy bright lights in a small room, these were taken in normal light, so you can see more of what i really look like.

i am very happy with my progress , i think i look pretty good at 12 weeks out


ok first off...I gotta say you look great..for 12 weeks out, is that your ahead schedule...your overall shape, is great, your bigger and you carry more muscle than last year...

but, you need to put some trunks on !!! :bber: LOL !!!
ok guys

here are pics from this morning, starting week 4 of the diet planned out

when i started i was weighting in at 224 (3 weeks ago)
yesterday i weighted in at 225
lost about 2 in arond waist, im tighter, stronger, fuller, and not over training anymore.

only lifting 4 days a week, cardio 6 days a week (not on leg day)

most body parts are 2 warm up and 12 working sets, except back is 16 sets and legs are abut 20-22

im amazed what ive done in 4 weeks with the proper supervision.
im 11 weeks out as of yesterday:bber:
Jon - I have been impressed by what Jason has done to you..You have a huge structure and could hold a shit ton of muscle (im thinking like Wolf type of body) Nice shape, small really weaknesses..Just need more overall size to move up to the next level (national level)...Im impressed...Keep it up...
