My DNP log


New member
Today is day 1 and I'll be on for about 14 days. Dose is 250mgs. I don't know my starting weight, I'm going to guess around 166lbs at 5'7. I've taken a 3 week break from weights, cardio and diet. Partially to give my body a break but the reality is I've been under a lot of stress and needed some time to veg out. Anyway, my heads back in the game so I'm excited to see what kind of results I get :-) I'm doing this to get a little closer to contest shape as I'm CONSIDERING doing a show next year. I also want to see what the effects are so that I can possibly use it in my show prep.
I'm being as cautious as I can. I'm also on a low dose and staying very hydrated. I guess I'm MC's female guinea pig
Are you running hgh as well? I read somewhere that slin and hgh need to be ran because dnp blocks proteins synthesis or something? I could be wrong ....
DNP puts a stop to protein synthesis as well as a down regulation of thyroid production in an attempt by the body to lower energy loss as its tremendous while on DNP. As with most things the issues are related to those that abuse it. Silk is doing a very low dose of crystalline DNP (no variation in strength) for a very short period of time

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Yes, it's only day 2 and I could tell my body temp was rising. I drank a ton of water. I'll be careful...thank you :-)
First and foremost just be extremely careful, I know you are but i just wanna say it again lol. And I am looking forward to your log results, and how don't you know your current weight? I would like to know the exact numbers from start to finish of DNP,
My scale broke and I've just never replaced it. I would like to know my starting numbers too but I wanted to start it the day it arrived. I'll try and pick up a scale today and check my weight tomorrow morning. I'm curious too
Don't forget to eat those carbs too, then like an hour later just buckets of sweat. It will definetly save on the heat bill, because you will be like, " Dude shut that damm heat off".
Don't forget to eat those carbs too, then like an hour later just buckets of sweat. It will definetly save on the heat bill, because you will be like, " Dude shut that damm heat off".

Well I live in Fl so we never have the heat on, truck said it was 90 degrees today! You can imagine how miserable I am. I did notice I was getting hungrier faster than normal. I usually eat the same thing everyday at work but by midday I'd eaten most of my food. I am hot all day that's for sure. I have fans at my work desk which I rarely use, but since I've started the DNP I've had them on full blast all day! I'll post before and after pics once my 14 days are up.
Just for you Presser I bought a scale last night :-) I weighed myself first thing this morning on an empty stomach and I'm 161lbs. I also took my before pics last night. I'll get them up along with my after pics when my 14 day experiment is over. Including today I have 10 days left.

Has anyone here tried DNP before?
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Just a little update for you guys. Today was the worst day yet when it came to my temp. I was hot all day and continued to drink tons of water. It's tough staying awake. It makes me want to nap for the remaining 10 days. I still made it to the gym today. I trained back but didn't push it. I used decent weight. Not trying to break any records on this stuff. I mostly wanted to just keep my body moving. After back I did 30 min on the treadmill at a moderate pace. However, when I was done I looked like I'd just finished a marathon, lol

I just found out that The Dude ordered more MC's igf!!! Once I'm done with the DNP I'll start a separate and detailed log for those of you who have questions about women and igf. Can't wait for that stuff :-) It's going to be epic!!!! Make sure you save the log quickly before a media mogul signs me to an exclusive contract and I then become the face and ass for all female physique and figure competition around the world! I will always remember Muscle Chemistry! It could happen... Don't laugh

HEHE : )
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Just a little update for you guys. Today was the worst day yet when it came to my temp. I was hot all day and continued to drink tons of water. It's tough staying awake. It makes me want to nap for the remaining 10 days. I still made it to the gym today. I trained back but didn't push it. I used decent weight. Not trying to break any records on this stuff. I mostly wanted to just keep my body moving. After back I did 30 min on the treadmill at a moderate pace. However, when I was done I looked like I'd just finished a marathon, lol

I just found out that The Dude ordered more MC's igf!!! Once I'm done with the DNP I'll start a separate and detailed log for those of you who have questions about women and igf. Can't wait for that stuff :-) It's going to be epic!!!! Make sure you save the log quickly before a media mogul signs me to an exclusive contract and I then become the face and ass for all female physique and figure competition around the world! I will always remember Muscle Chemistry! It could happen... Don't laugh

HEHE : )

Hell Yeah Silk!! Love the confidence!! I really enjoy seeing and reading The Dude and your relationship/partnership in Bodybuilding. Its inspiring. My fiancé and I train together and continually discuss our diet/training/gear regimens, so to see another couple who are similar is encouraging. Keep pushing....:thumbsup:
Thank you so much for the encouraging words Austin! I needed it especially today. So far this has been the most challenging day for me. I sweat non stop! It's gross, but I love it at the same time cause it definitely feels like it's doing something. It's useless to put clean bed sheets on since I wake up drenched in sweat every night...even just taking a nap. That's with the AC set at 70 degrees AND a fan on full blast blowing on me. I had very little energy today. This stuff is kicking my butt, but it also doesn't help that I'm working 12 days straight. No gym today, but I'm staying on track as far as my diets concerned. This post sounds like a lot of complaining, but I like it. I can't wait to see the after pics! My understanding is I won't see full results till approximately 3 days after this experiment is over. 9 more days to go :-)
Just for you Presser I bought a scale last night :-) I weighed myself first thing this morning on an empty stomach and I'm 161lbs. I also took my before pics last night. I'll get them up along with my after pics when my 14 day experiment is over. Including today I have 10 days left.

Has anyone here tried DNP before?

Hey Silk, this is prolly too late but I'll share anyways. These are some rough notes from my research on supplements to use while on DNP to minimize sides:-

DNP Rules!

V8 every day x2
Magnesium, potassium, sodium =electrolytes Aim for 3000-5000mg of potassium (not all from v8)
3 gallons of water ed
Antioxidants;- 800 to 1000 iu of vitamin E ed
Glycerol=3-4 tablespoons, muscle hydration, anti catabolism
Potassium citrate;- 1-3 grams, fights blood acidity
Ephedrine;- eca stack
Blueberry yogurt
Oregano-based foods: strongest antioxidant - one spoonful
Pineapple- enzyme help in protein digestion
Ellagic acid - protects cell DNA/RNA from damage by free radicals, and may even atack cancerous cells. 400mg/twice a day
Trimethylglyceine antioxidant, helps move fat and blood lipids into the liver and out of the body. 500mg, 2x day
Vitamins E and C

I was around 215 at the time to give you perspective on dosing.

I wouldn't wear white or light colored clothes, it will turn yellow from sweat. Since DNP makes sweat and urine yellow. You prolly already know that you need carbs for optimal results similar to Clen. Vitamin C will most likely save you from cataract(as my research suggests), so take it a few times a day. You'll need an stimulant to get chores done, ECA is a good option for both energy and complimenting fat loss.
That's all I can think off at the moment.

I'm sure between you and Dude, you've got most things covered. But if there is any questions from my personal experience I can answer, feel free to ask.

All the best!!!

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