Same muscle group twice in one week

if the chest or any other muscle would not be ready to go again in 2-3 days , then high frequency training would not be shown on studies to produce hypertrophy (but plenty of studies and recent information out there , dr. brad shoenfield, dr. mike israetel etc., show that higher frequency and volume training illicit very good muscular gains)..

What your saying , ""if your training properly"" there is no way the chest would be ready to go again in a couple days , is that you must completely annihilate your chest in a single session in oder to be "training properly" . but thats not necessarily training properly , but maybe it is for you if your a high intensity only guy..

but I lean more towards the Lee Haney philosophy when he says "stimulate don't
annihilate" .. that way you can reap the benefits of higher volume higher frequency training and hit a muscle multiple times a week.

but sure your right , if your going to totally annihilate your chest and cause that much homeostatic stress and disruption then sure you may need a good 5 days to a week off . may not be best for overall gains and its highly unlikely that the average person possesses that much mental fortitude to be able to be that intense every workout . so higher volume higher frequency suites 95% of the population and hitting a muscle group (depending on the muscle) 2-4 times a week is best.

the Dorian Yates of the world are very rare. sure he lifted heavy and super intense and his chest needed a full week to recover ... most everyone else in the world is not Dorian Yates nor possess his mind set and abilities to train that intense (for everyone else their chest is ready to go again in a couple days)

if your chest is not ready to go again in a couple days cause you train so hard and heavy and intense , then congrats on being the rare genetically gifted 1% in the world . but perhaps you'd have better results had you spread your volume out over the week with more frequency and more stimulation then annihilation.

I hit chest a minimum of 3x per week .. arms 4x per week . but I'm not a genetic freak that can go that intense and heavy to be able to need a whole week off ... I only incline bench press 265 for reps as my main chest workout. thats not heavy and intense enough to justify needing a whole 5 plus days off to recover. (maybe your suggesting I'm not "training properly")
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how many body parts do u hit in one session? do u follow some routine or just count sets per training? or u go by feeling? and how often do u train per week? :) thanks for interesting post btw...
if the chest or any other muscle would not be ready to go again in 2-3 days , then high frequency training would not be shown on studies to produce hypertrophy (but plenty of studies and recent information out there , dr. brad shoenfield, dr. mike israetel etc., show that higher frequency and volume training illicit very good muscular gains)..

What your saying , ""if your training properly"" there is no way the chest would be ready to go again in a couple days , is that you must completely annihilate your chest in a single session in oder to be "training properly" . but thats not necessarily training properly , but maybe it is for you if your a high intensity only guy..

but I lean more towards the Lee Haney philosophy when he says "stimulate don't
annihilate" .. that way you can reap the benefits of higher volume higher frequency training and hit a muscle multiple times a week.

but sure your right , if your going to totally annihilate your chest and cause that much homeostatic stress and disruption then sure you may need a good 5 days to a week off . may not be best for overall gains and its highly unlikely that the average person possesses that much mental fortitude to be able to be that intense every workout . so higher volume higher frequency suites 95% of the population and hitting a muscle group (depending on the muscle) 2-4 times a week is best.

the Dorian Yates of the world are very rare. sure he lifted heavy and super intense and his chest needed a full week to recover ... most everyone else in the world is not Dorian Yates nor possess his mind set and abilities to train that intense (for everyone else their chest is ready to go again in a couple days)

if your chest is not ready to go again in a couple days cause you train so hard and heavy and intense , then congrats on being the rare genetically gifted 1% in the world . but perhaps you'd have better results had you spread your volume out over the week with more frequency and more stimulation then annihilation.

I hit chest a minimum of 3x per week .. arms 4x per week . but I'm not a genetic freak that can go that intense and heavy to be able to need a whole week off ... I only incline bench press 265 for reps as my main chest workout. thats not heavy and intense enough to justify needing a whole 5 plus days off to recover. (maybe your suggesting I'm not "training properly")

Sorry but I'm generally not even sore til day two, and no being sore makes no difference, and I'm certainly not trying to tout I'm some 1% phenom but everything you mentioned , hypertrophy, gains, etc all can be achieved in one chest day and not annihilate , just a good intense workout lol yes intense.

If hitting chest 3 times a week works for you then perhaps you'd have better results with one intense workout, lol. And I'm sure we have studies posted here showing same thing regarding this.

Anyhow, no I wouldn't call training chest 3 times per week PROPER, but if it works for some then who am I to argue with progress you know, but I'd never suggest someone train like this unless they were brand new to weight lifting / bodybuilding etc..

anyhow good debate brutha, and perhaps I'm just too old school for my own good! Lol
Sorry but I'm generally not even sore til day two, and no being sore makes no difference, and I'm certainly not trying to tout I'm some 1% phenom but everything you mentioned , hypertrophy, gains, etc all can be achieved in one chest day and not annihilate , just a good intense workout lol yes intense.

If hitting chest 3 times a week works for you then perhaps you'd have better results with one intense workout, lol. And I'm sure we have studies posted here showing same thing regarding this.

Anyhow, no I wouldn't call training chest 3 times per week PROPER, but if it works for some then who am I to argue with progress you know, but I'd never suggest someone train like this unless they were brand new to weight lifting / bodybuilding etc..

anyhow good debate brutha, and perhaps I'm just too old school for my own good! Lol

your right , I'm right .. truth is that as long as there is progressive overload, enough mechanical tension, and enough stimulation to cause an adaptation response, then it will illicit hypertrophy . different styles for different people , but also different styles for different phases in your training . Believe me I've done and even still implement once a week body part training into my program and clients as well (it just depends on many factors) . but it all can work, thats the great thing about training .

I train a lot of average everyday people , so I have a bit of a biases towards high frequency training because I know these people can't train hard enough in a single session to warrant a week long rest per body part.. if I trained with Johnnie Jackson I probably would need two weeks off for a body part !

and its a good discussion and even better to give different things a try during different training phases
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If hitting chest 3 times a week works for you then perhaps you'd have better results with one intense workoutl

you are correct , I would have better results (but only for a short time) . truth is that the best routine to do is the one your currently NOT doing , , thats because the body responds so well to new stimulus then it adapts .

I set up my training programs similar to a power or strength athlete in that I have meso cycles and micro cycles . I actually just came off a 12 week meso cycle where I was focused on strength based hypertrophy . My weight was relatively heavy in the 4-6 rep range with even some heavy doubles thrown in there,, my rest between sets was relatively long but the working sets themselves were intense. Training in this style I was only hitting about one body part once per week, but a lot of that recovery was needed not just for the muscle but for my 40 year old joints :)

I'm now done with that training phase and am on a new phase that is more metabolite training focused.. reps are more in the 12-20 rep range and weight is much lighter . rest is only 30 seconds. being this is low intensity and high volume I'm doing two a day workouts , for eg., Chest in the morning and back in the afternoon.. and I'm doing this 5-6 days per week so each muscle group is hit 3-4 times per week . I don't need a whole week to recover again because the weight is light and intensity is low . I'm doing this for a new stimulus for the muscle as well as give my joints a time off from heavy loads

I've been switching over to programs similar to this for years, it works for me .. I'm not always stuck in the lift heavy lift only one body part per week bro split ,, but I still use that on occasions too. gotta mix it up and I'm a big fan of PERIODIZATION . even my middle aged female clients get put on a periodzed program
Same here on the 40 plus year old joints. That's why I'm going to see just how long I can take it before I have to take a break week and go back to the single group per day. I'm going with reps the first two weeks to work my way back in then I'm going heavy in the 4-6 rep range. At the end of my last cycle I was pressing 455 for 4 reps so hopefully I can build on that a bit. Which means bringing up the back, tris and front delts more also. Might up my GH dosage a bit and toss in a bit more insulin as well.
Same here on the 40 plus year old joints. That's why I'm going to see just how long I can take it before I have to take a break week and go back to the single group per day. I'm going with reps the first two weeks to work my way back in then I'm going heavy in the 4-6 rep range. At the end of my last cycle I was pressing 455 for 4 reps so hopefully I can build on that a bit. Which means bringing up the back, tris and front delts more also. Might up my GH dosage a bit and toss in a bit more insulin as well.

well breaking up your training like that with phases where you have times you go heavy with scheduled de-loads and then times you go for reps is the best way to do it , especially with the older achy joints . We have to train smarter and pay attention . I used to go balls out heavy, intense, and high volume (that don't work for us old guys and will eventually pay its toll on the young guys).
I blast one muscle per week!!!
And I kill it!!
Start warming up.
Go more and more heavy once heavy weight is done at 4 sets heavy the dripping to fatigue and exhausting begins!!!
When I am done hitting that muscle I am fine with a week!!!

What i do, do, is ab supersets between other group 3 days a week.

On bicepts I hit a pump, a few sets at end of another workout. Same with tricepts!!
So these two muscles bicept and tricepts get a day on there own together last workout of week I kill them.
Then alot if times just a 5 set Lower rep pump up as supersets behind something else!!!

Each muscle one time a week and I murder them, with intention of giving then all they can take. I keep them underload once heavy sets are conplete!!!

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When I am on cycle, my recovery is a tad better but normally I do same muscle groups twice in a 7-9 day window esp given my age (57). Back when I was 24, it was once every 6 days but now need more time to recoup

This is approximately how I do it.