Superpump 250


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Anyone on here taking it and what are your thoughts. I took it when it first came out years ago and it made me pretty much tear the bathroom door off trying to get in. Was wondering if the formula changed any.
Gaspari has changed the formula like 5 times to try and get rid of the super shits that superpump is known for. I have only tried superdump once, and that was enough for me.:sick:
im normally really sensitive to supershits.... but i dont have a problem with his current product. Im also taking size-on. for post.
Never tried superpump size on was pretty good product havent used it in a while either.

shit is still expensive as hell ill stick to mono powder.
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i like the product... think its one of the better ones on the market

steph REALLY likes it, kinda swears by it, lets see if she chimes in on it
Jack 3d is good. I have some superpump right now myself. I have used basically all of them and I would put noxplode and cytonox in the top spot for me. Superpump tastes horrible but it works well also. I would put it in 3rd place. Jack 3d is right at the top too.
I also have tried damn neer all pre-workout supps. This is how I would rank 'em 1 trough 5

Supercharge by LaBrada
original no-explode
Darkrage MHP

Gettn ready to try out Hemorage black. Heard some good things.
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I second Supercharge Xtreme.(and i believe most supps are a waste of money!) Great pumps, keep thinking whats he really putting in this shit lol
So do you guys think Pre workout supps actually help you put on muscle or just get you ready and give you good pumps?
I get decent pumps and my rating system was kinda on how long they continuously do that, but I would be lying if I said they put a boat load of muscle on me in my opinion. I think they definitely help blood flow but I mainly take them for the buzz to be absolutely honest. I will say though that lately cytonox has my vote. I know most guys don't even mention it but Im telling you I actually noticed some gains there. I guess that could have been the dark matter and that combined though. Dark Matter definitely works.
hate em all, they bloat me and make me sick to my stomach-best pre-workout for me is ECA stack
I use a product from Wal-Mart from Six Star Muscle. It has:

creatine monohydrate
creatine ethyl ester HCl
creatine taurinate
creatine anhydrous
creatine HCA

Taurine ethyl ester HCl
Taurine ketoisocaproic acid calcium

L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate
L-arginine ketoisocaproic acid calcium

Alpha lipoic acid

This stuff is awesome. I also like it because I don't believe in using caffeine alongside creatine/NO2 since caffeine is antagonistic to the creatine/NO2 and would reduce its effects. No caffeine in this product.
Yeah, I'd have to say that take them mainly for the energy and pump. Supercharge is at the top of my list for these 2 main reasons. The ingrediant profile is top notch also.
It's funny, all these products make such incredible claims I can't hemp but want to try them all.

Saud: Does that stuff get you amped up and energized? Does it give you pumps like the others? I actually hate caffeine.
I use a product from Wal-Mart from Six Star Muscle. It has:

creatine monohydrate
creatine ethyl ester HCl
creatine taurinate
creatine anhydrous
creatine HCA

Taurine ethyl ester HCl
Taurine ketoisocaproic acid calcium

L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate
L-arginine ketoisocaproic acid calcium

Alpha lipoic acid

This stuff is awesome. I also like it because I don't believe in using caffeine alongside creatine/NO2 since caffeine is antagonistic to the creatine/NO2 and would reduce its effects. No caffeine in this product.

Nice looking product im gonna check that out im sure its decently priced compared to the others. You take a scoop before and after workout or what?
Jack 3d is good. I have some superpump right now myself. I have used basically all of them and I would put noxplode and cytonox in the top spot for me. Superpump tastes horrible but it works well also. I would put it in 3rd place. Jack 3d is right at the top too.

yeah I dig the 3rd because you can mix it with 2-4 ounces of water. It's like a shot.
Fast twitch by cytosport has non-energy version which is pretty solid also