Synthetine, Syntherol, Synthepure and Synthergine

Things have been great and I wanted to post last night but I was destroyed from training legs. I ended up falling a sleep early and woke up in the middle of the night. I added synthelator in for the first time and it was a complete success. I used 1ml (1.2ml to be exact) about 45 mins before the gym and my muscles felt so much tighter and my vascularity shot out. I felt this dose a lot so no wonder I have heard guys saying if you dose the full 10ml 1 hour before stepping on stage you need to sit down after injecting it. I will do the same dose 2moro then try 2ml on Sunday.

Leg day was calves, hams then quads and I kept it at a 15 rep minimum. I really pushed it hard for 2 hours until I could barely stand. They have a great lying leg curl by the main leg press so I started supersetting them near the end. Lots of time under tension and intensity techniques such as partials. I actually done 21's on seated leg curls and leg extensions for something different. After a superset I was lying on the floor and some girl asked me in French are you ok (I assume she asked that) and I just said yes fine and just stayed on the floor for another 2 mins in a puddle of sweat :o:D

I have had a day off from injecting everything today but from 2moro everything is back to normal. Using synthetine and syntheselen has definitely added to my physique in many ways. I simply look better due to the added leanness and vascularity they have brought. The fact I have top quality protein (synthepure) is only helping matters. Moreover I have noticed since adding in aminos in water throughout the day that has added to things too. The added protein and the higher water intake is only going to help matters.

Today I received a few supplements and will add most of them in from 2moro. They include pycnogenol, vitamin k-2, phytoform and partition-md.

2moro I am training chest and bi-ceps and Sunday will be back and tri-ceps to change it up alittle.
I just received my synthetine and syntheselen today, can you please give me some suggestions on how much and where to inject. I currently weight about 220 and just came off two rotator cuff surgeries and bicep relocations. Last week was the first I was able to lift heavy. Thanks for the posts, your the reason for my interest in these products. Hope to hear from you soon!

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Also, I forgot, I will be running syntherol too. I will be injecting in my pecs, 3 rows of 3 injections starting at 1 ml a day.
Very sorry about the late reply as I left this for a few days. Thank you for your post. I would recommend 2ml of each to start with pre workout. Then after 1 week I woudl add in another set of 2ml injections later in the day. So a total of 4ml per day should suffice. Over time 2.5ml of each twice per day would be great especially if you are 220 pounds.

Synthetine is the easiest injection ever so can go anywhere. Syntheselen can sting so I started putting it in my glutes. However over time I now put it in my delts and arms and it is fine. It can sting for about 1 hour but after that I never have issues. I use a 25G 1 inch needle to draw and if I am injecting arms or delts I go with a 30G 1/2 pin as they are both water based. For glutes I obviously use a longer needle so something like 1 inch.

Have you started the syntherol yet? You should love it. You are doing 3 rows of 3 injections so 9 injections per pec? You don't need to do so many but if you have the pateince that will be great. Although somethign tells me I have misread?? Rotation is key so 3 injs per day for each pec would be good and keep on rotating. My mate is doing pecs now and loves the stuff. Keep me updated with how you find everything.

I just received my synthetine and syntheselen today, can you please give me some suggestions on how much and where to inject. I currently weight about 220 and just came off two rotator cuff surgeries and bicep relocations. Last week was the first I was able to lift heavy. Thanks for the posts, your the reason for my interest in these products. Hope to hear from you soon!

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Also, I forgot, I will be running syntherol too. I will be injecting in my pecs, 3 rows of 3 injections starting at 1 ml a day.
I have been training really hard recently. Since my last training update I have done...

Chest and Bi-ceps
Back and Tri-ceps
Shoulders and Quads
Calves, Hams and Arms
Chest and Back

I have been doing at least 15 reps most of the time. Started doing more leg press (sumo on ham day too) and also some standing machine shoulder presses using the hammer strength machine. I have also been focusing on forearms a lot more too. I am gonna keep synthetine in everyday as I don't want my vascularity to fade too much whilst I bulk.

Today I got to the gym at 8:20pm to find out they were shutting 1 hour earlier so 9pm. I had one of the best workouts in a long time just rotating chest and back movements. I told myself to keep to machines as I have been doing a lot of heavy barbell presses recently. I have maxed out on chest day this week and also done close grip on tri-cep day. Close grip bench press on tri-cep day was the one time I went against my 15 rep rule. I didn't have much time so really pushed the weight to finish my workout. I done 3 1/2 plates each side for about 9 reps. I asked a stranger to spot me and he wouldn't take his hands off the bar for the first few reps until I pretty much shouted to. I think I got about 7 reps after he let go.

There are 3 hammer strength chest machines and I would just use one of them then machine row going up in weight each set. In the middle of the 2nd chest machine I then swopped to lat pulldowns for my back exercise. Even during ym high dosed 4 day experiment were I used a lot of synthetine I would inject it in 3mls. Today I used the most I have at one time and done 2x 2ml injections to make 4ml. I felt so hot during training and my pre workout on top I was on fire. I must have rested about 3 mins in the 40 mins and was soaked through by the end of it. I had no time for a shower so walked home in freezing temperatures with my soaked hoodie on which wasn't the best :o:D

I also recently used 3ml synthelator pre workout and it was crazy. Post injection I had to sit down and felt the back of my neck get really tight. My breathing was also slightly effected and I felt a bit weird. Within about 30 mins the veins in my arms were ridiculous and my muscles felt really tight and pumped up. I seemed to get less winded in the gym too. I have heard peoples response varies but I would be a bit apprehensive to take the full 10ml like guys do on competition day. In the new year I will try about 6ml before some photos just to see the difference it brings.

My diet has been clean today apart from some nutella when I first woke up. That's my gf's fault for buying it :o Looking forward to some big meals over Xmas. I have also had 2 synthepure smoothies today... no stomach discomfort even with 60g protein per smoothie.

I will be hitting the syntherol hard in the near future after the short break I am having from it :)
I visited my family over Xmas and come back in the New Year. As a result I have had a break from everything but it will do me good. I can't wait to get back in the gym though. I am off everything at the moment so no synthetek products or even aas.

If I had kept my diet good whilst my hormone levels dropped I wouldn't have noticed a thing but I have literally ate crap everyday. The day I get back I will be 100% with everything and my diet will be perfect. This break has been great for me mentally and physically. Although my back pain has been bad this week out of the gym. I have been shopping most days and would be in agony after a few hours. I am looking forward to getting back into everything. My back always starts hurting more out of the gym.

Before I get back on everything I will do a 5 day mini diet just to lose the water and any bodyfat I have gained over the previous 2 weeks. Everyday I have ate lots of chocolate and then a massive meal for dinner in a restaurant. To give a indication today I have ate :o

Box of Thorntons chocolates for breakfast
Fruit and Fibre Cereal

Orange and a banana

Salt and Pepper Squid starter
Argentian Street food dish for starter (can't remember the name)
500g Rump Steak with Chunky Chips and Pepper Sauce
Pancakes, caramel sauce with ice cream

Various chocolates

Protein shake with spoon of peanut butter

Once I am back I won't be having any crap. My stomach has been permanently bloated over here :o I am feeling good though and can't wait to restart everything. My plan is to restart syntherol in my calves and arms. I am hoping for 2 inches added size for both. I will be dosing 6ml synthetine everyday in 2 injections. I will also be starting a new cycle of sust and deca dosed at 875mg and 600mg with 25mg sdrol per day. Synthergine will be added in at 4-5ml per day for the 3 weeks of sdrol. All in all I am gonna be bigger and stronger and hope to add 30 pounds over the next few months.
I can't wait to get back in the gym. My body is getting worse by the day :o:D I have had a great time over Xmas but looking forward to getting back on track with everything. I am actually looking forward to eating clean... never thought I would think that in the past but times have changed now. Gonna go out for NYE then fly back and get back to normal.

I should mention when I first got here I bought a tub of protein so I could keep my protein intake higher as I knew my diet wouldn't be the best. I got Mutant's Pro 100 and it has to be the nicest protein I have ever tasted. I always though they done decent products and this is no different. I got chocolate chip and peanut butter flavour and even with water it tastes great.

My plan is to do a mini cut for 3-5 days when I get back just to get rid of the bloat. Then I will slowly start adding in calories over time and keep to a clean diet plan. I want 2016 to be the best year of progress for me and to pack on a good solid 10-15 pounds over the year.

For my mini cut I will dose synthetine at 4ml pre workout and 2.5ml later in the day so I am in full fat burning mode. I will also do approx 30 mins cardio each day plus my usual weight training.
I haven't trained for 2 weeks so can't wait to get back in the gym 2moro. I am off everything. Gonna stay off hormones another week or so. I will start synthetine on Monday though. No slin for the next week either. My plan is to get rid of all the bloat I acquired over Xmas :o Although saying that all the alcohol I drank on NYE seemed to have done most of that :D The first thing I done when I got back was take a sip from my synthergine bottle.

My plan is to eat low carbs on Sun-Tues just because of the sheer amount of chocolate I ate over the last week. Even just 3 days will make a big difference to my body. Then I will start eating like I did last month and everything will fall into place. I will start having partition-md twice daily before my largest carb meals (starting Wed). At the same time I will also start 6ml synthetine everday (gonna be 3ml per day until Wed).

I will also starting adding in 2 synthepure smoothies from 2moro as I need to buy fruit first. As I am low carbs till Wed I will just use berries and greens in my smoothies. But afterwards it will be a bit of everything... berries, apples, pineapple, bananas, grapes etc. I feel so much healthier and get great results in the gym when I add 2 fruit smoothies per day. I also have a fruit and greens powder and take that morning and evening too.

Syntherol will be started 2moro. Although I need to buy more 27G needles for my next cycle so will get those from sterile syringes. I will start low and gradually build up the volume over the next 3 weeks.
Yesterday I trained my whole body for about 2 hours and it felt great. I always like to do that after a long break. I done 1-2 exercises for every body part. I am off slin now but decided to use my partition md caps so had 2 of those before a fruit smoothie. That consisted of synthepure, 2 clementines, berries and natural yoghurt with alittle water. Then I dosed 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen in my delts. No pip with either apart from the usual few minute sting from the syntheselen.

Synthelamin will be started in a few days. I have about 4ml of syntheselen so will use that up first. Gonna do 1ml in both bi-cep heads before I go to bed now. I am really gonna go for it now as I want to break 20 inches (still looking lean etc) for my arms. I had a day off today but will be training Wed, Thurs and Fri. With the full body workout I pretty much started at the top and moved down so it looked like this...

Warm up with db's
Cable Front raises... about 4 sets of 15 reps
Lateral Raise Machine... about 4 sets of 15 reps
Incline Smith Press... about 5 sets of 15-8 reps
Machine Row... about 4 supersets of 10 reps each with 2 different grips
Machine Chest Press... about 4 supersets of 10 reps with 2 different sitted positions... so 10 reps normal and 10 reps with my back/chest lower down.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... about 3 sets of 15 reps
Preacher Curls... about 3 sets of 20 reps (10 normal curls and 10 hammer)
Overhead tri-cep extensions with ez bar... 2 sets of 20 reps
Rope Hammer Curls... 2 sets of 15 reps
Behind the back wrist curls supersetted with cable wrist curls... 3 sets of each.
Leg Extensions... 5 sets of 30-15 reps
Hip Abductor... 5 sets of 20-15 reps
Hip Adductor... 5 sets of 20-15 reps
Horizontal leg press... about 15 sets of 20-10 reps using different foot positions and minimal rest.
Seated leg curl... 4 sets of 15 reps
Standing leg curls using leg extension machine... 3 sets of 15-10 reps for each side.
Calf Presses on the Horizontal leg press... about 10 sets of 20-10 reps using normal and very slow paced reps with squeezes.
Machine Back extensions... 3 sets of 15 reps
Back extensions... 2 sets of 15 reps
Ab workout using a variety of movements for about 5-10 mins
Stretches for about 10 mins

Done :D It looks a lot when I write it down and I may have even left a few bits out. I would never usually train like that but I enjoy it after a long break. 2moro will likely be abs, hams and back :)
The water/fat I put on over the Xmas period is starting to drop off. I am starting to look my normal self again. I haven't ate too much today but will slowly increase my calories over time. But I am going more for quality over quantity... lots of nutrient dense food. I want to stay fairly tight so going to increase things slowly.

Today I trained back (with rear delts) and hamstrings. I usually do hams first but done it the other way tonight. I am really enjoying standing leg curls in the leg extension machine so going to push it with those as my hams are a weak area. I have to stay away from stiff leg deadlifts (or similar) due to my lower back so my ham exercises are limited. Due to my back I also have to limit the weight on certain ham exercises just to be safe.

I like the idea of back extensions but even bodyweight ones mess up my back a lot. Although I done them today and going to continue to do them with limited weight. My gym has a great back extension machine with a pad on your lower back so I will mainly concentrate on those.

Today I dosed 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen pre workout. I used the same nutrient as the other day so a protein smoothie and intra md. Post workout was chicken, jasmine rice and broccoli. My vascularity faded a lot over Xmas but it is coming back fast due to synthetine and training/diet. I am starting to feel great and happy to be back on track. Synthetine changes me fast even at just 3ml per day.

Later I will put syntherol in my calves and bi-ceps. This will be my first day of injs for my calf cycle and I am a few days into putting it in my bi-ceps. Going to use 27G 1/2 needles and do 4 injs for each calf at 0.5ml in each site. For bi-cep I will do 1ml in both heads so 2ml total.
Yesterday I trained chest and tri-ceps with 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen pre workout. My syntherol shots were easy and I felt great all day but I am sure I will start feeling them more as I up the volume. My body is coming back to what it was a few weeks ago. I plan on progressing on a weekly basis over the next few months. I (like anyone) look so much better leaner but it's time to get bigger and slowly build quality muscle over the year. I am 32 now and I don't plan on bulking in my 40's so the time to do it is now.

My diet has been 100% clean since I got back. Although last night after the gym my gf received a pic from a friend of burger and fries from a nearby place and wanted to go. I ended up getting a beef, bacon and avocado burger with fries and a peach iced tea. It was amazing and a nice treat and not that bad but definitely not going to make it a habit.

At the start of my log I mentioned I would post various medical studies I come across but I haven't really done that. So whenever I see one I find interesting I may post it just for discussion or simply to have a record of it. I will post about today alittle later as I am just about to eat :)
Today I trained calves, hips and quads and really pushed it. The syntherol in my calves feels amazing... I have missed that feeling. They get so pumped up in the gym now it's ridiculous. I done the same 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen plus my pre workout and I was on fire.

For calves it was seated and standing calf raises in the smith machine and seated calf extensions. Then hip adductor and abductor until they were burning. For each I done 5 sets of 25-15 reps going up in weight with no rest in between. So 25+25+20+20+15= 105 reps with pretty much no rest at all. Well ok I rested about 5 secs before the last 15 (full weight rack). At the end I felt like I needed a hip replacement :o:D

Quads was leg press and calf extensions. The leg press is at a weird angle and feels really heavy compared to most. I started at 2 plates a side for 50 reps and moved up to 3 for 40 reps, 4 for 40 reps, 5 for 30 reps, 6 for 30 reps and 7 for 25 reps. Then I walked over straight over to the leg extension thinking I will just do 1 set of 100 reps (I was late). But I got on and could barely move so just done 10 reps and waited a minute. Then I just went for it and done 100 reps with a fairly light weight. I started slow with full squeeze on every rep but started to speed up. I rememeber at 50 I wanted to fail but just pushed on. The last few reps were partials and as soon as I finished I couldn't stand up. I was shaking on the floor... my whole body. I couldn't even walk to the changing room. I love that feeling though. It took me ages to get a shower cos my legs wouldn't stop shaking :D

I have ate quite a lot since I have been back to aid recovery and just because I am constantly hungry. I have ate...
Beef burger wrapped in lettuce
Chicken, broccoli, tomatoes and rice
Chicken, broccoli, tomatoes and rice
Natural yoghurt with flavoured BCAA's mixed in

Gonna have some 2 fat pieces of seeded protein bread with peanut butter in a min. I have also been drinking 1.5 litres of water mixed with berry flavoured eaa's the entire time too.

After I eat I am going to do my syntherol shots and tonight I will start my cycle :D My plan is 1 amp sust eod so 875mg per week and 400mg deca per week. I will increase the deca over the weeks but keep the sust the same. I also have some sdrol tabs but won't start them for another week. I also plan to add some masteron in at some point too. Orals will be cycled at approx 3 weeks on and off etc. Slin will be cycled and hopefully I can soon add mk-677 to the mix too.

All in all my aas, synthetek products, slin and peps I hope to pack on some quality size over the next few months. Plus Syntherol will bring up my weaker calves plus make my arms huge. I have had great results on lower doses with synthetine, syntherol etc so things will only get better now I am upping my aas :)
My calves injections were easy last night. I have only done bi-ceps so far but will add in tri-ceps from now on. I have started with very low volume but will move up soon. Once I get more used to the shots I will be changing to larger volume but eod shots. I will be injecting my aas eod so they will simply be rotated each day.

I am looking much better than last week. I have started putting on some size which is good considering I only just started hormones again. The only negative is the bloat around my waist (xmas and New Year). Hopefully that gets better as I just started my aas cycle, eating clean and will be training hard most days. I will start posting pics again in the near future and update with new ones every week. I will be consistent with everything so expect some great results. Hopefully I can get to about 260-270 pounds and relatively lean with 20 inch calves and bi-ceps.

Today was an off day from the gym. I needed it as my whole body is aching. I can barely walk from training legs yesterday. My back and chest are sore from 2 and 3 days ago. My bi-ceps are sore from syntherol last night too. All in all my body definitely needs the 8 hours sleep it is about to get.

I will be starting synthelamin on Monday :)
Is this a thread advertising for Synthetek? Or may I share some info about Mediphorm? Sorry, still learning this site.

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Just about to do my calf and arm injects before I go to bed. I am feeling good and just doing what is needed each day. I done the usual today but probably alittle too much preworkout :o:D I trained shoulders and bi-ceps and it was great. I changed things up alittle and that included standing smith machine presses, cable rope front raises and 100 rep lateral raises to finish (failed about 7 times but kept going after 5 secs rest).

I am going to add in some sdrol 2moro. I have 25mg caps so looking forward to seeing how they are. I also have deca and human grade sust amps. That's pretty much my cycle but I will be adding in masteron at some point too.

Synthergine will be a must on sdrol so I will be starting again (had a small break) pre bed tonight. Taking strong orals on/off synthergine is a night/day difference. I always feel 10x better on synthergine and it helps keep my liver protected so my appetite is not usually effected and I simply feel better.

This log will come alive again as I can tell some big changes are ahead for both my calves and arms :)

- - - Updated - - -

No this is just my log so share what you want. But it might get lost in here so you would be best starting your own thread. Welcome to the forum :)

Is this a thread advertising for Synthetek? Or may I share some info about Mediphorm? Sorry, still learning this site.

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Just about to do my calf and arm injects before I go to bed. I am feeling good and just doing what is needed each day. I done the usual today but probably alittle too much preworkout :o:D I trained shoulders and bi-ceps and it was great. I changed things up alittle and that included standing smith machine presses, cable rope front raises and 100 rep lateral raises to finish (failed about 7 times but kept going after 5 secs rest).

I am going to add in some sdrol 2moro. I have 25mg caps so looking forward to seeing how they are. I also have deca and human grade sust amps. That's pretty much my cycle but I will be adding in masteron at some point too.

Synthergine will be a must on sdrol so I will be starting again (had a small break) pre bed tonight. Taking strong orals on/off synthergine is a night/day difference. I always feel 10x better on synthergine and it helps keep my liver protected so my appetite is not usually effected and I simply feel better.

This log will come alive again as I can tell some big changes are ahead for both my calves and arms :)

- - - Updated - - -

No this is just my log so share what you want. But it might get lost in here so you would be best starting your own thread. Welcome to the forum :)

Oh ok, cool. I'm current using Mediphorm now. I have a thread going about it if you wanna check it out.

Mediphorm SEO @ GrAnabolic

I'll be following along with your log too to see how it goes. [emoji123]🏼

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Some guy just mentioned that product on promuscle and I remembered it's the same one you posted about. I saw the video on pro muscle and you have to be kidding. Do you realize who is marketing that product? He must be the owner or part of the company in some way. That's the guy that ripped off various sponsors on promuscle. He literally scammed eveyone. The reason he had so much money to start things up was he scammed loads of people. Presser you must know Norman Smallwood? I wouldn't touch that product regardless how good/bad it was.

Oh ok, cool. I'm current using Mediphorm now. I have a thread going about it if you wanna check it out.

Mediphorm SEO @ GrAnabolic

I'll be following along with your log too to see how it goes. [emoji123]

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Some guy just mentioned that product on promuscle and I remembered it's the same one you posted about. I saw the video on pro muscle and you have to be kidding. Do you realize who is marketing that product? He must be the owner or part of the company in some way. That's the guy that ripped off various sponsors on promuscle. He literally scammed eveyone. The reason he had so much money to start things up was he scammed loads of people. Presser you must know Norman Smallwood? I wouldn't touch that product regardless how good/bad it was.

I apologize but I have no idea who Norm Smallwood is except he uses Mediphorm for himself and his clients because it works so much better than normal SEO. My buddy on ASF found the video of him online and posted it there. I copied it and posted it here. I know the guy who makes Mediphorm personally.

Again, I apologize. Had I known who he was or that this was a sensitive subject I wouldn't have posted.

I also didn't realize that Synthetek is the only SEO allowed to be here. I apologize for that too. I'll leave it alone.

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