Trying to catch my breath


Since waking up Monday morning at 4:00am I have been at it non stop. Been training two days straight for this new job. Finally have a second to post something. Between working and training and diet I have felt extremely out of my routine. Tomorrow is a self study on all the products I have to know. So fortunately I can get caught up on some cardio sessions as well as cook up some food. Monday I had all my food ready before I got on the plane. Today I had to settle for quick prep with fish in the microwave. Not the best but thank goodness good seasonings to make things edible. Tomorrow I will be able to get chicken prepared for the next few days. Just wanted to update you guys on how my transition to TX has been. Hoping to get into a good routine here soon.
I will be here until February 12th. Then I will fly back to get packed up to move permanently to TX.