what do you guys do?


New member
Yesterday before I went to the gym I got hijacked by my freinds and went to a strip club hours go by I end up in a differant strip joint and it goes on and on till the night over and im out cold at home I wake up late no appetite feeling like shit I know I wont get in the gym today again cause By the time I feel like myself again it will be to late. When this happens what do you guys do , Do you go in the gym anyhow and just lift light , do you force youre self s to eat?I have mirrors evywhere in my home the real big kind, so Ive been beating the crap out of myself all day.This sounds like something a broad would write but im going to post it anyway, the worst thing was the tab got up to 1500.00 so you could say it was ruff.Basicly we all go out once in a while I was just wondering how do you guys bounce back?Thanks Spankie!!

Im eating what I can the booty lives whith me so its always here im going to kill it tommorrow. Its good to see there are so many hardcore bodybuilders in the room that stay in and never party.ahah