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  1. MightyJohn

    Gear talk

    Gonna jump on Eq and tren before the summer
  2. MightyJohn

    Tren, a-bombs, deca or eq witch do like most much of those IP Drol are You doin? they have always been hit or miss for Me
  3. MightyJohn

    How Did You Find MuscleChemistry

    I was told about it in the gym I go to, several members are active here....and then I was like shit I already had a membership that was unused...I guess I made sometime before & didn't remember
  4. MightyJohn

    Article's by GH15

    Yeah forgot that part Chris LOL(cheeseburgers and ice cream)
  5. MightyJohn

    Lee Priest new tattoo

    Now his arm matches his face
  6. MightyJohn

    Crossfit injuries confirmed.

    I know a chic that fractured her ankle crossfitting
  7. MightyJohn

    SUPERMUTANT Rich Piana

    Loaded with PMMA
  8. MightyJohn

    Article's by GH15

    I'll sum it up, I've read most of his stuff: -Do as much GHona as You can afford -As much Trenbolona Ace as You can tolerate -As much Testarona, Equipona & Masterona as You can shove in Your body and You'll be big an ripped, not rocket science lol
  9. MightyJohn

    IP Masterone 50 mg pills

    Back in the day his masterone were the shit....his winny still are
  10. MightyJohn

    Anybody know much about PMMA?

    Yea on another board it was discussed in detail alot of guys are bringing up lagging bodyparts with it...the stuff is expensive
  11. MightyJohn

    Equipoise and Lab Results

    Are You sure Your EQ isn't fake and actually test?
  12. MightyJohn

    King Kamali updated pic

    he looks better now then he did when he competed
  13. MightyJohn

    Zach Kahn

    Didnt he get injured, knees or something
  14. MightyJohn

    Which steroid will you never take again and why?

    Winny(I already have too many injuries) and Deca(bloated, zits that don't surface etc.)
  15. MightyJohn

    Muscle Worship..WTF?

    I know of several guys that do that, it's been secretive for years
  16. MightyJohn

    Anadrol - thing of the past

    Damn Dude, what brand were they?
  17. MightyJohn

    first time using anadrol

    How come nobody makes a high quality ADrol these days(not like there's no demand)
  18. MightyJohn

    Anadrol - thing of the past

    I once had Hemos yrs back and they were easily the strongest abombs I've ever used...hard to find a high quality brand these days
  19. MightyJohn

    Best doses in your experience

    Hey Dude, what about Your massive test cycle of the past? I love EQ, Drol, gh...test, deca are ok...tren is good when I can handle the sides
  20. MightyJohn

    whats the secret?

    yrs back I'm in the mall with a friend thats 5'4-1/2 224 with abs & someone asks"do You workout" & straighfaced he replied "no I play tennis" LOL