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  1. T

    Couple cycle questions

    Well I already have deca, and caber. So it's really a matter of how much and how often. I think 400mg is probably the safest bet since I don't know how sensitive I will be to a 19 nor. I have used a prohormone in the past, like ten years ago, that was a nandrolone prohormone and I loved it and...
  2. T

    Injecting TNE

    I feel dumb, wtf is TNE?
  3. T

    Back training

    Yeah, once every two weeks is probably not enough. I kind of think that the idea of width and thickness exercises isn't exactly right on either. I mean if you are doing chins and pull overs for your lats they will probably add some amount of thickness to the outer part of your lat at least...
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    Let the New Year Rush Begin!

    It doesn't bother me, but I've certainly noticed an increase in people this week. Most seem to be a bit older though and are using the cardio equipment and machines.
  5. T

    genetics, even the best still do high doses.

    Well, I don't know, but this is my reasoning: First off, I'm not sure how much money pros really make. I believe only the top few percent actually make a decent living out of BB by itself. So I would suspect that many of them can't afford HG gear, especially at the doses they may be taking. Now...
  6. T

    Couple cycle questions

    My next cycle I'm heading into I want to use test e and deca. I had thought about NPP instead of deca, but I'm really trying to keep the pinning down to a minimum. At least until I'm about eight weeks out at which point I'll switch to prop, masteron, and winny. So that leads me to my first...
  7. T

    genetics, even the best still do high doses.

    Just out of curiosity, why would you hook up a pro BB? I'm not trying to be a dick if that's what it sounds like. I guess what I mean is that, since steroids are illegal and most pros don't publicly admit to using them, how can they help you out? Usually a sponsorship is a two way street...
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    Update Pics Posted

    Chris, did you start a log on PM yet?
  9. T

    Car Transport

    I moved up the east coast once but we had three cars. Wife drove one, I drove rental truck towing one other car. Left third car at friends house, flew down a few months later and drove it up.
  10. T

    DECA or EQ?

    Hey but back on topic, what if you ran the deca for say 12 weeks along with your test, and then went to say, prop and tren ace for 8 weeks? Or is that longer than you want to be on? Also, out of curiosity, have you ever run test/deca/EQ at the same time? I've heard of people getting good...
  11. T

    DECA or EQ?

    Ok, LOL, I guess I see how it can be confusing. The story is this: That's me, backstage after prejudging at my first show. They had a photographer taking pics of everyone so that's why there is the background and why I'm looking in a different direction. I was looking at the camera, and my...
  12. T

    DECA or EQ?

  13. T

    DECA or EQ?

    I wouldn't take nandrolone and tren together. you might end up with some bad progesterone sides. I can't compare the two, but EQ didn't do much for me but veins. I've been wanting to try deca or NPP but I'm a little hesitant because all I hear about is the shut down, deca dick, etc.
  14. T

    Gotta love this feeling...

    Jesus H Christ man! You doing that once a week then or what? Where the hell did you pin 10mls?
  15. T

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    Did you even read the thread? It's all there man.
  16. T

    Pre workout insulin

    Did you even read the thread? It's all there man.
  17. T

    Offseason Log

    Squats 375x8 340x9 315x14 SLDL 275x9 250x9 kneeling one leg leg curl 130x6 Adductor 200x20 roman chair situps and leg raises
  18. T

    Anyone plan on traing on Thanksgiving Day?

    Technically I would but my gym is closed all day so I can't...
  19. T

    Chilly is fired!

    IF they had fired him three weeks ago they might have saved the season. Doubtful, but possible. Now they have to figure out what to do long term at QB. Not that I really care, my favorite teams are the Packers and whoever is playing the Vikings!
  20. T


    Well, being a Wisconsin boy I'm a little biased. I'm going with Packers vs Patriots. Packers win 34 to 28 on a Clay Mathews forced fumble, recovered and ran back for a TD.