Search results

  1. H

    HCG and HRT

    Yes. I have been on HRT for years and my doc gives a script for HCG too. I have done HRT without it and I just don't feel the same. Low sex drive and etc without it.
  2. H

    Igf and traps?!

    I have many times with no issues.
  3. H

    NukNuk's log to Nationals 3 weeks out

    Looking great. Good luck.
  4. H

    281lbs today !!!! Finally !!!!

    Wow. Thats big. Good job.
  5. H

    Chest Suggestions

    I have been doing DC for months now if not the last year or more. For some reason i respond well to DC. I might change up and start a different routine. Right now doing DC my two chest exercises are Flat Smith Press and Incline Dumbell Press on the separate days. I thought about throwing in...
  6. H

    Pissed Dark Brown Blood Yesterday! Freaked me the fuck out!

    I have but not for that reason. I ruptured my bladder once and had surgery to repair it. After surgery I pissed blood for about 2 weeks. I had no clue I was going to piss blood after the surgery and it scared the shit out of me too. I called the doctor and was headed back to the emergency...
  7. H

    Trying to talk Zeus into doing Wings of Strengh in July !

    Go for it Zues! He is a great asset to this site. Would be great seeing him do it.
  8. H

    Chest Suggestions

    You know, I was just thinking about throwing dips in this week. I used to do them but have not in years. I think i will try getting them back in my workout.
  9. H

    Chest Suggestions

    Over the next few months I really want to focus on growing my chest more. Its not that its lagging, I just want to add size to it. Anyone have any suggestions. Should I start trying to hit it twice a week? Should I try and do a day of chest only and just do tons of sets? Reps, range and etc...
  10. H

    Ronnie Coleman Dallas

    Is anyone going to the Ronnie Coleman this weekend? I have not decided yet.
  11. H

    Had a rough day.

    Thats sucks. Relax and get better.
  12. H


    I do cardio outside but also use a treadmill.
  13. H


    I love EQ. My favorite but my red blood cell count skyrockets.
  14. H

    Digital scale??

    I would measure the entire bottle of the supplement. It makes a huge difference depending on the supplement and how much it has settled, compacted or how loose it is. Then you can weigh how much the actual amount you need.
  15. H

    Yeah so you cant get into contest shape !!!

    There was a 71 year old at my old gym that was in better shape than most 30 year olds in the gym. He was 6' 235. Not as good as that guy but I hope I am in that shape when I get old.
  16. H

    Who's on hrt from a doc?

    I have been for a few years. Cyp at 200mg week. My doc is a dumb ass and I pretty much tell him what I need. I don't take HCG but really want to start. I have been looking into it.
  17. H

    Bruising on injection sites

    I do with igf on calves and biceps. Not anywhere else.
  18. H

    Who trains front delts?

    I dont. Chest workout kill mine.
  19. H

    updating the gym

    That's good news. I have been bugging my gym to get bigger dumbells for a long time but they won't do it. There claim is that insurance skyrockets when they go over 120lbs.
  20. H

    My new Inversion Table!

    Yes. I actually put on a couple pairs. Some shoes that come up higher work to. Have you ever tried the traction devices you can get on ebay? It hooks to your waist and upper back and slowly stretches you out. Looks like a piece of junk to me but I wonder if it would work. I am right there with...