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    TNE/Dbol blend

    whats the dose per cc ?
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    Peptides in Australia illegal?

    bro my MC igf got seized as human growth hormone. they make theyre own rules... u might get lucky u might not im waiting on a resend... that i bet a testicle will never come
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    dennis wolf 2 weeks out

    anyone else think hes got strange biceps... odd or no peaks... and like where they join from the shoulder ... always kinda bugged me... oh and the guys wide as shit!
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    vets - high dose test, tren , anti e's and sex drive?

    thanks chris i have letro on hand ... wat dose would u recommend at 2grams ...
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    spliting up legs

    right now im doing them twice a week ... thighs / hams one day , hams / thighs the next . calves at both 55 sets (thighs, hams, calves) for the last workout ... shit was brutal
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    NukNuk's Contest log...

    very impressive bro ... i know u mentioned in the pics at the top u werent posing properly ... well take it from me, u dont want to lose places because of posing ... it tears at me everyday that i came 4th (instead) second at nationals becasue of shit posing... get that shit right ...
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    vets - high dose test, tren , anti e's and sex drive?

    yeh i have had heard the super high test killing sex drive thing ... but i thought that would be the last thing on the list of things it could be... i think as u say lower the dose of tren, since im doing daily shots ill just drop back to a half ml of tren ace and see if theres an improvement.
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    PCT, pill or oral?

    to my knowledge liquids are assimilated better than tabs... however, i think pharmacy grade trumps all. u cant argue with that quality
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    Ronny Rockel 5 weeks out...

    i love his physique , awesome aethetics... nothings missing ... so balanced he needs to be alot sharper through lower back, glutes and hams at this point... thats his achilles but five weeks is a long time. im gunning for him the most underrated bodybuilder in the ifbb
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    Amino Acids, who takes them and how many grams?

    30g aminos in 2litre bottle of water, sip on till empty, all day. refill as needed 20grams bcaa preworkout 10grams eaa prewokout 100g dextrose 20grams bcaa during workout 10grams eaa 35g dextrose p.s. i get my aminos free... :)
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    vets - high dose test, tren , anti e's and sex drive?

    daily. so per week its 2100mg test 700mg tren ace i just prefer everyday injects. i feel even with the cyp sides are minimised (especially acne)
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    vets - high dose test, tren , anti e's and sex drive?

    hmmm i think u guys are right ... which is a shame, i was about to switch from tren ace, to tren e. anyone have experience with 1-test cyp , i hear it similar to tren and could be a good substitute ?
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    vets - high dose test, tren , anti e's and sex drive?

    guys right now im doing very heavy cycle ( u may recall i have 12 months off, training twice a day 6 days a week at the moment) cycle. 200mg cyp 100mg prop 100mg tren 1mg adex 500mg dostinex (twice a week only) daily. im having libido issues... ? u think its the tren ? or is my...
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    what do the best so called "Guru's" charge?

    wonder if charles will give a discount since im with ON ?
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    what do the best so called "Guru's" charge?

    im waiting to hear how much 4 weeks with charles glass will cost when i know i will let u know ...
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    Whole food or shake preworkout

    i have a shake about an hour before, and whole meal maybe 2-3 hours before i like the shake prior, coz i find i can train alot harder with a full stomach
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    Naval bust....

    This is from sydney australia bro, lol, i bet they found 2 bottles of stana and a bottle of deca... Typical aussie media beat up
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    Is there correlation between gear and dreams?

    sometimes i have dreams, when on tren, that are so vivid, i can actually think and answer questions, like its real life...
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    Love for tren

    i just noticed a small lump under each nipple (acutally its not right under) from tren... odd coz it was after i started taking dostinex, so im hitting it with 1mg adex, 1mg dostinex, 40mg nolva ? will that clear it ? or will i need letro ???
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    How many cc...

    if u do it your self its going to be more lateral to medial... as u said u just reach further back... and come in on an angle, wat id call 45 degrees.... i use a 1 1/4 inch 23g pin ... no probs... ever. has brought up my rear delts heaps... i know people say theres no such thing as site...