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  1. T

    Who here has used SEOs correctly

    SEOs are one of those things that take time though. The "use for 30 days" and you're good comments are bullshit. If you are creating a new look to your muscle in 4 weeks then its inflammation and swelling from PIP, that's all. I read a great article about less frequent injections but using...
  2. T

    Taking Clen before cardio in empty stomach....

    suck it aint that bad I do this EOD. 30 mins on the stairmaster with caffeine+100mcg clen
  3. T

    EQ vs. Tren

    not even close...Tren all the way. a better question would be to ask: NPP vs. Tren Ace Tren Ace would STILL WIN but there will be some NPP lovers.
  4. T

    Npp dose

    That's a hell of a cycle. I usually switch out NPP for Tren. Npp for 8 weeks then Tren Ace for 6 weeks....used that for contest prep and made me a beast
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    my range of motion has gone to shit in my shoulders

    Nuknuk, have you torn your labrum before? i've had a couple surgeries due bad tears of my labrum. Eventually led to arthritis in my shoulder. I still free squat but to reach the bar i have to wrap a wrist wrap around the bar then hold onto it with my hand. Looks pretty crazy but it works...
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    Todd Jewell 5 days out 2009 Nationals

    i've always been a fan of Jewell's physique..can never quite reealll it in on contest day though. what a giant dude though.
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    Legs, need some trash talk

    this is possibly the stupidest thread ever started here "somone online make-fun-of-me"
  8. T

    Meat Facts: Choosing Meat and Poultry

    i really want to use more venison as my protein sources...i'm also a huge fan of buffalo
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    cardio in the AM

    im on clen/t3/yohimbine hcl incline treadmill 45 mins in the AM. no BCAA, no carbs fat is melting off of me
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    Stay away from Precision Peptides

    PP is pathetic man. i ordered 3 bottles of their clen ...NOTHING ...wasted money on that and their T3 as well their Aromasin and MT2 were OK but nothing spectacular
  11. T

    Massive sale on certain products on

    Any reviews of the orange flavor ?
  12. T

    Injectable dbol & injectable anadrol

    A source I use has both inj drol and dbol but I've thought the same thing. Do you have to inj 2-3 times a day because of the half-life or is the half-life some how longer
  13. T

    how often do you do abs

    Every so often off season and 3-4 times a week when I'm dieting down. I have tried to do them before everything now cause by the end of my workout, I wantto skip em
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    tv shows about fat people.

    The Biggest Loser is ok but tooo cheesy! There is always an underlying factor on WHY PEOPLE ARE one wants to admit that they just love food and are lazy as fuck haha. they all had a terrible childhood experience or death in the family that led to their obesity...bullshit IMO. im a...
  15. T

    My amino infusion report...

    interesting, im going to have to try some of this
  16. T

    cardio poll...pick your poison

    Stepmill for like 20-30 followed by another 20 on incline treadmill....stepmill is a bitch but just melts fat off of most people
  17. T

    Is Diet soda linked to heart, stroke risk??

    this study was shown on Good Morning America and even the medical experts on THERE called the study a joke. all what they did is ask if they drank diet soda and their account for their weight or for ANY OTHER factors in their diet, etc. you simply CANNOT show evidence in a...
  18. T

    Favorite tricep exercise for mass

    Dips and Close Grip for the win