Crazy Belgian wants to be Thoroughbred

Damn horse wants to lose about a third of his weight and become a thoroughbred. He has a lot of joint and injury issues but still wants to retain the muscle and strength that he has built up over the years. I am considering doing something more drastic than has been tried on him before this time.

What do you guys think of starting him on 600 mg a week of equibolan for a full run of 16 weeks as total cycle. At the 4th week adding 100 mg of deca a week and 100 mg of Igf ed and maintaining that for 4 weeks. On the 6th week add 100 mg of prop eod for 6 weeks. On the 8th week 4ad and Igf for 4 more weeks. DIM and Beta Sitasterol will be used throughout the cycle and for 4 weeks after cycle, Formestane will start 8th week and continue to 16th week, Nolva will be started on 2nd week after cycle and end after 2 weeks,Clomid will be started on 3rd week after cycle and end after 3 weeks.

Diet is 1800 calories with 310 gms of protein a day with most of carbs coming from herbs, cabbage, broccolli, garlic , hay, alphalfa, and brewers yeast at about 60 gms a day. the rest is fat mostly specialty horefeed oils and olive oil, with some coming from protein sources On Sunday calories will be increased to 2400 with additional carbs and protein for a partial break from the grind. Additiona carbs are almost all oats and greens.
I understand that the EQ, Deca, and Igf will raise his hunger considerably but have already stocked up on appetite suppressors. The test is to keep his interest up when the deca and Igf messes with his mind.
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sounds good...but i wouldn't waste all that on a horse, just send it to me. all of the aas you've chose will definately help his tendons feel better.