Critique my cycle


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I've been off AAS since February, thinking of jumping back on. Here are my initial thoughts.

May be Jump on DNP for 2-3 weeks (ie if I can find the legit stuff)
Take a week in between to clear the system then use the rebound from DNP to introduce more carbs and shoot for 3:2:1 proportion of Protein Carb fat for a lean gain cycle. 2900 calories and then add on as needed basis. Short burst of MC IGF @ 100 mcg for about 10 days to maximize the rebound effects and to keep from gaining fat.

Week 1-4 Front load with CYBER SUPPZ M1T (gotta check the dosing)

Week 1-6 Synthrol for shit calves lol

Week 1-8 NPP @ 400 mg/week and T400 @ 800mg/week (just to get most test for my monay)

Week 3-7 MC IGF @ 50 mcg ed

Week 8-16 Tren @400 mg/week, masteron @500 mg/week and test Prop @800 mg/week

Week 10-14 MC IGF @ 50mcg ed

Week 10-16 Cyber Suppz aqua & Cyto (following protocol posted by big n wv)

18-24 PCT with clomid, nolva, MC IGF and HGH peptides (may be some SARMS too)

I'm 6', 213 morning weight right now fairly lean, wanna get shredded before I start this cycle, may be 200 lbs. My end goal is to be between 220-225 super lean with dense and round muscles.

So feel free to rip this apart, tweak or add to it. As far as its constructive, you are most welcome.

Thanks guys!

Seeing as nobody really cared to comment on this, makes me think it may not be absolutely retarded and lethal idea of a cycle.

So here I start 3 week DNP phase today.
Feel free to drop a word of caution or advice as some of you are experienced at this.
Seeing as nobody really cared to comment on this, makes me think it may not be absolutely retarded and lethal idea of a cycle.

So here I start 3 week DNP phase today.
Feel free to drop a word of caution or advice as some of you are experienced at this.
sounds like a good cut or lean stack, I have only read horrible things about dnp so I'd never do it
Thanks! Yeah, I may be too curious for my own good lol
But I guess everyone can use a guinea pig's experience lol

I'd tell u double that tren and put some massive size on with a couple week kickstarted of drol. A lot of ppl would say that's too much though.
My humble opinion bro, Id front load with dbol (if you're worried about the bulk just run it about 20-50mg ed for two weeks instead of 4). M1t kicked the shit out of me and I have NEVER had sides and m1t made me kick ass in the gym but really messed me up and dropped it after a week.

Just curious why NPP?

I'd run NPP or test to 12 weeks, I think anything less is a waste. Me, I'd run it to 16. I'd start the cut stack at 16 (or your original 12th week) and only do 4 weeks instead of 8 like you have there. I only say this because pinning prop eod is going to suck ass as well as tren and masteron. Plus masteron is expensive and 2-4 weeks is golden.

I'd run aqua burn and cyto to big's protocol but 2 weeks and that shit worked awesome for me plus I fucking hate clen.

I'f run a 4 week pct. I would seriously consider running hcg for pct. I've never used it until this last pct about 7 weeks ago and I didn't lose anything and actually felt stronger and only lost weight because I increased my cardio. Also nolva and clomid and I was a champ!!!! Also think about getting those liver values down and make sure your prostate is taken care of. masteron and tren hit your prostate harder.

I wouldn't add hgh for pct or even take it the last 4-5 weeks of you cycle, it is going to keep water on you. I'd add it back after a few weeks after pct after you enjoy your shredded ass.

Of course everything is dependent on you meals.
I'd tell u double that tren and put some massive size on with a couple week kickstarted of drol. A lot of ppl would say that's too much though.

Thanks metal, I like tren but if you take double the tren say 800mg/week, wouldn't you need to be well over a gram on test. I heard of this new oral tren that binds to receptors exponentially better. What's your thoughts on that?
My humble opinion bro, Id front load with dbol (if you're worried about the bulk just run it about 20-50mg ed for two weeks instead of 4). M1t kicked the shit out of me and I have NEVER had sides and m1t made me kick ass in the gym but really messed me up and dropped it after a week.

Just curious why NPP?

I'd run NPP or test to 12 weeks, I think anything less is a waste. Me, I'd run it to 16. I'd start the cut stack at 16 (or your original 12th week) and only do 4 weeks instead of 8 like you have there. I only say this because pinning prop eod is going to suck ass as well as tren and masteron. Plus masteron is expensive and 2-4 weeks is golden.

I'd run aqua burn and cyto to big's protocol but 2 weeks and that shit worked awesome for me plus I fucking hate clen.

I'f run a 4 week pct. I would seriously consider running hcg for pct. I've never used it until this last pct about 7 weeks ago and I didn't lose anything and actually felt stronger and only lost weight because I increased my cardio. Also nolva and clomid and I was a champ!!!! Also think about getting those liver values down and make sure your prostate is taken care of. masteron and tren hit your prostate harder.

I wouldn't add hgh for pct or even take it the last 4-5 weeks of you cycle, it is going to keep water on you. I'd add it back after a few weeks after pct after you enjoy your shredded ass.

Of course everything is dependent on you meals.

Thanks for your suggestions bro, I've never tried M1T. Not sure how is react to it. I guess that makes it interesting to me lol

NPP is faster acting Nadrolone unlike Deca ester. But I've read that max one should be on it is 6-8 weeks else sides outweigh the gains. Then i think changing compounds helps with receptor desensitization issue.

Pins are not a problem to me usually, I kinda look fwd to it lol

I agree with your idea of not running GHRP/RH peptides during PCT. definitely makes sense to not fck up a lean cycle in the end lol what was I thinking lol

HCG I used to keep in my PCTs but I've been hearing mixed reviews about it lately. Saying it can cause estrogen to spike causing body to hold water and add fat. Not too sure about it.
What was your protocol? May be it has something to do about it.

Thanks for the help man!
Thanks metal, I like tren but if you take double the tren say 800mg/week, wouldn't you need to be well over a gram on test. I heard of this new oral tren that binds to receptors exponentially better. What's your thoughts on that?
I did 800 of tren w 1400 of test a week and 50/day of drol and I got big and strong fast, to the point of where I knew I had to slow down the weight bc I was afraid of damaging my tendons/ligaments which take forever to catch up to where the muscle is. Some ppl cant handle that much tren I was fine, hotter at night and I was shaky a little like if I tried to hold my hand perfectly still in the air. It will kick u up a notch from where you are at and you wont have to eat as much with that level of tren although I am always starving so it's never an issue for me either way.
Thanks for your suggestions bro, I've never tried M1T. Not sure how is react to it. I guess that makes it interesting to me lol

NPP is faster acting Nadrolone unlike Deca ester. But I've read that max one should be on it is 6-8 weeks else sides outweigh the gains. Then i think changing compounds helps with receptor desensitization issue.

Pins are not a problem to me usually, I kinda look fwd to it lol

I agree with your idea of not running GHRP/RH peptides during PCT. definitely makes sense to not fck up a lean cycle in the end lol what was I thinking lol

HCG I used to keep in my PCTs but I've been hearing mixed reviews about it lately. Saying it can cause estrogen to spike causing body to hold water and add fat. Not too sure about it.
What was your protocol? May be it has something to do about it.

Thanks for the help man!

I ran hcg 500ius ed for 10 days, 10mg of nolva for 20 days (started together) and then 50mg ed of clomid for 10 days. Bounced back like never before. HCG will always be stocked upl
I ran hcg 500ius ed for 10 days, 10mg of nolva for 20 days (started together) and then 50mg ed of clomid for 10 days. Bounced back like never before. HCG will always be stocked upl

Wow that's seems very effective PCT for its length bro!
So did you start this cycle or any cycle for that matter brutha? Just wondering how it was going with your decision and what you decided on if anything lol
I like the cycle sir! I agree with others on running the deca longer or you can avoid the bloat and prolactin sides you might get by going with EQ. I also like Tren in the 600-800 range. I've used both M1-T and super DMZ and liked them both. I think the DMZ is better for front loading a cycle such as yours. You can still utilize the M1-T pre workout for added aggression, muscle preservation and a ridiculous pump. Keep us posted on your progress!
So did you start this cycle or any cycle for that matter brutha? Just wondering how it was going with your decision and what you decided on if anything lol

Lol yes boss I did!
Just finished 14 days cycle of DNP past Sunday. Lost 10-11 lbs. much tighter around the waist now. currently very flat tho from having glycogen reserves completely depleted and still holding water from DNP.
But it should clear my system by Friday, and then I'll do some carb loading and add MC IGF to enhance the super compensation of glycogen.
I think that would be a good time (in 2 weeks) to start my AAS cycle.
I didn't post much as I know not many folks are fan of DNP and frankly I was retardedly tired through the cycle lol
But thanks for checking in! So far all is according to the plan :)
I like the cycle sir! I agree with others on running the deca longer or you can avoid the bloat and prolactin sides you might get by going with EQ. I also like Tren in the 600-800 range. I've used both M1-T and super DMZ and liked them both. I think the DMZ is better for front loading a cycle such as yours. You can still utilize the M1-T pre workout for added aggression, muscle preservation and a ridiculous pump. Keep us posted on your progress!

Thanks bro!
But since I'm running NPP instead of Deca, isn't it better not to go past 8 weeks on that as its fast acting unlike Deca?
I'll up the tren as I do like tren and I think I'm ok with it's sides.
How far apart should m1T cycles should be if I were to run two 30 days cycle? Just curious about its toxicity on liver.
I've been off AAS since February, thinking of jumping back on. Here are my initial thoughts.

May be Jump on DNP for 2-3 weeks (ie if I can find the legit stuff)
Take a week in between to clear the system then use the rebound from DNP to introduce more carbs and shoot for 3:2:1 proportion of Protein Carb fat for a lean gain cycle. 2900 calories and then add on as needed basis. Short burst of MC IGF @ 100 mcg for about 10 days to maximize the rebound effects and to keep from gaining fat.

Week 1-4 Front load with CYBER SUPPZ M1T (gotta check the dosing)

Week 1-6 Synthrol for shit calves lol

Week 1-8 NPP @ 400 mg/week and T400 @ 800mg/week (just to get most test for my monay)

Week 3-7 MC IGF @ 50 mcg ed

Week 8-16 Tren @400 mg/week, masteron @500 mg/week and test Prop @800 mg/week

Week 10-14 MC IGF @ 50mcg ed

Week 10-16 Cyber Suppz aqua & Cyto (following protocol posted by big n wv)

18-24 PCT with clomid, nolva, MC IGF and HGH peptides (may be some SARMS too)

I'm 6', 213 morning weight right now fairly lean, wanna get shredded before I start this cycle, may be 200 lbs. My end goal is to be between 220-225 super lean with dense and round muscles.

So feel free to rip this apart, tweak or add to it. As far as its constructive, you are most welcome.

Thanks guys!


My first comment: Yeah, not a fan of DNP—Why the DNP to get shredded before the cycle? Sounds counterproductive if you want to bulk.

The IGF can be run throughout the whole thing, no need to leave it out until week 3. Syntherol in the calves—you're a brave soul.

I like the rest of the cycle, looks good. If you experience sides like acne while on, then you can run clomid probably 50mg twice a week which will balance out the test. The reasoning for this is to work with your body instead of against it. Test is going to aromatize to estrogen when your body senses the huge imbalance of test to estrogen you create with the cycle. Some try to combat this by using an anti-aromatase, but those compounds often only work so far, and some aromatization still occurs. Using clomid with the cycle keeps the body more in balance so it doesn't try to aromatize your test because it "sees" it as an estrogen which makes it an anti-estrogen of sorts. I used to have all sorts of trouble with acne whether on an anti-aromatase or not. When I finally got a doctor who knew a lot more about how all the compounds reacted together, he recommended this, and my acne is virtually gone now. Going from acne across my back/chest to maybe one or two zits here or there was a huge relief. (Important to note here that nolvadex will NOT work for this.) As the cycle ends, you have to adjust again so that estrogen doesn't overpower your body, cutting down on the clomid and adding the nolva to block receptor sites.
My first comment: Yeah, not a fan of DNP—Why the DNP to get shredded before the cycle? Sounds counterproductive if you want to bulk.

The IGF can be run throughout the whole thing, no need to leave it out until week 3. Syntherol in the calves—you're a brave soul.

I like the rest of the cycle, looks good. If you experience sides like acne while on, then you can run clomid probably 50mg twice a week which will balance out the test. The reasoning for this is to work with your body instead of against it. Test is going to aromatize to estrogen when your body senses the huge imbalance of test to estrogen you create with the cycle. Some try to combat this by using an anti-aromatase, but those compounds often only work so far, and some aromatization still occurs. Using clomid with the cycle keeps the body more in balance so it doesn't try to aromatize your test because it "sees" it as an estrogen which makes it an anti-estrogen of sorts. I used to have all sorts of trouble with acne whether on an anti-aromatase or not. When I finally got a doctor who knew a lot more about how all the compounds reacted together, he recommended this, and my acne is virtually gone now. Going from acne across my back/chest to maybe one or two zits here or there was a huge relief. (Important to note here that nolvadex will NOT work for this.) As the cycle ends, you have to adjust again so that estrogen doesn't overpower your body, cutting down on the clomid and adding the nolva to block receptor sites.

Thanks for the advice on clomid bro, I generally don't get much troubles with acne but its good to know if I do end up getting them.

My goal is to get as lean as possible and gain lean throughout the cycle. DNP primarily coz I'm too curious for my own good lol
But after my research I decided it wasn't all that evil as it is made out to be. Just can't pop em like OTC fat burners or you end up in the ER if you are lucky or 6' under otherwise. It needs to be respected like all harsh compounds.

I am of opinion that IGF needs to be cycled for receptor sensitivity issues hence I've placed it at the times where I thought it would produce the most synergistic effect with AAS.