Failed PR?


National Strongman Competitor
I have to say I am not sure if I should give myself credit or not...

I went for a new PR on squats. Promised myself I would try 800lbs to a 16" depth..this means your ass is 16" from the floor. Measure it for yourself and you will see it is pretty damn low...

Anyways, so I worked my way up to 800lbs.....135x10. 225x10. 315x6. 405x6.500x6.585x6.675x2..800...

My first 3 attempts I stepped out and the weight just felt unreal. I haven't touched it in awhile. When we do strongman Yoke I always handle this, but when you dont touch 800 for a year..its no joke.

Anyways, I lowered halfway to the 16" pin I set and I just lost confidence and stood up..That in itself seemed like a feat.

So I said f*** it, put the pins up 2" higher..I managed to crank out 800lbs for 3 sets of 2 reps each to this height. Not parallel by any means..

But all reps went up with ease.

I almost think I mentally talked myself out of it. I feel like I let myself down and my friends who believed I could hit it. I think I can..but only time will tell.

My previous PR was this is a big jump.

Any of you guys ever feel like you failed miserably even if you moved something 75-90% of the way?? It's a work in progress...

Rarely am I not confident in a heavy lift, but this was just heavy as hell. It literally crushed me. Even now I feel like I have compacted my body...

Anyways, I gave it a least I can live with the fact I tried it.

Bodyweight=205lbs today.

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8 plates per side, plus a 10, a 5 and a 2.5 per side.
I have had the feeling when I step out to do shrugs and I can barely hold the weight but then some days its easy as pie. but shit a lot of people couldn't even put 800 on their back with out falling over dead.
It really does make me mad/ruin my day when I don't hit a PR that I'm going for or that I should hit. I know what you mean too by feeling like you let others down. Wes, do you only box squat for low reps or do you do traditional squats at that rep range too?
That is a chit load of weight Wesley. I have found that in squatting, you must be mentally prepared. It is real easy to psych yourself out going for a PR lift.
fuck no, it doesn't bother me one bit if I don't hit a new PR-as long as I don't get hurt that's the main thing

if I miss the PR then I'll try it again some other time

800lbs is no joke-that's what Coleman was squatting at a body weight of over 300lbs
That is some serious don't feel bad you probably just psyched yourself out. I'm sure you'll hit it next time.

However if it makes you feel any better. You can have comfort in knowing that the weight would literally crush me. lol. I highly doubt I could not even lift it off the rack let alone do a partial squat.
Thank you guys all for the kind words..

My body wasn't even sore the next day..I was kind of surprised. Not 100% sure why either. I have been doing an intra workout all week, not sure if that was it or not.

Yeah I am back to the drawing board on how to get this deep. I think maybe I am just going to work with deep pin squats and stand put the weight on the pins, get under it and stand up. I think that will develop my CNS at the right spot so I can get used to feeling heavy weight at that portion of the lift. That and I will just walk 800 out here and there and do some partials.

I will keep trying until I get it. Could be weeks or months. But it will happen. Thanks for your guys positive comments as always :)
Thank you guys all for the kind words..

My body wasn't even sore the next day..I was kind of surprised. Not 100% sure why either. I have been doing an intra workout all week, not sure if that was it or not.

Yeah I am back to the drawing board on how to get this deep. I think maybe I am just going to work with deep pin squats and stand put the weight on the pins, get under it and stand up. I think that will develop my CNS at the right spot so I can get used to feeling heavy weight at that portion of the lift. That and I will just walk 800 out here and there and do some partials.

I will keep trying until I get it. Could be weeks or months. But it will happen. Thanks for your guys positive comments as always :)

Fck dude, you r crazy!
Also thanks for ruining my next leg workout lol