Help With Diet Ideas


I need a little help with diet ideas and direction...Basically my days are all the same except Friday nights and all day Sundays.

I stop eating 2hrs before I go to bed every night. I wake up every morning and immediately drink preworkout (Jack3d or Assault), take any orals or pin any applicable AAS or apply IGF - whatever Im doing at the time... 45mins to an hour later I walk down to the gym. At the gym I focus on 2-4 body parts a day, high reps with slightly lower weights and Im usually in there for 30-45mins and walk home.

I come home, eat a mens multivitamin (GNC mega mens, NOT Flinstones chewables) and I will drink a protein shake mixed with water... all this is done by 8:30am. I get on here toodle around and at 930am I hit the shower and get ready for work. On my way to work I hit the Chick Fil A drive through and get a plain grilled chicken sandwich, a bottled water, and munch that down before arriving to work.

Lunch is right around 12-12:30 and I usually will hit a local deli for a heavy meat sandwich or back to chick fil a for grilled chicken sandwich again but I wont eat the bun, wash it down with water with propel.

Snack (between lunch and dinner) is usually protein bar, almonds and cashews, granola bar, veggies or fruit, or flavored rice cakes

Dinner - 5-6pm is almost always home prepared chicken, tilapia, or steak (filet only) with a large portion of veggies..typically steamed carrots.

7-8pm I will have a fiber one bar or if I'm feeling a sweet tooth a couple of Oreo' I'm in bed by 10pm

My workout goals are to be fit, not be a body builder. My current stats are as follows...

I'm 39yrs old 6'1" 215lbs and prob 15-18% bf <--- total guess on body fat, Im not even sure how to calculate it. I'm currently doing 500mg of test e with 200mg of tren e and seeing AMAZING results, fat is literally falling off of me... I'm pretty lean expect in my belly area, but since doing this cycle I can tell it is going away.

I feel I have great genetics and have always responded well to cycles but I have struggled with time and being able to eat 1000% clean. I'm own multiple businesses that need constant attention and drain me out everyday. I try and select food items at Chick Fil A that are a balance between a clean diet and my lack of time in the day. Friday nights are always pizza nights with my kids, so I indulge and Sundays are my off days from everything and usually eat some donuts in the

My overall goal is to eliminate as much belly fat as possible, be fit and have a decent beach body for my age..

I apologize for the winded post, just looking for some opinions, input, and solid direction. I hope you all have an awesome Friday!
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I need a little help with diet ideas and direction...Basically my days are all the same except Friday nights and all day Sundays.

I stop eating 2hrs before I go to bed every night. I wake up every morning and immediately drink preworkout (Jack3d or Assault), take any orals or pin any applicable AAS or apply IGF - whatever Im doing at the time... 45mins to an hour later I walk down to the gym. At the gym I focus on 2-4 body parts a day, high reps with slightly lower weights and Im usually in there for 30-45mins and walk home.

I come home, eat a mens multivitamin (GNC mega mens, NOT Flinstones chewables) and I will drink a protein shake mixed with water... all this is done by 8:30am. I get on here toodle around and at 930am I hit the shower and get ready for work. On my way to work I hit the Chick Fil A drive through and get a plain grilled chicken sandwich, a bottled water, and munch that down before arriving to work.

Lunch is right around 12-12:30 and I usually will hit a local deli for a heavy meat sandwich or back to chick fil a for grilled chicken sandwich again but I wont eat the bun, wash it down with water with propel.

Snack (between lunch and dinner) is usually protein bar, almonds and cashews, granola bar, veggies or fruit, or flavored rice cakes

Dinner - 5-6pm is almost always home prepared chicken, tilapia, or steak (filet only) with a large portion of veggies..typically steamed carrots.

7-8pm I will have a fiber one bar or if I'm feeling a sweet tooth a couple of Oreo' I'm in bed by 10pm

My workout goals are to be fit, not be a body builder. My current stats are as follows...

I'm 39yrs old 6'1" 215lbs and prob 15-18% bf <--- total guess on body fat, Im not even sure how to calculate it. I'm currently doing 500mg of test e with 200mg of tren e and seeing AMAZING results, fat is literally falling off of me... I'm pretty lean expect in my belly area, but since doing this cycle I can tell it is going away.

I feel I have great genetics and have always responded well to cycles but I have struggled with time and being able to eat 1000% clean. I'm own multiple businesses that need constant attention and drain me out everyday. I try and select food items at Chick Fil A that are a balance between a clean diet and my lack of time in the day. Friday nights are always pizza nights with my kids, so I indulge and Sundays are my off days from everything and usually eat some donuts in the

My overall goal is to eliminate as much belly fat as possible, be fit and have a decent beach body for my age..

I apologize for the winded post, just looking for some opinions, input, and solid direction. I hope you all have an awesome Friday!

That all sounds like a solid regimen brutha! I would most deifinitly kill the oreos snack, and the donuts on sunday lol. Your not taking any type of fat burner?

ECA or clen/t3?

It also sounds like you could eat some more protein. but overall your days look pretty solid to me bro! The high reps are exactly what i would suggest for someone just looking to be fit, so that looks good to!

Heres a question though, are you still getting sore after workouts, or do you think maybe changing that up to maybe doing some heavier weight with less reps would help. Considering your on tren and testosterone, i think you would benefit to going heavier with less reps, and replace some of that fat with muscle.

Also I have found that keeping a diet/food log helps, i haven't done it in years if I'm being honest but i have it down pretty good now days and eat the same shit daily for the met part, but you might wanna think about keeping a diet journal and write down your intake of fats, protein ect… IT WILL REALLY HELP!
I try to prepare my meals my self so I know whats going into them eating out your at somebody elses mercy. It has really made the difference in my body Me personally if you want to get real lean you have to prepare your own meals at home so you know its wholesome not processed and fulll of sodium. These fast food joints say their shits healthy I dont trust that I know what I looked like when I use to eat it and what I look like now. For me its no starches cycling carbs and alot of tilapia chicken and deer meat OH yeah I am a country boy and keep freezer full of venison.
Hmmm I think the most feasible long term solution to your problem is to fundamentally change how your body metabolizes food.

Like Presser said, add in a fat burner.

I'd also suggest adding HEAVY compound lifts and actively trying to get those stronger. That will change your body in so many ways and kick up your metabolism.

The gear, added food, consistent ecay use, and heavy training over a year or two will change how your body reacts to food. I used to be a fat fuck but now I stay under a true 10% eating 4000+ cals per day and having honestly 3-4 cheat meals a week. I'm trying to cut back on these, but they do help strength.

Sure you could starve yourself or eat clean year round, but nobody wants to do that and you can't grow doing that which is why we are all here right?

oh, and if you want more specific diet help, I'd be happy to write more.
Hmmm I think the most feasible long term solution to your problem is to fundamentally change how your body metabolizes food.

Like Presser said, add in a fat burner.

I'd also suggest adding HEAVY compound lifts and actively trying to get those stronger. That will change your body in so many ways and kick up your metabolism.

The gear, added food, consistent ecay use, and heavy training over a year or two will change how your body reacts to food. I used to be a fat fuck but now I stay under a true 10% eating 4000+ cals per day and having honestly 3-4 cheat meals a week. I'm trying to cut back on these, but they do help strength.

Sure you could starve yourself or eat clean year round, but nobody wants to do that and you can't grow doing that which is why we are all here right?

oh, and if you want more specific diet help, I'd be happy to write more.

yeah i think going heavier would be the key here as well! time to switch it up a little tatzoo
some folks are just carb sensitive. Take in the carbs and they store, In the end its energy in energy out. Just eat best you can and a little less. My stomach always likes to be real full then its happiest. I call it swollen belly syndrome. I got it right now.