Stupid Biotch said:
LMAO. yeah, I chuckled pretty hard at the avatar thingy too, lol. In all seriousness, I'm glad the FB got hacked cuz this board has become just amazing. The mods over there were great, but the admin. was impossible to get ahold of. This was the first board I EVER went to when I wanted to get into steroids. It's just great what a quality board it's become. Good work presser!!

(excuse me while I go wipe Pressers shit off my nose)

Brown Noser, Appler Polisher! LOL
ah man

...Presser, i thought you were serious and i got happy as fuck...cause i hate these motherfuckers...LMAO...:rolleyes:...
geez for a minute there i was like fuk this board...the people here are RUDE, i'm going back to fitness board, lol.

and yes, you have to watch stupid biotch.....he is a brown noser. but if the mods are good to him, he will give you a bj, lol.

j/k SB
Re: ah man

sully said:
...Presser, i thought you were serious and i got happy as fuck...cause i hate these motherfuckers...LMAO...:rolleyes:...

Just because your odds of winning the lotto just went down with 200 members coming in. LOL.
but tell use the truth.. faster board.. less newbies... better board layout.. deals on SUPPS... deal on kits.. Drug Profiles... gear pics... PM fuction..no spammin and hacking.. etc etc etc.. which board is better?????
Damn I thought I was gonna have to kick Presser's fuking ass!

Then I looked at his pic again and decided to forgive him just this once...:D :D
Damn you.......

I just shit my pants.... :o

I thought I was going to be homeless...cut off....adrift at sea....lost in the Badlands (actually did that this summer :rolleyes: )

Please, my ego can't take being banned yet AGAIN!

This place is nuts....:D
I'm going throught the threads and suddenly see this one and say, "WTF! I lost one good board and now I see this." Agreed, great board, and fast, thanks for letting us in.