Adding in a lot more Complex carbohydrates wont hurt you at all especially if your training regularly and on the cycle you laid out above. Your body will show improvements quickly to, keeping your muscles fed , which tightens your skin, and you'll be where you need to be in no time at all! Your basically taking 750mg of testosterone a week, thats a lot in all honesty. Not to mention the tren you were on for 5 weeks and dianabol, so once the gear is lowered or its time to come off, you will tighten up and stay fuller with the added carbs.
In truth, its really hard to determine exact causes without the whole picture, as when it comes to bodybuilding, trainng, diet, and steroids, EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE , as i like to say. I will say this though, if your paying a Personal Trainer, and been with them 10 weeks and not seeing noticable changes with the gear schedule and dosage, as well as the training, then maybe he isnt taking you as serious as your taking him. Just a thought.