Mad'zz New Cutting Cycle!!!!!


New member
1-8 50mgFina ed
1-8 50mgProp ed
1-8 50mgWin eod
1-8 300mgPrimo/week

I will be dieting crazy.
I plan to get to 10%bf.
I will take a 4 week brake
then i will hit a bulk cycle with Dbol, deca, enanthate, prop.

By the way here is a link to my present pix
my pix
i did play with t3. last cycle i did 40mcg. but bro i dont wanna fuck with DNP. i am dumb enough to be doing all this shit at this age. i just turned 18 and look at my pix. i think if i hit cardio every morning for 20-30 mins, and eat clean i can drop a lot of bf%.