New pics - chris250


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Took these last night...(10-25-10) im sitting around 265-270lbs (depending on how much I eat) I would like to get to a solid 275lbs before I start, the diet at the first of next year....Let me know what you think ... I know there not great pics or full body ones...but I will try to get some full body shots here soon...
thanks guys...I have been working really hard, to get back to where I was or even better...I havnt been this heavy in over 7-8 I really think that I have put on some good solid muscle and will be able to be a super heavy next year
Damn Chris you look great. You very very dense and tight at that weight. Much tighter than I am right now.
thanks guys...I know all you can really see is my I gotta shave all this hair off and take off my shirt so you can see the rest of the body...LOL !!!
I think you look great and definitely have made some great gains, but more importantly, how is your health? how do you feel ? what do the docs say?
congrads chris.... even after a fallout like you had , you still came back strong and determined

its truley amazing how far youve come after such a short peroid of time considering the battle you had
. this is proof to everyone who has "excuses" that there are NO excuses to follow your dreams
and become who you thought you never could, a real champion
I think you look great and definitely have made some great gains, but more importantly, how is your health? how do you feel ? what do the docs say?

health is blood pressure the other day was 120 over 82...and my resting heart rate was 72...Overall I feel great, my heart is pretty much fully recovered and considering everything that happened...I feel really good...Im pretty excited about next year...