Pre-made meals


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So how many of you make all your meals for the week like on sunday or some shit? I simply can't do this. Maybe for my lunch or something for the next day, but not the whole damn week. I hate re-heated food!!!!!
I can't do it, but I really don't need to. I buy a 10lb frozen box of precooked chicken so there's no need for cooking and I buy those microwavable bags of frozen veggies so they're ready quickly. Other than that, it's a lot of fresh food
when leaning and for show i cooked twice a week. i had to bec im on the road all day long.. . in sales. i leave early and dont get back until late night. i have eaten a lot of cold chicken, fish, and rice from a cooler. but once my mind is made up i dont stop until the prep is over. three more weeks i'll be back to that again!!
Damn Lando thats some strong will power there cold fish ? wewwwwwwwwww
oh it was bad. . one day i forgot my damn silver or plastic ware. . lol and was eating cold rice with my hands! DAMNIT BOY that aint fun!!! i couldnt help but laugh at myself eatin it thinkin ur fukn crazy!!!!! dressed up workin eatin cold ass rice with your hands
yeah bro I would have atleast stopped at a supermarket and got a block of cheese or some coldcuts
i guess it gets to be so much of a habit after awhile and you know u got to eat this amount, this portion. . its almost a sickness!
My mrs cooks my food so no need for me to prep my food.

If it wernt for her id never stick to my diet plan.
Its the usual weekend ritual at my house. I will wake up at 4am like I normally do for work and get in breakfast. The gym doesn't open till 8am or 1pm on weekends so I have plenty of time to get a lot accomplished before my family wakes up.

I'll stick half of the meals in the fridge and the other half in the freezer and rotate them throughout the week.

I'm also considering taking some pre-made meals to work to save on space in the fridge.