

New member
just started a 50 mg eod winny cycle going for 5-6 weeks. my 1st cycle ever any tips for during or after the cycle thinking of doin some clen after
I dont know bro, that wouldnt be my first choice in cycles, but then again im not sure what ur trying to acheive with ur first cycle either
thats it...holy crap. how long did u research this and plan it. Do yourself a favor and dont ever take steroids again until you grow up.
How can I say this?
No adult would ever slap that together like you obviuosly did without having a clue what to take after. And your cycle is wack for so many reasons which I wont get into.
well im 5'7" 180lbs and am all grown up ive been lifting for 15 years and was looking to lean out. I didnt want anything to complicated and went for the water based .my bf is 11% so someone recommended winny. where did i fuk up? and what should i do? any help appreciated
It's not that big a problem it's just that most cycle consist of a base of test at least but you're goals sound different than the majority who just want to get big (bloated look).

If I were you I'd put some deca with it though for the joints and the stack would really help you put on some extra muscle without a lot of water while also allowing you to become a little more lean given you have a good diet.
I think if you want to slim down your on the right path. You can take clen early in your cycle and it won't matter much, you are going to notice a rise in body temp though., and you will be sweating a lot more but it shouldn't be as bad when your body gets used to the drug. As for the winny you should inject eod 50mg-100mg. As for how many weeks, at least 8 weeks on. If its your first cycle you may be selling yourself short if any less. And if you want to gain more add some test to it. But test should be used early and then introduce the winny after your done your test cycle. You really don't have to worry about gyno or many side affects with winny so at least your ok there. But if you start a cycle always finish it. and if you use any test then you should take some anti estrogens like clomid, proviron, hcg, nolvadex or arimidex. If I were you I would do a little more research before starting a cycle, I don't want to flame you but, just be carefull. there is plenty of threads on winny and clen here you just have to look. Almost every thread is a new batch of info...good luck bro!
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I agree with proud add some deca, winny seems to be hard on the joints for some
a test prop for the test will work great, lean muscle and hardly any bloat downside frequent injections, but your doing that with winny to so not a biggie.
HCG and proviron aren't anti-estrogens. One stimulates the testes and the other is androgenic.
PROUD13, I just wanted to catagorize post treatment drugs that are availlable. Hcg and clomid both are to provent testiculer shut down or regenerate natural teste function after or during a cycle.
yeah but do i really need anything post recover if im just taking winstrol. I guess i shoulda stated earlier my overall goal was to keep the size i have and lower my bf% i wanna stay 180lbs. also what does winny do to the joints? thanks for all the help bros!
It can dry them out.

You really need to do more research bro. You're surely not doing this in a safe manner. You're going off a friend's word of it will do to you (i.e-help you lean out). That's not smart at all if you trust him that much then ask him about side efx and how to use it. The only other information I'll give is to go check the forum "Steroid Encyclopedia" here on MC.

How old are you? You're putting something in your body and you have no idea what it is, what it does or how to use it. Seriously rethink what you're doing.
why the hell is AZI so critical on people. i know that some of us dont have all the knowlegde that he has and im pretty sure he knows what he is talking about but why be so harsh when people are trying to learn and i know he is probally going to say something smart but i just wanted to say that. no ill feelings just thought this site was for discussion and info. who wants to ask questions when some dude is going to try to make them feel stupid.
good point bro, az needs to relax a bit, and this is a place to learn and this is a place to research so no need for that bashing others shit here
I guess thats just AZI, he did that to me a while back but its all good, I dont play well with others either...but take some prozac bro.. and remember thier just learning like you did at one time.
You guys are knowledgeable but i think what concerns me now is injection struff, if you didnt know about what your taking and how much but injecting it, maybe you need to know more about that so it dont fuck you up!
This might help but make sure you know damn well what your doing!
Proud thanks for adding some info bro, I actually learned something from you.
listen to everyone and make sure you do your research before doing anything like that bro..just the best advice i can give ya.
I studied for 3 years about that shit before i ever used it and still didnt know things, and like i said i still am!
need to know more

franconian said:
yeah but do i really need anything post recover if im just taking winstrol. I guess i shoulda stated earlier my overall goal was to keep the size i have and lower my bf% i wanna stay 180lbs. also what does winny do to the joints? thanks for all the help bros!

how old are you?
how much protein are you eating and how are your eating habbits?
how tall are you?

btw - winstrol dries you out so your joints will ache something fierce - it also hurts like hell on the injection site about 12 hours after your shot and will last for another 24-36 hours - feels like someone hit you iwth a hammer and your muscle is cramped - my wife tells me it is like cramps she gets every month - thank you I am not a woman - that would be awful to deal with every month.

please answer above and I can give you feed back based on my experiences - I am about to do what you are looking to do - I am doing it most likely with 300 test and 300 equipoise. - I am not doing win any more - cuz of what I mentioned above. done 2 cycles with it - I am recreational bb - so its not worth it to me.
AZI needs to learn respect. this is a typical cycle for a first timer who may not want to inject and an oral cycle many have tried the first time around. usually as you grow into gear use you learn by trial and error that injecting yeilds better results. i don't cycle by rules and regulations of what you can and can't use or what compound is compatible with another. i use what i want in any combination with great success. yes bro you should do more research which is a blessing. if you have been lifting 15 yrs then you should have a solid base to start with. myself i have been training 29+ yrs and at 46 in great shape. don't mind the flames. that goes with the territory. don't let anyone tell you to inject if you're not ready. with research you will eventually find it will be worth it. i know many bros who use orals only and look great. would i do it. hell i'll cycle anything but i can't imagine not injecting . thats just me. let these bros guide you while doing the footwork yourself and you won't be sorry. whatever you decide. good luck on the cycle
not a bad choice as a first cycle, just run it for 6 weeks, Do pct with only nolvadex, 40 mg/ed 1st week, following two weeks 20 mg/ed. You will lean out pretty well, don't expect miracles though. Its all in the diet and cardio.


I totally agree with the flaming issue. We should not be so judgemental towards people who just want to know the facts. Thats what this is for right? We all started somewhere...sometime...
I agree with mellow out on shooting people down, as for cycle winnie increases collegen synthesis so much your tendons get swollen and brittle, this is the pain people experiance with it. There no stronger just larger and pissed off.. As to HCG and proviron I dont know, Ive ran HCG with Clomid or Tamoxafen, or Clomid with Proviron, all with great results, proviron and hcg together wouldnt do much for estro levels though,, proviron does help with estro but not directly, not like clomid or and anti aromatase inhibitor, arimadex and HCG would be great also,, but again to much HCG and another loopback mechanism kicks in and your own production of LH goes down..
The body amazingly adapts to these things.
And works to piss us off :-)

I would add a test base or if cutting is in mind why not winnie test for first cycle and test tren for second??