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    Axios new products...

    Ya very true seen many new guys over the past 4 years on sites just not log-on from the flaming.
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    injuried left shoulder

    I will say this like i say on all site go get some deep tissue massage,or active release,it helps big time,you will be in the gym in a day or two tops,so no need to miss workouts take it from me.
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    I want to try phenyl propionate

    I did it by a ug lab,and fak its sore just like prop shorts since its a shot ester.I still did it eod at 100mg,will never take it again,i hate all shot esters always sore the next day from the shots,only long ester for this boy here.Enjoy the pain crazy man haha.
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    Friday and Sex

    Blaa i hate you both,now only if there was a Nude thread or porn haha.
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    Your dose will be fine for your first cycle,but after this i wouldn't ever take anadrol anymore,just to toxic.There are better oral out there with less water,and blood pressure.
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    Oral protocols

    My water is high,but my fruit,and veggies are high so i don't drink as much since there is lots of fluids in them.But i keep my sodium moderate,as i love salt but i don't over do it.
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    Barbell or EZ bar curls.

    I mix it up,but i like e-z curls bar a little more since its easier on my elbows.
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    shit workout

    Ya i get the odd workout that isn't the greatest,but sometimes we need a extra day off from training.
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    Typical gains/results when on dbol?

    I put on about 2 pounds a week,and a few pounds of Zits haha.
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    I love

    Ya me too,everyone needs a good laugh.
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    Tren Act..

    Ya your first time on tren should always be 50-75mg,then work your dose up.If you do well on tren A,then you can do Tren E longer lasting,with less shots.Also Androl is a bad pick for orals there are better picks out there like Vars or T-bol.
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    Cortizone shots, anyone have input

    You will mask the pain,plus once your done the shit you feel pain again,you should do some GH,a friend said he read a study on how GH can help with your type of injury,i could ask him when i see him if he has a link.
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    Ordered Humalog from Canada

    What you can't get it man i live here in Canada i think it under 16.00 cdn,i can look into it for you if you like it like getting Cold meds here all you do is ask the pharmasist.
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    Long cycle low dose or short cycle high dose

    I like long cycles 16-24 weeks with moderate dose.
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    dont want it to end

    Get some hcg,Clomid,and nolva's,and some clen for energy. week 1 5000ui hcg Every 5 day 2 shot in total only week 2 clomid 100mg week 3 clomid 100mg week 4 clomid 100mg week 5 Nolva's 40mg ed week 6 nolva's 40mmg ed week 7 nolva's 20mg ed week 8 nolva 20mg ed
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    Rear delts

    Yes Pump&Pose is the way to go.
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    Merry Christmas -Happy New Year.

    Hey i'm half J**,and half Jehad haha.
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    What is a break downs?
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    Rear delts

    Hey when i competed you should see how many people that lack Rear Delts,the front delt over powers the rear delt.We bodybuild so we strive for the flawless body,its has to be done,so do some Bent over dumbell laterial. It will tell you as a judge at shows,the guy that wins his class,or overall...
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    Kool aid in protein shake

    Just get the sugar free stuff,or crystal light and see how it takes.But your protein will be okay, you will be able you put on some muscle still.