Search results

  1. optimalbalance

    How intense do you train?

    These kind of questions always make me wonder. I work construction 10-12 hours a day usually in high temps. I workout at 5:30 a.m., although I see stars, turn purple in the face, even get occasional nose bleeds doing deadlifts, I still find workouts pretty easy compared to work. Watching vids of...
  2. optimalbalance

    cycle research questions

    75mg. prop / 75mg. tren..........eod As for endurance thats up to you and cardio but the above suggestion is pretty safe to run for an very extended period of time. May or may not be permanent sterility issues however running tren for a long time, who knows.
  3. optimalbalance

    Protein and supps.

    After many years I can honestly say I haven't experienced any difference at all in growth by using a protein shake at anytime of the day. I've been with and without shakes for extended periods thoughout bulks, cuts, strengths, ect. 5-7 clean meals a day is all one needs, just adjust meals for...
  4. optimalbalance

    Suggested Weekly Axio Cycle

    looks like a good beginning to me
  5. optimalbalance

    Need information Really bad

    I'm really considering accutane for existing problems but have concerns of what it actually does to your liver as I need to go back on blast. Maybe I should start it a couple weeks before my next cruise.
  6. optimalbalance

    Need information Really bad

    MMX, I'm really confused about the boat thing. Anyway I've known you around for a long time now and know you know your shitz. Anyway I have both Nolva and Clomid liquid on hand but didn't use either because I'm C&B. Should I use any for cruising? I thought Clomid would make matters worse.
  7. optimalbalance

    Need information Really bad

    Bro, thanks a bunch. This is the kind of response I was looking for. I'm not sure at the momment what all that means but it gives me a great place to begin researching. It always seems to really happen badly when dropping tren. I wasn't planning on coming off at all but when I dropped the tren...
  8. optimalbalance

    Need information Really bad

    Guys thanks for all the advice on how to help beat the existing acne. As for the source of my problem does anyone know what causes these outbreaks??????????????????????? I didn't use clomid or nolva because I'm staying on cruise. I did use an anti-e while on which worked great for water and...
  9. optimalbalance

    Need information Really bad

    I don't have insurance, also a derm doc here takes about 6 mos. for an appointment. I don't believe a doctor has as much knowledge about prevention of steroid abuse related acne as some meatheads might and is also going to say stop using. I was looking for more of an answer like when your...
  10. optimalbalance

    Need information Really bad

    Bro's I need help!!!!! I have to kick this acne on my chest and shoulders. I was on a heavy blast for about 16 weeks without problems. Then dropped to cruise of test/tren 225/225/week for about 14 weeks without too much problem. Then I dropped the tren and ran just test at 225/week and BOOM, I...
  11. optimalbalance


    Energy level is pretty good but not the same as it was on blast. Sometimes I'll go 3-4 days bettween prop shots though and can feel a differance in about 12 hours when I take one. Bad thing is I've been getting itchy skin sometimes, seems to happen when using caffine. Itchy skin in my case has a...
  12. optimalbalance


    Never tried DC. Heard alot of good things about it. To be very honest I've tried alot of other programs and none really fit me. I find my best results come from just hitting what I want how I want. I generally no-longer keep any routine. Having said that I do hit it very hard, I like the big...
  13. optimalbalance

    PWO shake timing

    Drop the shake and eat when you get home, really its over-rated. IMO your gains will be better this way anyway.
  14. optimalbalance


    Been taking time off from the gym for 6 weeks now while cruising with 225/225 prop/tren per week. Been eating alot of food, not all great. Feel good. Haven't lost any visable mass, weight is the same, and actually getting leaner. Before cruise was a 14 week blast of test/tren/dbol which netted...
  15. optimalbalance

    PWO shake timing

    I think this topic is over-rated. If you eat protein every 2-4 hours your probably constantly processing all you can handle without the shake.
  16. optimalbalance

    Melanotan II users?

    I need to research it with my frogs. I'll go and see what I can dig up haven't searched yet, would rather just get a trusted / tested company.
  17. optimalbalance


    This morning everything is good. I usually never worry or complain about any sides. Looking at my hands and arms there are just a bunch of cuts / scratches / scabs, nothing really bad just different than what I'm used to. Typically I would never where a bandade but actually had too a couple...
  18. optimalbalance

    Melanotan II users?

    I'd like to try this stuff, can anyone PM me
  19. optimalbalance

    Where have all the good legs gone ???

    I've got a bunch of respect for competing bodybuilders. Getting ready for a show is crazy tough. Sometimes though I'd like to see some big ass boys get noticed from all over the U.S. who aren't as interested in competing as much as just getting thick. Personally I'm great with that off-season look.