PWO shake timing


New member
I know this is most likely a standard question but I can't find any straight answers:

I lift after work around 6:30pm. I have my PWO shake directly after my workout. Typically I eat around every 2 hours. Since I don't end up leaving the gym till 8pm or so I end up eating dinner around 10. I would like to be able to eat dinner when I get home instead of waiting to just before bed.

Can I drink my PWO shake while I lift and get the same benefit from it?
No, it will interfere with your training because blood is diverted away from muscles to the digestive tract.
No, it will interfere with your training because blood is diverted away from muscles to the digestive tract.

i could agree with this.... but what about (for ex.) size on, must be drank during the owrkout out....does that still effect you?
i had a feeling that would be the answer. Since i'm taking the shake directly after a workout should I wait my normal 2 hours? I would assume the shake would digest faster since the muscles are starving and there isn't a slow carb in the shake.
i usually drink mine during the workout. i fill it up and start drinking it about half way through. Never interferes with the pumps. I eat about 500 carbs a day not counting the shake.....I got plenty to keep my pump
it really depends on your metabolism. If yours is at a snail pace like mine, you should wait an hour. If your is a rocket, like dreww, you should take it immediately
also depends on what you have in the shake, main thing is too get in simple carbs asap after the workout
I think this topic is over-rated. If you eat protein every 2-4 hours your probably constantly processing all you can handle without the shake.
I have heard arguments from both sides of this equation as well. One thing I will say is that you get sleepy after you eat because blood is diverted from your brain to your gut. Seems like this would be similar. I think preworkout is even more important than post personally. I take post 15 minutes, but if you don't get a pre you are looking for muscle breakdown.