6 month cycle

My first 2 cycles were test cyn 1 gwkly and fina 150 eod--both cycles were great--my 3 rd cycle THE BEST--- it was the same as before test and fina except I added ANANDROL this was amazing for me --started at 50 ed than went up to 150 ed for a totoal of 8 wks--I blew up--I was stuck at my growth for a long time 225-6'--after this last cycle i,m 245-- 250 I know anandrol doesn't work for everyone--but for me it was great. and the sides( headaches) were solved by taking aleve ed.
I've never used drol but I hear lots of bad things about it. I know it is very hard on your system and the gains you make usually don't stay. So I doubt that I will be using any.
rad - I sent you a pm bro about this.

For a cutter cycle I would suggest this:

Weeks 1-12
Test Prop 200mg eod 1-12
Tren 150mg eod 1-12
EQ 500-700mg EW 1-12
Winny 50mg ed 8-12

The only problem I potentially see is the deca still being in your system while starting the tren. I would just keep an eye on it as the deca levels will fade over the following 3 weeks after ending it. Maybe start out with 75-100mg tren eod for the first week or two to see if you'll have any problems...most likely you shouldn't. Then bump it up to 150mg eod.

Also I would seriously consider IGF1 for the bulker...
Bigger I told him on the the cutting part of it (he will be going into comp.) he can just hold off on the tren till week 4 or even week 6 b/c you do run tren up till the day of the contest, but other than that, it is a good cutter although I wouldnt run the tren at 150mg eod I would do 100 or 75....
I will have a cycle journal started as soon as I start. Hopefully this coming week. Towards the end maybe Friday.