Cycle advise Bro's?


New member
I've played with this more than any other here goes.
5' 10" 215lbs BF %15 5th cycle

I planned on a full blown bulker except I`ve been out 2+mos with tendonities and body fat is getting too high.

WK 1-15 Test E 1gram/a wk
Wk 1-15 EQ 800mg/a wk
WK 1-5 Drol 50mg/ ED
WK 5-20 Tren 75mg/ED
WK 15-20 Winnie 50mg/ED
WK 15-20 Prop 100mg/ED

Ldex 1ml/ED while on drol then .5ml/ED
I had some Deca I really wanted to use instead of EQ but I can`t make it work w/ Drol and Tren because too much Proges.
800 mg with EQ because I ran it this high for 16 wks before and was`nt impressed--atleast not for my body. I`ll be trying a diff brand this time. Usual PCT.
Be running as many clean cals as possible with out adding BF.
My guess 3000-4000 w/350+ grams of protein Well see.

Thoughts? Thanks DJ


hey man, w/ a cycle like that, you're obviously too experienced to need advice from a wee man like me...either that or you're f---n crazy, heh heh. Rock on, let me know how it goes.
Keep your amps turned to 11,
I don't have experience with such large cycle stack so I don't have much input. I usually just run test @ 400mg/week and shit load of food and sleep when I bulk.

If you are bulking up, I would suggest maybe up the calories to 5000-6000/day with 400-500g of protein.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Looks like a winner but what do i know? im just a newbie right?!
Just joking
I dont know about you but being out for 2 weeks is just as bad as being out for 2 months! And its not good to start a cycle when reintroducing your muscles to weights. But then again you know your body better than anybody ..... let it tell you.
Why the Tren at week 5?

A couple reasons. One I`m trying to stay away from Progestone(sp) sides with the Drol. And the pumps and aggression both are rather too much for me together. Does that make sense?
DOUBLE J said:
A couple reasons. One I`m trying to stay away from Progestone(sp) sides with the Drol. And the pumps and aggression both are rather too much for me together. Does that make sense?

Why not run the Tren from week 1 and jump start with Prop instead ofr drol? Just my .02

I do like the cycle...
Damn, that is a lot of gear! But I guess if you have more than a few cycles under your belt and you know and appreciate how your body responds to gear dosages my only suggestion would be to up the calories. Certainly 3,000 calories a day is not going to cut it. If I were doing all that gear (thus spending all that money) I wouldn't cut corners at all but run the entire cycle out, without exceptions, food especially. I would say make sure you are getting at least 4,000 calories a day, and preferably 5,000. I can sympathize with you in getting in the necessary amount of calories every single day. That is the hardest part for me by far. Good luck, bro.
Bleed Green: I don`t run tren longer because it is the only AAS that hurts my hairline and screws with my temperment. Also Drol is one of the few I have`nt tried yet and I curious if I`m one who`ll love it or hate it. Looks like its usually one or the other.

La Masterkiller: Yes that is a bit long for me also. see above answer.
I tried it at 100 ed and the sides--especially my aggressiveness was becoming a problem. I`ll proably start at 100mg EOD and then try 75mg ED if I feel "Right".
Why not run the Tren from week 1 and jump start with Prop instead ofr drol? Just my .02

I do like the cycle...

I have to agree again with bleed here. Use some nizorol (sp) for the hairline seems to work well with dht in the scalp bro
SNDMN: I am pretty much a mesomorph leaning towards an endomorph. So I gain easily but if over feed I will store it as fat.Over 4000 cals and some does start turning to fat. I get 350+ grams of protein and would shoot for 4000 cals only if their very clean cals. My body will put muscle on naturally at 3000 cals if feed the proper protein. Cals for my body type are just a reflection of BF manipulation.
DOUBLE J said:
I've played with this more than any other here goes.
5' 10" 215lbs BF %15 5th cycle

I planned on a full blown bulker except I`ve been out 2+mos with tendonities and body fat is getting too high.

WK 1-15 Test E 1gram/a wk
Wk 1-15 EQ 800mg/a wk
WK 1-5 Drol 50mg/ ED
WK 5-20 Tren 75mg/ED
WK 15-20 Winnie 50mg/ED
WK 15-20 Prop 100mg/ED

Ldex 1ml/ED while on drol then .5ml/ED
I had some Deca I really wanted to use instead of EQ but I can`t make it work w/ Drol and Tren because too much Proges.
800 mg with EQ because I ran it this high for 16 wks before and was`nt impressed--atleast not for my body. I`ll be trying a diff brand this time. Usual PCT.
Be running as many clean cals as possible with out adding BF.
My guess 3000-4000 w/350+ grams of protein Well see.

Thoughts? Thanks DJ


Looks like youve done your homework! Looks like a good cycle. I would up my calorie intake. Keep us posted on progress.
thats a lot of gear bro-2.3 g per wk 5-15-you really feel you need these dosages to grow??-no disrespect-just curious-I know some national competitors that don't hit 2g in a cycle so I was wondering as to your logic-maybe I'm just too consevative??
For some strange reason looks like a good one to me:rolleyes: Just keep a eye on the time between drol and tren kinda close there. You could have throw me even a small bone there big guy J/K;)
Thanks MBK,
Besides the possibility of progestorone(sp) problems which I`m trying to avoid what if any are the other reasons not to let Drol and Tren overlap???