Please PM me if you decide to order because I get a referral fee, and I can save you quite a bit of money on your order bro!
I have a guy there that takes good care of me.
Once you place an order, you can get referral fees also.
They add up quick!
Hey guys,

I'll be posting my 2 WEEK update on Monday, but I had to mention that the pumps today were absolutely INSANE!!

I pinned 80mcg bilaterally in my Triceps, but what's crazy is the pumps in my Biceps were even better than my triceps.
I know the IGF spreads, but I don't think that was the case here (completely).
I could barely straighten my arms, and they were tighter than I ever remember them being.
I really wasn't sure if I should even continue my workout because they hurt so bad (but OH SO GOOD!).
I took short breaks and tried to stretch and massage them so I could keep going, but I just don't know if it's safe.
Anyway, I pushed through it, and it was the best Bicep workout I've had since I can remember.

I could use a little advice on this from any of you that have experienced this.
I just don't know if it's safe to continue my workout when I'm getting pumps like that.
I'm afraid, Am I'm going to tear a muscle or something.
Can anyone help me out with this?
I don't have any INS, and no job, so it would SUCK to have an injury!

Anyway, I definitely contribute the pumps mostly to the MC IFG, but there is some SERIOUS SYNERGY going on with everything!!

When I pinned my left Tricep, the needle bent inside the muscle!
I guess I got in too much of a hurry...
The only way I knew was because I couldn't push the IGF through (and it was bent when I pulled it out - duhh).
That kinda sucked! It caused it to swell up (which I like), but I'm sure I'll have an ugly bruise.
Just thought it was worth mentioning...

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I've noticed there only seems to be 2 or 3 people following this thread.
I'm not sure how to change that, but it would be nice, so I could get a little more advice.

I just wanted to post to say thanks for all the detail you put into your threads.
For those of us who have no experience, the details help answer many questions that we have.
I've noticed there only seems to be 2 or 3 people following this thread.
I'm not sure how to change that, but it would be nice, so I could get a little more advice.

I just wanted to post to say thanks for all the detail you put into your threads.
For those of us who have no experience, the details help answer many questions that we have.

I was very wrong about that bro!
I've had 1,225 views of this thread in less than 2 weeks.
It just felt that way, because I usually get more participation than what I've had so far.

Anyway, Thanks for the compliment man. It means a lot!
I started out with a lot of questions also, and I spent hours and hours all over the internet before I found this site.
Some guys on other forums can really be jerks when you're new, and that's a freaking joke!

Nothing like that has ever happened here.
This is by far the best site I have found, and the products from the store are Legit!
There is a lot of fake junk out there, and it gets really frustrating throwing money away!
I'm just so happy I found this place, and I try to do everything I can to contribute to the community.

It's funny, I was actually posting on your thread as I received a notification of your post here!
I'm hoping to help you out as much as possible.
My post got a little lengthy (no surprise), and I'm sorry about that, but hopefully it helps.
I'm looking forward to your log!
If you take our advice, and work hard,
you are going to get some really nice results considering you already seem to have s solid foundation!

Feel free to PM me any time if you want to communicate directly.

Thanks again bro, and welcome to the MC community!

So, I've ran into a complication that I was concerned about from the start.
I haven't noticed any negative sides from anything, except for my (PRE-EXISTING) Gyno getting worse (Which is a problem).
I have a lump under my right nip that is about the size of an almond.
I was working on it before I started the cycle, and it was getting smaller.
It hasn't gotten any larger (and thankfully is not visible), but it is tender to the touch again.
Obviously, that has me concerned that it could be getting worse.
I need NOLVADEX. I know that will help, and I have some on the way.
I've been waiting on it to get here from MC, but something happened in the shipping process.
Anyway, Presser said he is going to Over-Night it, so I will have it soon.

I have gained 5lbs, from 170 to 175. Strength is up, I'm still really vascular, and I've been getting the best pumps of my life!
All of this is GREAT, but I'm freaking out about the GYNO!

I'm considering bringing this cycle to a halt until I get it under control.
I hate to waste everything I've taken in the last 2 weeks, but I have to be safe.
I think I'm going to take the following actions for a couple of weeks and see how things go.
If it doesn't get better, I'm gonna have to stop the cycle.

I haven't taken anything as of Saturday, but I'm going to resume the DTA, SD, and IGF tomorrow.
I'm going to drop the CYP completely for now.
It sucks that it stays with you so long. That's why I hate long esters, but it is what it is.
I think I'll take 1 or 2 Weeks off from the TEST PROP (or until I notice a change).
Obviously, that will help my TEST levels to drop faster.
DTA, IGF, and SD do not aromatize, so I wouldn't think it would be too bad to continue use of these.

Either way, I am going to work my up to 2.5mg/ED of LETRO and when the NOLVA gets here,
I'm going to take it @ 40mg/ED until I notice a difference (at least 2 weeks), then I'll go down to 20mg/ED working my way down to 10mg/ED.
I will also continue to take .5mg/ED A-DEX, and I'm increasing Anti-P to .5mg/WEEK.

I guess that's it for now.
Sorry for the crappy update.

Please let me know if any of you have any suggestions.
Sorry to hear about the Gyno issues. I wish I had some solid advice for ya brother.
Hopefully everything your doing will smack it down so you can finish what you started.
Sorry to hear about the Gyno issues. I wish I had some solid advice for ya brother.
Hopefully everything your doing will smack it down so you can finish what you started.

Thanks man. This is new to me, so hopefully everything will work out.
I really hate to just drop everything considering everything is just now starting to "kick in".
I'm just gonna have to take it day by day and hope for the best.

My NOLVA should be here by next week at the latest (most likely this week), so I'm sure that's gonna help things.
I've read quite a bit on this topic, and I really think I should be able to get rid of most, if not all of it with the right treatment.
I have a pretty good plan in place, so we'll see.

This is why I always stress to everyone to have everything you need BEFORE you even begin a cycle.
I'm taking quite a bit of stuff, so it's probably just a matter of getting my AI and AP doses correct in order to get it under control.
Getting rid of it, that's another issue.

Obviously, I will keep you guys updated. Should be a good lesson for all of us though.
So, I received my Nolva yesterday. It only took a couple of days for delivery.
Thanks Presser!!

Like I said, I plan on running it @ 40mg for at least 2 weeks along with Letro, which i am up to 2.5mg/ED as of now.
I know the Letro can cause some serious lethargy, so I'll just have to take that as it goes.
I haven't noticed any yet, but If it gets too bad, I'll just lower the dose.

I haven't worked out all week this week, because my gym membership was cancelled.
I had a free membership that was arranged through the church I was working at.
The church no longer exists due to prideful and greedy financial decisions that were made by the leadership.
It was a large church with 10 different locations, and thousands of members.
I was over the Audio/Video/Lighting/Media for all of them, and I also trained all of the Tech Teams.
I really miss it, but it is what it is.
Needless to say, I have been without a job, and no unemployment due to it being a church.
So, I have ZERO income as of now, and can't afford a membership.

I spoke with the GYM Executive about this, and he said he is going to do his best to help me out, so we'll see what happens.
What sucks is that I spoke with the receptionist in March and she said my membership was good through March of 2016.
I understand that our organization no longer exists, but it's still messed up how they did me.

This is really hurting me, because I know everything is really starting to kick in right now.
I'll figure something out next week, even if I just have to do push ups and pull ups all day.

Anyway, I'll figure something out soon.
I am actively seeking employment, and I expect to have a job soon.
I gave up on ministry for several reasons, but either way, it is extremely difficult to find a position in ministry with my job title (Production Pastor).
So, I am going back into sales (Hopefully not cars. That's the worst!).
Overall, I have about 20 years of experience in sales, so it shouldn't be a problem to find work soon.
So, I received my Nolva yesterday. It only took a couple of days for delivery.
Thanks Presser!!

Like I said, I plan on running it @ 40mg for at least 2 weeks along with Letro, which i am up to 2.5mg/ED as of now.
I know the Letro can cause some serious lethargy, so I'll just have to take that as it goes.
I haven't noticed any yet, but If it gets too bad, I'll just lower the dose.

I haven't worked out all week this week, because my gym membership was cancelled.
I had a free membership that was arranged through the church I was working at.
The church no longer exists due to prideful and greedy financial decisions that were made by the leadership.
It was a large church with 10 different locations, and thousands of members.
I was over the Audio/Video/Lighting/Media for all of them, and I also trained all of the Tech Teams.
I really miss it, but it is what it is.
Needless to say, I have been without a job, and no unemployment due to it being a church.
So, I have ZERO income as of now, and can't afford a membership.

I spoke with the GYM Executive about this, and he said he is going to do his best to help me out, so we'll see what happens.
What sucks is that I spoke with the receptionist in March and she said my membership was good through March of 2016.
I understand that our organization no longer exists, but it's still messed up how they did me.

This is really hurting me, because I know everything is really starting to kick in right now.
I'll figure something out next week, even if I just have to do push ups and pull ups all day.

Anyway, I'll figure something out soon.
I am actively seeking employment, and I expect to have a job soon.
I gave up on ministry for several reasons, but either way, it is extremely difficult to find a position in ministry with my job title (Production Pastor).
So, I am going back into sales (Hopefully not cars. That's the worst!).
Overall, I have about 20 years of experience in sales, so it shouldn't be a problem to find work soon.

That sucks brother, Stay positive and do what you have to do to put bread on the table. Good thing about being a seasoned salesman is there are always jobs available. Even if you have to sell cars til you find something better. (I sold cars for 5 years) so I'm familiar with the long hours, unsteady pay, working with people with questionable ethics. But it can be very lucrative for a positive-minded and motivated person. Keep your head up!
The weights and gains will always be there.
Just know that your family here on the forum will be pulling for you.
That sucks brother, Stay positive and do what you have to do to put bread on the table. Good thing about being a seasoned salesman is there are always jobs available. Even if you have to sell cars til you find something better. (I sold cars for 5 years) so I'm familiar with the long hours, unsteady pay, working with people with questionable ethics. But it can be very lucrative for a positive-minded and motivated person. Keep your head up!
The weights and gains will always be there.
Just know that your family here on the forum will be pulling for you.

I have a few years experience selling cars also, and I made good money doing it.
I've have always had a natural talent for sales (actually started selling INS @ 16 yrs old), and I have always made good money at any kind of sales.
The only thing that bothers me is, like you said, "Questionable Ethics".

The managers are always shady and dishonest.
It's not that I was extremely dishonest, and ripped people off, but when it comes down to it, the managers were/did.

I'm coming out of ministry, and my morals are a lot different than they used to be.
I would love to sell Bimmers or Mercedes or just High-End cars, but there are no dealerships like that where I live.
I really enjoy working with "high-end" clientele.
I have a lot of experience with that from selling high end Home Theaters, and I'm sure it would be just as good selling high end cars.
There is no negotiating on high-end cars, which would be perfect.
I just feel that no matter what you are selling, if you are negotiating, you cannot be 100% honest (not if you want to make money).
That's just not how it works, and I hate that I'm having to do it again!

My next semester will start in August, and I will have to find a company that will be flexible with my hours, preferably Part-Time.
That's really difficult to do in sales, but the classes I'm taking are pretty tough, and I'm afraid my GPA will be affected if I have to work too many hours.
Needless to say, I'm in a tough situation right now.
Thankfully, I only have 1 year left of school, and then I'll be starting my new career in Network Engineering.
I went back to school while I was in ministry just to create a back up plan, so that I wouldn't have to go back into sales again.
It's too bad the church didn't last just a little longer. That would have made things so much easier.

Anyway, Thanks for the support and for "pulling for me" brother.

BTW, I just wanted to add that you have been an AWESOME addition to the community!
Thanks for that brother!

If you have been following my log, you should know that I am taking precautions to treat my pre-existing Gyno.
It is still a little tender to the touch off and on, so it does seem to be getting a little better (actually not tender at all right now).

I am currently taking 40mg/ED NOLVA, 2.5mg/ED LETRO, and .5mg Anti-P/Weekly.
I'll continue that for at least another week before lowering the doses.
Since I am on cycle, I am just concerned about managing the symptoms Gyno (mainly tenderness).
Once the cycle is over I will treat it more aggressively with PCT in hopes to eliminate it completely.
Thankfully, it isn't something that can be seen, but I want to take care of it before it is.

I have taken no TEST for a little over 1 week, but I am still taking the SD, DTA, and IGF. This has been my favorite stack so far!
I'm sure that is enough for now, but I will be adding a small dose (100mg) of TEST-CYP next week just to make sure my levels don't get too low.
Hopefully by the following week, I will have the Gyno under control and be able to resume the TEST-PROP.

I barely worked out at all last week due to my membership being cancelled, but that will be taken care of this week.
I just did some push ups, and used some dumbbells that I have here at home, but it's just not the same.
I worked my biceps today, and got the same INSANE pumps!
I pinned the IGF in my CALVES, so it's not from the IGF.
I"m not sure if I should contribute it to the DTA or the SD (most likely it's both).
It's hard to say, but either way, I love it!
Vascularity is also still insane when I workout.
I remain pretty vascular at all times, but nothing like when I'm working out.
When I'm working out, they look like they're gonna explode. I wish they would stay that way.

I also wanted to mention that I was able to get my NOLVA-BLOAT for FREE by cashing in some credits!
I also have some AQUA-DEX on the way that was paid for strictly with credits!
If you are unaware, every time you post anything, you earn credits, and they add up quickly.
Eventually, you will have enough to use for store purchases!
Such a cool idea from Presser to keep people active on the board.
Thanks PRESSER!!
damn bro thats rough about the gym membership! what gyms are located near you right now that you would go to? You never know someone here might own it, or manage it, or be able to take care of you in some way until your able to get a membership, so it can't hurt to list whats out there near ya
Thanks for the suggestion bro, but I'm getting it worked out.
I've been in touch with the Director of the YMCA, and they offer assistance (up to 100%) to people that are having financial difficulties.
He is going to give me some passess until the paperwork is taken care of, so I should have that taken care of this week.
They are a Christian organization, so he is saying that they will cover 100% of it since I'm a Pastor.
That's really nice of them, but there is still paper work that needs to be filed.

Thanks again.

BTW, did you receive my PM concerning SSM?