DC Gains


New member
Just thought I would post some progress for anyone thinking about giving DC training a go. I'm in my 3rd week now, it was my second "A1" workout.

I won't post my entire routine like DB006 because A. I'm too lazy and B. I know it will fade quick. But here's my two week progression.

Smythe Incline Press +4 reps RP
Behind Neck Military Press + 2 reps RP
Incline Skullz + 3 reps RP
Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns + 2 reps RP
Deadz +1 rep (heavy set) +2 reps (lighter set)

This was all in a 2 week span training naturally. Every rep is a 2-3 second negative, 1 second positive. 6 deep breaths between each set for the rest paused sets, which comes out to about 18-20 seconds.

Thursday is B1, I'll post my progress on those lifts as well.
Yeah, looking back on your progression is sweet as fuck. I've never made this much progress so consistantly before. Good job man, you'll be blowin these weights away in no time.

Barbell Curls +3 reps RP
DB Hammer Curls no gain
Seated Calf Raises +1 rep SS
Lying Leg Curls +5 reps RP
Hack Squats +4 reps (heavy set) +5 reps (widowmaker)