DNP Post Hoc Log


New member
Been a while since I posted – a while back I requested some comparative information between ECA/Clen/Aqua Burn/and DNP. I have been sitting on a bottle of APEX research DNP from Apollo for quite a while – continued to do as much research on the substance as I could. A lot of good information to be found by forum poster Conciliator which Im sure many of you have stumbled upon if researching DNP. Many times he links his opinions of his research to medical journal articles/case reports etc to back-up his claims which is refreshing as many just make blanket statements about the substance based on rumor. Also the book ‘illegally thin’ has quite a bit of information to contribute.

Having bulked up a bit over the winter I was up to ~223lbs after an Anavar Turanabol cycle which was great. I put on a little bit of fat over the term as I was eating quite a bit. Cycle ended around Christmas. I like to plan my bulk cycles around the holidays which helps for food volume but isn’t always the cleanest . Unfortunately/fortunately in January work picked up and I was working some very late hours. Bad part was I wasn’t able to get to the gym reliably and I didn’t get out of my bulking diet and ate quite dirty. Continued to put on another 7lbs of bad weight. As work subsided I kicked up the cardio and cleaned house on the diet. Got myself back down to 218lbs and stalled out there. Ive found over the last few years as I bulk then cut I end up keeping a lot of the weight in my face even though my body is getting leaner. Pisses me off to no end. Roughly a week ago I decided to take the ‘plunge’ and try this DNP out.

My apologies this is a post-hoc log for the first week but I thought the information could still valuable to those interested in another DNP log. As mentioned it is APEX research DNP(100mgs/cap) with EGCG and Caffeine. Decided to stick with low end dosages. 200mgs dosed 100mgs every 12 hours. Also sticking with my low calorie diet I had established in the weeks prior. I know some say ‘works better when you eat more carbs’ but that doesn’t make sense to me. You feel sides more but calories are calories and ATP is ATP. It works by making ATP less efficient not by stuffing my face with additional calories/carbs and I am not looking for extra sides.

‘Diet’ consisted of

wheat noodles w/small chicken breast, 12oz milk, PBJ open face, protein shake – all breakfasts pretty similar
lunch – cottage cheese
dinner – Tilapia or Chicken breast on brown rice, 12oz milk, PBJ open face, protein shake – all dinner pretty similar
total calories
additional supplements morning and night; multi, fish oil, Vit E, Vit C, St Johns Wort, baby asprin.

Workouts for now are confined to 40 minutes in office park basement – very simple setup. EOD rotation of chest/tri and back/bi just to keep them engaged and breakup my work day.
Check/Tri Day – 4 sets/12 perfect and concentrated reps of Dumbbell Fly, cross bench tri pullover, dips. Also, core workouts with pushups, crunches reverse crunches, weighted side bends.

Day1 (Weds) – weighed in at 218lbs the night prior. dosed 100mgs at 10am at work. Felt a little funny in about 1hr but most likely just paranoid. Ive not had that much trepidation taking anything since the first time I tried shrooms in high school haha. A little warm as the day went on but nothing out of the ordinary. Worked out in the gym at office park basement; strength fine – definitely warmer though. I take Benadryl immediately before dinner to help with sleep anyway so continued to do so. Weighed in at 218.5lbs. Just before hitting the hay I dosed second cap of 100mgs. Slept fine but woke up feeling like I had a few beers before bed.

Day2 (Thurs) – dosed 100mgs at 10am at work. Warmth started kicking in faster – since of course the stuff builds in your system, though still nothing crazy. Slight fuzzy pressure in my head; took a Tylenol and was fine. Worked out and noticed I was breathing a little more labored but energy was fine. Assume body wanted more air to make more ATP since it is starting to get pretty inefficient. Dinner, weigh in, 219lbs – going the wrong way but figured it was water weight Ive heard about. Body holding more in the skin; forgot to take my benedryl so took it with the DNP and couldn’t fall asleep for a while. Face was flush. Woke up feeling worse than the morning before; not bad once I was up but definitely drifting toward the hangover feeling more. Also, noticed a lot of lines from my sheets on my skin and face – definitely holding a lot of water in my skin now.

Day3 (Fri) – dosed 100mgs at 10am, worked out again same thing strength down a little on last reps of sets breathing a little harder and much warmer. Jumped in a meeting when I got done and was sweating my ass off. Face extremely warm. Felt a little uneasy/queasy too. At home wife asked what was wrong as I was bright red – I said I was just feeling really warm and said I went tanning for the first time in a while. That got her off my case haha. Turned off the lights and watched a movie; I couldn’t have her curled up on me though I was getting too hot. Started to wonder if I wanted to keep going even at this low dose. Weighed in at 218lbs. took my night dose and went to bed. *couple zits on me – one on my leg, another on my neck. I never get them so that was a side worth noting. From the profuse sweating?

Day4 (Sat) – dosed my 10am 100mgs. full day of yard work. Digging out an old garden bed to make new rose garden for wife. Was super hot, heart going quite a bit and felt really weak. Hosed myself down to get cooler, was getting crabby so thought my glucose might be low. Downed a double stack strawberry jelly sandwich and felt a lot better. Worked through the day, still hot, still a little weak but was better than that morning. Again wondering if I wanted to keep going with no real ‘results’. That night plugged in another movie and chilled out. Took my night dose and weighed in at 217.5. couple of small blister like things on my arms. Very small – like a zit but w/ water – not like sunburn blisters though. Writing it off to some plant I shouldn’t have touched or something else.

Day5 (Sun) another yard work day. Frustrated at the lack of results for the fact I was feeling like crap and taking DNP!!! Took my morning dose after breakfast and got started on the yard work digging dirt, planting vegetable garden, new annuals in beds that kind of crap. Not as intense work as the day prior and felt a lot better. Also preempted that jelly sandwich and avoided a bottom out feeling which was good. heat wasn’t as bad this day which was nice; figured ‘great – now Im getting tolerant to it and will have to up the dose’ which I didn’t want to do. Was tired at end of day and didn’t even weigh in as I figured I would end this experiment Monday.

Day6 (Mon) – decided not to take my morning dose and that I was going to be done with it. Worked out as usual in basement of office building. Weighed in at 214! WTF! Looked at myself in the mirror and noticed my face was seemingly thinner too. Furthermore it wasn’t as hot as it had been all week prior. Did some pinch tests around the mid section and my ‘fat areas’ were flatter feeling. Maybe I shouldn’t give up yet! Got home and popped another dose; granted 6 hours later than I usually did. Felt fine…. Not really any of the crappy sides I felt before. Decided to pop my 10pm dose at regular time.

Day 7 (Tues) – felt pretty good all day Monday and had no trouble sleeping anymore so I decided to mimic the dosing from Monday. I also decided to add some ECA pre workout. Worked out at noon, felt warm but had a ton more energy. End of day popped my ‘morning dose’ and headed home. Ate dinner as usual, took night dose and weighed in at 212.5. good stuff. No more red face either…. Did I punch through ‘the wall’? face looking leaner too.

Day 8 (Weds) – Same thing, same result. Felt great working out. Last reps seemed harder but ok. Muscles looking flatter but overall I am looking a lot better after my workouts. Took my day dose at 4pm and night dose at 10pm. Weighed in at 211lbs. I think my body was starting to shed some of that water I was holding in my skin as I was dropping weight fast and starting to see great results and feeling less bloated and less sides. Put together a desk for my wife though and sweated like it was 90 degrees in the house. Have switched to drinking ice water to help keep me cool.

Day 9 (Thurs) – Feeling really good now; like I could keep this up all month…. Same routine – had to pick up a baby crib in the truck; hauled it in and got undressed. Wife followed me into the bedroom and mentioned I was looking really lean and my face/neck was a lot skinnier! I had a ton of energy too. almost bouncing off the walls. Stepped on the scale….210.5! craziness. not planning on upping dose at all and want to keep this going.

Day 10 (Fri) – this is today. Feel great today. will hit the gym around 2pm. Planning on running this out until next Wednesday to make it a 2 week cycle. Ill try to update this tomorrow and again on Monday..... wish I would have taken pics on the before.
a total of 2 weeks or so I think. If I am still losing weight at a good clip I might extend another week or two but if I plateau Ill stop and save the rest of the caps for another year.
a total of 2 weeks or so I think. originally planned 5/29-6/12; 200mgs ED split 100mgs every 12 hours. If I am still losing weight at a good clip I might extend another week or two but if I plateau Ill stop and save the rest of the caps for another year.

I just about stopped after 4 days due to feeling like s#it and actually gaining. It really does take some time to build up and for your body to start releasing the water it takes on.... some interesting stuff. now I feel great - just warm and a little weak and a lb/day dropping. I expect that to slow down when my body has expelled the extra water it was holding and Im down to losing fat each day instead of fat and water. And in no way am I interested in upping my dosage. If I ever do this again I will keep same dose regimine.
Took my 4pm dose @100mgs; headed home about an hour later. A lot of energy - not feeling strong per se but bouncy. however, as soon as I try to run along side my danes Im quickly laboring for breath. ate dinner, took 10pm dose and actually popped back up to 211.5lbs. I did slam a huge glass of ice water before weigh in which I hadnt done before so maybe flat apples-apples.
I think I am off on my day count haha. I was working backwards and felt like yesterday was Friday.... bad sign. going to take a half day today to compensate. sleeping better last night; not nearly as warm. body really is making adjustments to this dose. still have no want to change/up it. the chemical should be doing the same thing it has been; its my body coping with the sides better I believe. still warm; but not overbearing - almost cozy warm. its still only in the 50's here in Minny. next week in the 80's so Ill probably sign a different tune then. not going to worry about the 1lb up yesterday; Ill see where I shake out on Sunday and see if I am seeing results still; if so I might extend a week.
Ok – so as I wrote several times in this ‘I am not interested in increasing my dose’ so you know what is coming haha; after my 4pm dose on Friday I felt completely ‘normal’ – as I had said before, maybe a little cozy-warm but not sweating like crazy. I decided to take another ~8pm in addition to my dose before bed. Its was still low 60’s here in Minny so I don’t have to combat heat at all. That got be back to my more-warm feeling I was having a few days back. It also made me a little queasy but that went away when I ate a little food. A lot of errands run but no workout on Friday; full day nonetheless. Slept very well with fan on me and got more of that hangover feeling again when I work up that had been subsiding. Some b complex and caffeine when I got up put me back on my feet and the feeling went away immediately. When I first started I was getting some headaches, just sort of pressure-type headaches that tylenol cleared up right away. Those don’t happen anymore. Piss still pretty yellow all the time probably from the three things being me sweating out my water, the yellow dye of the DNP and the b complex Im taking to help w/ energy.

Saturday I spent a lot of time outside w/ a cutoff cleaning the yard up. Wrestled with my great danes and they had me out of breath very quickly; sweating a bit even though it was cool. You can really tell when your body starts kicking in to make more ATP you start to get hot quick… I think ive learned to cope with it though. Move calmly and deliberately and its no big deal. Doesn’t matter when youre working out – youre at the gym! Afternoon lifting was good. Still feel quite week. Muscles still feel flat but skin is getting thinner. The thing I am most happy with is that its leaning out my face which for some reason doesn’t get leaner like the rest of my body anymore when I cut. After the gym I took my afternoon dose and then headed off to do some furniture shopping with the wife. We were out all day and I was getting a little dizzy from hunger. We stopped at subway and I ‘splurged’ and took down a foot-long. Bad idea. In no time my face was on fire and I was sweating and hot even got a little uneasy again. I had been limiting my meals to small spread out, carb light meals and protein shakes. My body went nuts when it got a hold of that giant piece of bread. Was the worst I had felt since the first couple days taking it. After my sides/heat subsided I said what the hell and dosed again with no food – no notable increase in sides after that one so it was completely related to how many carbs I just dumped in my stomach/blood. Didn’t want to weigh in yet on Saturday and wanted a surprise on Sunday. Dose my night cap and went to bed.

Sunday felt like crap again in the morning. Slept in until almost 11am; it was cool in the house and rainy outside so that helped but tough to get up anyway. Took my afternoon dose at 12 instead of 4pm. Walking through IKEA holding a full bag of swedish crap for my wife I was sweating pretty good. IKEA sucks on a nice Sunday; but keeping up with her holding all this stuff was surprisingly taxing. Im usually warm anyway so I can go unnoticed with the wifey but even she was asking my why the hell I have been so warm the last couple of days. Got back from the gym and ate my usual fish dinner when I got home and felt good. Took my 8pm dose and put together the stuff we got. Before bed I took my 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] cap of the day and finally weighed in – 206.5lbs. like the result but its slowing down I think. My strength is markedly lower too.

Plan on running out the week back to 2 caps/day as its supposed to get up in the 80’s now this week and I will be dripping if I am going to be at work in professional attire and running 3 caps/day. I hope to get under 205lbs to close out Wednesday. We’re having a lot of friends over this weekend so Id like any water I am still holding to be gone by then; hopefully pull off another pound or two which I hear to be the case after coming off.
It’s a bit crazy – I was so unsure about trying dnp – there are so many people warning of its certain doom for those taking it….. Im not convinced; in fact quite the opposite. Knock on wood, after being on for more than a week and a half I feel for all intents and purposes, normal. I am warm as I am sitting at my desk but nothing hard to deal with. I think Ive learned some good lessons as I go here that I should share;

  1. DNP can kill you. respect the dose. Could I handle a higher dose? sure. Is it needed/worth it? probably not. The margin for error isn’t very big - but on what I would call a therapeutic dose of 200-300mgs/day I feel ‘good’, Im functioning well, and my temperature has never been over 98.3 degrees even when feeling like I was going to keel over I felt so hot/tired digging a trench in my yard.
  2. The worst is the beginning. I don’t know why – maybe you need to break yourself, or maybe my body was crazy hot while burning through my glycogen stores, not sure but man – the first 3 days were hell and I felt like quitting. I was swollen, and my skin was just HOT. Probably best to develop a plan of action to deplete your own glycogen before starting a course of dnp/. IDK – run a half marathon or a 5k if you can, cardio your ass off (which you probably have if you cant hit your goal and are considering dnp), and would be best to go carb free for at least a couple days before jumping on. I think that would help keep the initial sides low.
  3. Tied into #2 – ramp up dosage. Let 100mgs burn through your glycogen first, then step up to 200mgs, let your body adjust, then move up. No reason to feel like hell in those first couple days if you can help it and be at the dose you want in a couple days instead of right off the bat.
  4. Keep your meals spread out. Flooding your body with carbs and/or blood sugar spikes especially kicks your but with the heat related sides. They aren’t fun and after the initial glycogen burn I don’t think they are necessary.
Monday (day 13) - dropped back down to 2 caps/day (200mgs total). felt pretty good all day. diet was the same; felt really weak in my workout at first; just felt flat - like I was dead weight. I did seem to hit another gear halfway through and by the time I was done I felt pretty good. not amped at all but like I had gotten a better workout than I probably did haha. forgot lunch which sucked but... no sides so I didnt feel really warm at all even after I took my 4pm dose. heat kicked in a bit when I got home and took some protein and had some eggs but nothing too bad. Starting to feel a little edgy lately. not sure if Im not getting enough glucose or what but Ive been strung tight with little patience lately. Weighed in at 206lbs, dosed, and hit the hay.

Tuesday (day 14) - was really warm while I slept but I think that is just because it isnt 60 degrees in our house like it has been the last few weeks. very tired this morning. I think my body is over it. And I think this sticky air with the warmth finally coming back to Minnesota has me feeling the warmth a lot more and its just annoying now. I dont think I feel like going on another week at this point. I think Im starting to plateau on weight loss and I want to get back in the gym with good energy which I dont have anymore. been lethargic all day- again - its probably just the weather since its getting warmer but Im tired and I think i need a good long break from this stuff. We'll see what my final weigh in is tonight though. doubt Ill hit the 205 but we'll see. been getting a lot more compliments from the wifey which has been great and she has been extra fiesty. dont want to blow it in her though as my s#it is kind of yellow from the dnp and she is prego so I dont want her getting any of that crap in her; she's 3rd trimester so she offers up the bj's more as she's not a fan of having a belly but I dont think I can 'pull out' on that at her not think something is up haha.
Tues (day14 cont) Workout was fatigued a bit. felt good by the time I was done again but feel like Im dead weight still. everyone at work complaining of the heat in the office so I know its not *just me. though Im sure its worse for me... doing it again Ill be sure its sub-60 degrees outside as this weather makes the dnp much more annoying to deal with. got home and had dinner - didnt have the energy to do much else. weighed in at 205.5 -its still working but just slowing down. Dosed my last dose of this course and went to bed.

Well - thats it for the DNP for now. Down 12.5lbs so far in 2 weeks. didnt change my diet from what I was previously eating when I was trying to lean up w/o dnp. only performed maintenance weight work; and no over the top cardio. first couple days suck, after that not bad. summation of actual and *possible* sides included; in the beginning - 'puffy' and reddend skin, infrequent headaches, some upset stomach and queasiness, a couple muscle cramps, maybe some random zit/blisters but cant be sure it was the dnp for those - maybe just indirect side from sweating more than usual. Throughout there was elevated heat, and subsequent sweating and an overall feeling of lethargy/weakness. we'll see if I drop any more water weight but even if I dont Im happy with the results as Ive lost weight in areas that seemed to hold it regardless of my cardio before (ie face) and I was able to bust through a wall I was at for a while. If I have any delayed sides which I think is doubtful or I do drop any material weight Ill post it up here. thanks guys - hope this was somewhat helpful.
204.5 last night. Ill post one more time on Monday when this stuff should be out of my system completely.
205lb. I feel a lot better - didnt realize how uncomfortable I was always feeling muggy. Skin feels like its a little thinner than when I stopped but is probably getting offset with glycogen reserves filling back up. Had a bunch of carbs on Fathers day w/ no sides from the DNP lingering in my system so happy to see that go quickly though on a 10 mile bike ride my thighs still quickly fatigued. looking forward to more muscle stamina returning over the coming week. otherwise - feel great! might do another course when summer is over :-)
205lb. I feel a lot better - didnt realize how uncomfortable I was always feeling muggy. Skin feels like its a little thinner than when I stopped but is probably getting offset with glycogen reserves filling back up. Had a bunch of carbs on Fathers day w/ no sides from the DNP lingering in my system so happy to see that go quickly though on a 10 mile bike ride my thighs still quickly fatigued. looking forward to more muscle stamina returning over the coming week. otherwise - feel great! might do another course when summer is over :-)

shit i couldnt bike 10 miles if i tried, lol, your probably feeling nice and full and tight now that youve been off the dnp for a while
Since DNP has an anabolic rebound effect, what you guys think of running it before AAS cycle. get shredded, give two weeks in between and start the cycle!?!
Since DNP has an anabolic rebound effect, what you guys think of running it before AAS cycle. get shredded, give two weeks in between and start the cycle!?!

Its always best to get as shredded as possible before any steroid cycle however I don't have any experience with DNP so I honestly couldn't answer this regarding the anabolic rebound effect your speaking of, so bump for those who know