First Tren Cycle


New member
So I've decided to go with a test/tren/var cycle and wanted to get you guys thoughts. Rolling easy since it's my first... Any and all feedback appreciated.

1-15 Test E 300mg
1-11 Tren 500mg
1-20 Arimidex .5mg eod
12-15 Anavar 60mg/day
12-15 N2Guard
17-20 Nolva 50/50/25/25

I'm leaning towards Tren E for reduced chance of sides. Pct-Shop has both in stock...
T3 recovery in pct recommended since Tren is hard on natural T3 production?
Any liver protect product you guys prefer over the N2Guard? I don't have a preference, just heard good reviews on it.
Cycle looks good, make sure you add in caber at .5mg e3d to combat prolactin sides. Also acetate is preferable for a first tren cycle as if you start getting nasty side effects you can get it out of your system in a matter of days rather then weeks with enth. I'm running my first tren cycle right now
Solid looking cycle but like stated above tren can really have adverse reactions to some and if you are one of those people ace would be better. If you freak out then you can hide it better for 3 days vs a couple weeks. Have caber on hand also.
Cycle looks good, make sure you add in caber at .5mg e3d to combat prolactin sides. Also acetate is preferable for a first tren cycle as if you start getting nasty side effects you can get it out of your system in a matter of days rather then weeks with enth. I'm running my first tren cycle right now

From what I've read prolactin sides are a result of progesterone and its direct relation to tren is a common myth. So if it's actually the progesterone then arimidex and nolva should do the trick to keep prolactin at bay. On another board there's guys getting bloods on tren with AI and prolactin is still at baselines.

Another theory is tren does not cause prolactin to raise directly but does cause t3 to drop causing hypothyrodism which raises prolactin.

I have t3, will pick up some caber just in case tren-dick sets in. At $10per that sh!ts expensive
Solid looking cycle but like stated above tren can really have adverse reactions to some and if you are one of those people ace would be better. If you freak out then you can hide it better for 3 days vs a couple weeks. Have caber on hand also.

Another reason for me needing to run Tren E instead of A is I travel a lot and don't want to carry on flights to accommodate the EOD pinning. Think I should just reduce the dosage and taper up until tolerance is tested?

Amazing avatar pic btw
From what I've read prolactin sides are a result of progesterone and its direct relation to tren is a common myth. So if it's actually the progesterone then arimidex and nolva should do the trick to keep prolactin at bay. On another board there's guys getting bloods on tren with AI and prolactin is still at baselines.

Another theory is tren does not cause prolactin to raise directly but does cause t3 to drop causing hypothyrodism which raises prolactin.

Prolactin and progesterone are not directly related. Progesterone has nothing to do with it. It is the balance of E2 and Prolactin which becomes and issue.

I have t3, will pick up some caber just in case tren-dick sets in. At $10per that sh!ts expensive

Prolactin and progesterone are not directly related. Progesterone has nothing to do with it. It is the balance of E2 and Prolactin which becomes the issue. It is most definitely dopamine mediated, which is why Caber and Prami are recommended. I know from experience that if you try to treat 19nor gyno with just an AI , you are in for a surprise and possibly some milk.
So I've decided to go with a test/tren/var cycle and wanted to get you guys thoughts. Rolling easy since it's my first... Any and all feedback appreciated.

1-15 Test E 300mg
1-11 Tren 500mg
1-20 Arimidex .5mg eod
12-15 Anavar 60mg/day
12-15 N2Guard
17-20 Nolva 50/50/25/25

I'm leaning towards Tren E for reduced chance of sides. Pct-Shop has both in stock...
T3 recovery in pct recommended since Tren is hard on natural T3 production?
Any liver protect product you guys prefer over the N2Guard? I don't have a preference, just heard good reviews on it.

Actually, trenbolone enanthate has very little side effects on liver except overdose. But if only want to get liver protect products, Liv52 is good to try.