High Blood Pressure

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Sup everybody, I have been off cycle for over 3 months now, and I did have some complications with my heart on my last cycle, went to the DR. because I got numbness in my left arm 2 months into cycle...it was like this:

Anadrol 50mg week 1-4
Test 600mg week 1-12
Deca 400mg week 1-12
ran fina and winny at the end...
however took 25 mg of nolva daily
along with .5mg of armidex and then
finished up with my clomid, ran milk thistle
through cycle as well....

However, still been clean for over 3 months, and I can still
feel my blood pressure is high and rising sometimes..I was
just wondering if there is a mediciation or any herb or anything
that I can buy to make it go down?
I'd go see a doc.

I was retaining a ton of water post contest (rebound from diuretics and water and sodium depletion) - I mean a ton. Got my blood pressure tested, and it was at slightly into the high levels on the systolic. Now, about 2 weeks later, I think I've dropped most of the water, sat in the machine yesterday and it was back to normal (off the bottom of the low, which is normal for me). Not sure why I'm telling you this, lol. If it had still been high, I'd have been making an appt today!
doing cardio will lower blood pressure and a medication called capoten i believe that is it but not 100% on that. How old are you? I have been having the same problem and increase my cardio to lower it. try that and see what happens.
22 years old.......I only ran the fina for 4 days...because then nips started burning like crazy, this is my 5th cycle.....I was trying to break 200 pounds, I was 163 and I finished at 190!!! and now I have been clean and at 187 pounds!!!
thanks body2see..I have got an appointment on monday we will see what happens, I experience a lot of the same things...as listed above....I know I am 22 and last time I went to the DR..my BP was 170/60 and the nurse said that can't be right, and she checked it again..and it was the same 170/60....she asked me if I was feeling ok..I said fine!! so hopefully we will get some results on monday..