High blood pressure ?

King richard

New member
I started my cycle with 40 mg of dianbol, for 3 weeks then started anavar at 30 mg a day with 200 mg/ ml of masteron Ethan once a week.my blood pressure before I started was 125/95. Now it's 155/ 111. Is this normal?
sorry for delayed response bro, and im going to move this into the correct forum so others can see this thread and respond, and yes its totaly normal if ur BP goes up on those drugs, doesnt always happen but happens enough to say its pretty normal to go up, now im not sure what those numbers represent in terms of how high they are compared to normal, i just know ur BP does go up when on those 2 drugs
dont hit the panic button just yet, take it 3 times a day for like 3 or 4 days, and see. Wouldnt just go off of one reading. Likes of things can spike it. But Yes, Dbol is one of them.
There's some over tge counter natural stuff you can take to help lower your blood pressure while your on those drugs too.
garlic, fish oil, Peptopro believe it not. normal or prehypertensive as they call it now is 120/80. Water retention is the normal culprit for the increased pressure. Whats your pulse rate?
Although I am natural now, back in the day when I wasn't, I really struggled with Var...absolutely loved the hardness it gave me, but I was actually getting nosebleeds from it daily...Meanwhile harsher products such as Dbol and Anadrol never really bothered me...

Funny how some people respond differently...

I would donate some blood volume, lose some red blood cells, cut sodium and increase water intake...Lisinopril is very safe and works well if you need a temporary BP med.
Hi Richard,
Yes its normal and like to share some tips to lower high blood pressure.
Do exercise regularly to reduce and maintain body weight and manage stress. Eat whole grains, raw food and low fat dairy products in daily meals. Reduce the amount of sodium in meal plans and avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine. Monitor your blood pressure daily.
Get on 400mg of COQ-10 You can buy it over the counter. Takes about 2 months but will help get your blood pressure under control.....very good for people who want to avoid prescription blood pressure meds or for those who want to be able to get off the blood pressure meds.
Although I am natural now, back in the day when I wasn't, I really struggled with Var...absolutely loved the hardness it gave me, but I was actually getting nosebleeds from it daily...Meanwhile harsher products such as Dbol and Anadrol never really bothered me...

Funny how some people respond differently...

I would donate some blood volume, lose some red blood cells, cut sodium and increase water intake...Lisinopril is very safe and works well if you need a temporary BP med.

bro if i didntalready know that you know ur shit, i would tell ya someone mixed up ur drugs,lol, you dont hear too many people have that opposite effect
bro if i didntalready know that you know ur shit, i would tell ya someone mixed up ur drugs,lol, you dont hear too many people have that opposite effect

:) Yeah I know, it always keeps me open minded when I hear people react differently to certain things...

I am like that with NyQuil as well....If I take that when I am sick, Im awake for days at a time!!

BTW Press, great to see ya, hope you and the family are well!